Today, 08:34 AM
(Today, 07:03 AM)Polident wrote: (Today, 05:09 AM)TylenolJones wrote: Mass Effect: The Genophage Was a Good Thing
Quote: User Banned (1 Month): Inflammatory rhetoric, supporting eugenics
I don't get how anyone can think curing the genophage is a good decision.
It's a purely emotional choice because, logically, it makes no sense. The genophage is only an issue for the Krogan because of their own culture and way of life. They're a species that is inherently aggressive, highly dangerous, and unwilling to change to ensure their survival. If they refuse to adapt, then as a species, they've brought this fate upon themselves.
Even Wrex, in the first game, acknowledges that the genophage isn't what truly destroyed the Krogan. He points out the same thing I do: his people care more about war than about building a stable society.
And that's without even mentioning their insane reproductive rate—giving birth in batches of hundreds—and their incredibly long lifespans. If just one Krogan has 1,000 babies, then those have 1,000 babies, and so on, their population would explode past a billion in no time.
If the genophage were cured, there would only be two possible outcomes: either mass starvation wipes out most of them, or they set out to conquer the galaxy. Even with Wrex leading them, his authority would always be challenged, and sooner or later, it would all spiral out of control.
Some might call me extreme, but a galaxy without Krogans wouldn't necessarily be worse off. And the same goes for the Batarians.
This is how Aussies talk about kangaroos.
Rabbits would be a more apt comparison.
We would happily genocide cane toads, feral cats, foxes and many other introduced pest species with an exotic disease if we could...
thrill_house wrote:Our own are selling us out. I wonder if this is what 30s nazi Germany felt like. I have a feeling only extreme and brutal violence is going to save us from this.’s-vote-on-house-cr-making-it-law.1134048/page-17#post-137016966
Friendly forum you’ve got here b dumbs
1 month: Supporting Eugenics
PERMANENT DEATH: dismissing concerns of bigotry
(Yesterday, 09:59 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: (Yesterday, 09:52 PM)Jeff_at_the_laughfactory wrote: (Yesterday, 12:28 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:’ve-been-living-through-the-death-of-the-american-man-anthony-mackie.1133109/
ATTN: Gamers Of Virtue
I must regrettably inform you that we have to un-watch Captain America: Brave New World.
Jeff dodged that thread HARD.
Also Fat4all got banned again, anyone find the post that did it?
3 day ban for calling another user Obnoxious lol
Some real pot and kettle shit there Someone posted this in the Community Discussion thread not long after the ban
Quote:It's really strange to see one user banned temporarily over and over and over again for antagonizing other users.
By and large I think this is moderated pretty well.
(Today, 05:09 AM)TylenolJones wrote: Mass Effect: The Genophage Was a Good Thing
Quote: User Banned (1 Month): Inflammatory rhetoric, supporting eugenics
I don't get how anyone can think curing the genophage is a good decision.
It's a purely emotional choice because, logically, it makes no sense. The genophage is only an issue for the Krogan because of their own culture and way of life. They're a species that is inherently aggressive, highly dangerous, and unwilling to change to ensure their survival. If they refuse to adapt, then as a species, they've brought this fate upon themselves.
Even Wrex, in the first game, acknowledges that the genophage isn't what truly destroyed the Krogan. He points out the same thing I do: his people care more about war than about building a stable society.
And that's without even mentioning their insane reproductive rate—giving birth in batches of hundreds—and their incredibly long lifespans. If just one Krogan has 1,000 babies, then those have 1,000 babies, and so on, their population would explode past a billion in no time.
If the genophage were cured, there would only be two possible outcomes: either mass starvation wipes out most of them, or they set out to conquer the galaxy. Even with Wrex leading them, his authority would always be challenged, and sooner or later, it would all spiral out of control.
Some might call me extreme, but a galaxy without Krogans wouldn't necessarily be worse off. And the same goes for the Batarians. Ironically a pretty fun and admittedly silly thread.
Cool forum!
this pretty much encapsulates era/bluesky et al, from the furries to the shirt to the sentiment
no notes
Vish wrote:Democracy is done with. Get out of the United States. I've been lining everything up, but I still am missing the window’s-vote-on-house-cr-making-it-law.1134048/page-17#post-137019786
What do we call these kind of posts? Chicken littles?
