10-30-2024, 04:48 PM
putting this in a thread because it's easier to revisit in the future than scouring old posts
Project 2025 is not a concern
its principles have been around in one form or another for like 50 years and it's largely unhinged daydreaming without a chance of widespread success
if trump is elected, here's what will happen:
over the course of his presidency, one or three of the goals of project 2025 will begin to look like they're being advanced through some piece of legislation, like it's laying the groundwork or a prerequisite for something worse
it won't actually be "project 2025" of course, it'll just be ordinary legislation that happens to lean a certain way, because their document is 887 pages and it would be impossible for the conspiratorially-minded not to draw connections to any piece of legislation
for example, immigration will be tightened up in some ways, because currently that's what most americans want, and not because a shadow organization wills it
proponents of doom will wail and scream and say this is just the start, oh my stars, it's happening
then little else will happen and life will go on as normal
and four years later you'll say phew we narrowly missed on all this evil stuff happening, if not for all the brave work from all who opposed it, we barely held them off from succeeding, but stay vigilant, because now there's project 2029 on the horizon
if I am wrong and the heart of project 2025 takes root in america, I solemnly swear to post "lol whoops" in this thread
(10-30-2024, 03:08 PM)ComeAgain wrote: It very much is a concern.
Project 2025 is not a concern
its principles have been around in one form or another for like 50 years and it's largely unhinged daydreaming without a chance of widespread success
if trump is elected, here's what will happen:
over the course of his presidency, one or three of the goals of project 2025 will begin to look like they're being advanced through some piece of legislation, like it's laying the groundwork or a prerequisite for something worse
it won't actually be "project 2025" of course, it'll just be ordinary legislation that happens to lean a certain way, because their document is 887 pages and it would be impossible for the conspiratorially-minded not to draw connections to any piece of legislation
for example, immigration will be tightened up in some ways, because currently that's what most americans want, and not because a shadow organization wills it
proponents of doom will wail and scream and say this is just the start, oh my stars, it's happening
then little else will happen and life will go on as normal
and four years later you'll say phew we narrowly missed on all this evil stuff happening, if not for all the brave work from all who opposed it, we barely held them off from succeeding, but stay vigilant, because now there's project 2029 on the horizon
if I am wrong and the heart of project 2025 takes root in america, I solemnly swear to post "lol whoops" in this thread