[quote="benji" pid='119101' dateline='1741917668']
Quote:Trans people are not a threat to you unless you're an emotionally-stunted loser who only understands masculine self-worth as a zero-sum game dependent on pillaging status from others.
Oh so now being an emotionally-stunted loser who only understands masculine self-worth as a zero-sum game dependent on pillaging status from others is wrong? Why they always gotta blow out other people's candles to make theirs shine brighter.
(10 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote: Vish wrote:Democracy is done with. Get out of the United States. I've been lining everything up, but I still am missing the window’s-vote-on-house-cr-making-it-law.1134048/page-17#post-137019786
What do we call these kind of posts? Chicken littles?
They never say what country they want to flee to anymore.
11 users liked this post: benji, Chudder Barbarity, Potato, Propagandhim, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC, Alpacx, Uncle, Bootsthecat, killamajig, kaleidoscopium
(9 hours ago)Polident wrote: (10 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote: Vish wrote:Democracy is done with. Get out of the United States. I've been lining everything up, but I still am missing the window’s-vote-on-house-cr-making-it-law.1134048/page-17#post-137019786
What do we call these kind of posts? Chicken littles?
They never say what country they want to flee to anymore.
It doesn't matter. You just pick the country you want to go to and show up at the border and they let you in with open arms and give you all the things you want that the U.S. didn't give you.
Didn't you know, the streets are paved with gold and the rivers are flowing with honey in ________ country.
that sounds gross and I believe the number of bees required to supply such a tributary would be unsustainable
They're moving to the Big Rock Candy Mountain.
(Today, 05:09 AM)TylenolJones wrote: Mass Effect: The Genophage Was a Good Thing
Quote: User Banned (1 Month): Inflammatory rhetoric, supporting eugenics
I don't get how anyone can think curing the genophage is a good decision.
It's a purely emotional choice because, logically, it makes no sense. The genophage is only an issue for the Krogan because of their own culture and way of life. They're a species that is inherently aggressive, highly dangerous, and unwilling to change to ensure their survival. If they refuse to adapt, then as a species, they've brought this fate upon themselves.
Even Wrex, in the first game, acknowledges that the genophage isn't what truly destroyed the Krogan. He points out the same thing I do: his people care more about war than about building a stable society.
And that's without even mentioning their insane reproductive rate—giving birth in batches of hundreds—and their incredibly long lifespans. If just one Krogan has 1,000 babies, then those have 1,000 babies, and so on, their population would explode past a billion in no time.
If the genophage were cured, there would only be two possible outcomes: either mass starvation wipes out most of them, or they set out to conquer the galaxy. Even with Wrex leading them, his authority would always be challenged, and sooner or later, it would all spiral out of control.
Some might call me extreme, but a galaxy without Krogans wouldn't necessarily be worse off. And the same goes for the Batarians.
Honestly I thought it was an interesting question. It's been a while since I played Mass Effect 3 so I don't know if they address some of the concerns but in particular the birthrate seems like something that will become a problem regardless of how warmongering the krogans are or not. Would be funny to see the results in Mass effect 4
"No, no it's fine. I just didn't expect it to be all.... Krogans"
Pepito wrote:He's in DC until tonight but his wife is home and he gets a direct call whenever there's a protest outside his home so he knows it's happening.’s-vote-on-house-cr-making-it-law.1134048/page-18#post-137021967
intimidating an old man’s wife because you disagree with his vote, man these people are fucking weird
(Today, 08:14 AM)Potato wrote: (Yesterday, 10:57 PM)killamajig wrote: "Stupid, hateful, arrogant, ignorant ________ destroying their country and hurting their citizens."
Using any other race or gender descriptor will result in a ban.
I kind of always wanted to set up another account just to copy/paste moderators' posts and change "white" to "black" just to see what they will ban me for...
The real answer is "trolling". Thats what I got banned for when I tried to fuck with Booshka, I think. I got a email spoofer that a wanted to see if it worked from SurfShark VPN. One day I got sick of the naked racisim and did that exact thing and was banned for "trolling" within 5 mins. Lucky for me the 3 mods that ALWAYS sign off must have all been in that thread just at the right moment.
"3 mods have to sign off on bans."
"Sure, Jan." The forum that can't mod for shit even when a thread will have several mods, admins or Bdumbs himself posting in them and they don't see shit right in front of their eyes. (unless it's directed to counter the "ResetEra Moderarator Approved" doublespeak or at a mod/admin. then its real shit and all hands on deck)
I can't believe they keep letting the least funny joke character back on Era like the cucks they are. This is what happens when you ban Blamespace. Now we're stuck with a guy who thinks cum jokes are hilarious and has no problem calling ResetEra a shithole both on the forum and offsite. I can't remember what he got clapped for, but it was pretty mild compared to what they deal with now. If any lurkers don't believe me, look up what Blamespace got permed for and ask yourself what Fat4Cum has on Bdubs.
Cool forum, B-Dubs.
I'm sure all the Gaming lurkers that come across your Misery Machine of a forum, will quckly sign up. (with a totaly unbroken system that requies a legit email addess that nobody could easly bypass in 2025. insert what year is this gif)
But this is why we love ResetEra. It's a Clown Show and Shit Show all rolled into one place.
Thanks, B-Dubs!
(9 hours ago)Rendle wrote: They're moving to the Big Rock Candy Mountain.
Thanks for picking that up. I was going to make that reference in some jokey way but I just woke up and couldn't remember the exact lyrics.
did malds stop posting at reee?
Is he mad his mom uses AI to photshop her OnlyFans instead of letting him do it?
(9 hours ago)Rendle wrote: They're moving to the Big Rock Candy Mountain.
Quote:[Verse 1]
One evening as the sun went down
And the jungle fire was burning
Down the track came a hobo hikin'
And he said, "Boys, I'm not turning
I'm headed for a land that's far away
Beside the crystal fountains
So come with me, we'll go and see
The Big Rock Candy Mountains"
[Verse 2]
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
There's a land that's fair and bright
Where the handouts grow on bushes
And you sleep out every night
Where the boxcars all are empty
And the sun shines every day
On the birds and the bees and the cigarette trees
The lemonade springs where the bluebird sings
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
[Verse 3]
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
All the cops have wooden legs
And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth
And the hens lay soft-boiled eggs
The farmers' trees are full of fruit
And the barns are full of hay
Oh, I'm bound to go where there ain't no snow
Where the rain don't fall, the wind don't blow
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
[Verse 4]
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
You never change your socks
And the little streams of alcohol
Come trickling down the rocks
The brakemen have to tip their hats
And the railroad bulls are blind
There's a lake of stew and of whiskey too
You can paddle all around them in a big canoe
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
[Verse 5]
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
The jails are made of tin
And you can walk right out again
As soon as you are in
There ain't no short-handled shovels
No axes, saws, or picks
I'm a-going to stay where you sleep all day
Where they hung the Turk that invented work
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
I'll see you all this coming fall
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
sounds about right
(Today, 09:46 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: 1 month: Supporting Eugenics
PERMANENT DEATH: dismissing concerns of bigotry
ERASED FROM ALL EXISTENCE: saying you like tits
Aww come on ma. At least let me operate the camera.
No Vernon. I’ve told you before I’m not comfortable with it. Now be a good boy and go play with your robots while mommy pistons these cucumbers.
(Today, 06:45 AM)benji wrote: (Today, 03:39 AM)benji wrote: (Today, 03:32 AM)killamajig wrote: Jeff just lurking his own thread. Had time to delete his tweets after I posted them though. 
I’m sure Jeff is going to let plagiarize know about his thoughts on this any day now.
(8 hours ago)killamajig wrote: (Today, 08:14 AM)Potato wrote: (Yesterday, 10:57 PM)killamajig wrote: "Stupid, hateful, arrogant, ignorant ________ destroying their country and hurting their citizens."
Using any other race or gender descriptor will result in a ban.
I kind of always wanted to set up another account just to copy/paste moderators' posts and change "white" to "black" just to see what they will ban me for...
The real answer is "trolling". Thats what I got banned for when I tried to fuck with Booshka, I think. I got a email spoofer that a wanted to see if it worked from SurfShark VPN. One day I got sick of the naked racisim and did that exact thing and was banned for "trolling" within 5 mins. Lucky for me the 3 mods that ALWAYS sign off must have all been in that thread just at the right moment.
"3 mods have to sign off on bans."
"Sure, Jan." The forum that can't mod for shit even when a thread will have several mods, admins or Bdumbs himself posting in them and they don't see shit right in front of their eyes. (unless it's directed to counter the "ResetEra Moderarator Approved" doublespeak or at a mod/admin. then its real shit and all hands on deck)
I can't believe they keep letting the least funny joke character back on Era like the cucks they are. This is what happens when you ban Blamespace. Now we're stuck with a guy who thinks cum jokes are hilarious and has no problem calling ResetEra a shithole both on the forum and offsite. I can't remember what he got clapped for, but it was pretty mild compared to what they deal with now. If any lurkers don't believe me, look up what Blamespace got permed for and ask yourself what Fat4Cum has on Bdubs.
Cool forum, B-Dubs.
I'm sure all the Gaming lurkers that come across your Misery Machine of a forum, will quckly sign up. (with a totaly unbroken system that requies a legit email addess that nobody could easly bypass in 2025. insert what year is this gif)
But this is why we love ResetEra. It's a Clown Show and Shit Show all rolled into one place.
Thanks, B-Dubs!
Just FYI, I believe that not only do they track IPs but they also track device IDs, so without using a totally different device in a different location to where you posted before, they compare your info to previously banned members, then you get pinged for trolling.
These people Jeff Marvel is always snarfing at on Twitter. Are they known or are they just random nobodies.
Violence Jack, post: 136988046, member: 1187 wrote:Question: what are the rules about calling other posters "Nazis" and general attacks on them? I'm seeing this a lot more often (especially in Tesla threads), but it seems to be getting pretty bad when all I want are updates for how awful Tesla is tanking. I know all the mods are probably up to their ears in reports, but there are some pretty vicious things being said and getting very heated (which I completely understand, but I don't think us attacking each other helps anything).
aerie, post: 136988493, member: 4112 wrote:Please report them if you haven't, and kindly encourage others to do so if they see the issue too. We're running slow due to a really high workload at the moment, so please be patient. It may take up to 24 hours for your report to be processed, and in some cases, especially if it's difficult or unique, it may be longer.
AgentLampshade, post: 137017398, member: 749 wrote:It's annoying to see people repeatedly banned for the same thing then come back with absolutely 0 change in attitude. Like damn, have a bit of self-reflection.
Embiid, post: 137030079, member: 92190 wrote:Yeah my man I brought this up a few months ago and got a great response:
[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
Man that’s a solid 100% reasonable, measured response. But post counts shouldn’t be one of the deciding factors for this shit. Some people don’t post much but they drop lengthy, thoughtful dimes when they do. And then there’s folks that drop mindless one-liners 50 times a day that contribute nothing to the community but they allowed to get banned 10-15 times just because they online all day? That’s ridiculous man. And the worst part is they don’t learn from it, they don’t adjust, they just keep doing the same shit and keep getting banned over and over for the same shit. There’s no reflection whatsoever
Someone should tell NepNep to disown her brother since he owns a Tesla and is a Nazi.
(5 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote: zeovgm wrote:Anyone who owns a Tesla is almost certainly wealthy enough to sell it and get a new vehicle without issue.

He edited it lol
Quote:Edit: This was reactionary and ignorant. Apologies.
Last edited: 10 minutes ago
4 hours ago
(This post was last modified: 4 hours ago by Taco Bell Tower.)
Quote:I can't sell my car, I've been unemployed for 4 years, there's no way I can get money out of it and buy another car at the moment.
Quote:Serious question: Why not?
You can't sell it for a couple of grands and buy a used Camry or something?
Quote:Are you being serious?
If someone owes tends of thousands of dollars on a car they can't just sell it for what they owe, they would not get anywhere near that privately or through a dealership. As soon as they take ownership of a new or used car it depreciates in value. It doesn't work like that and is not that easy. Lol
Quote:I always forget that Americans tend to go in debt for car payments and don't actually own their shit.
(4 hours ago)Taco Bell Tower wrote: (5 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote: zeovgm wrote:Anyone who owns a Tesla is almost certainly wealthy enough to sell it and get a new vehicle without issue.

He edited it lol
Quote:Edit: This was reactionary and ignorant. Apologies.
Last edited: 10 minutes ago
He realized even that was too retarded for him to post lol