Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
A few years back an old gaf breh from Belgium passed away, dawg/guerrilladawg. He was good people. His tagline was "hey it's that dog". He offed himself.

That one was a shocker.
2 users liked this post: Keetongu, Taco Bell Tower
(03-19-2025, 03:10 AM)benji wrote:
(03-19-2025, 03:10 AM)benji wrote:
(03-18-2025, 02:12 PM)NekoFever wrote: Era has endless threads about how shit everything is. Everything is expensive, housing is unaffordable, employment is insecure, social contract breaking down, the world is increasingly unstable, mental health in the toilet, etc. All true. Lots of people are struggling.

Then they tell men that they have it easy and should shut up and deal with it, and then are Shocked Pikachu when men, who are struggling as much as anyone else, stop listening and go where people at least pretend to listen to their problems.
I want to come back to this because of another post I saw that's expressing basically the same thing as in the quoted one here. And it's not what they're saying about men, it's what they're saying about themselves.

The assumption that you have to "coddle" someone to win their support. That to show understanding of what upsets them and offer answers in some form is coddling them. It runs further throughout in that thread that they believe the only way to win people over is to tell them everything believe is correct and never challenge any of their beliefs and so on.

And you have Nepenthe and rest all like "nah, they should shut up and be better people." As if it's not possible to reach out to them and make them better people. That's completely excluded by them from the equation. Even though from a pure math standpoint they don't have to actually win a majority to deflect the issue, just lose by less. Much of that thread and similar ones never seem to understand this, they constantly talk about how "oh so women and minorities have to sacrifice" because they can only think in zero-sum manners.

There's a long known electoral calculus to Republicans regarding breaking the Black vote from being 90/10 Democrat. Republicans don't talk about this in terms of making it 50/50 because that isn't needed, the advantage to the Democrats goes away if the Republicans can get it just to 80/20. And Republicans would start flipping major blue states at 75/25. Most of that thread ignores that men were like 60/40 and so just passes over the idea of making it more like 55/45 or 50/50, instead the entire conversation starts from the premise that men are 100/0 and that it'd be impossible to get them to 0/100. Nepenthe even has a post where she decries trying to win men because she suspects they will still vote 50.1/49.9 for Republicans. Even though this would be a massive victory for the Democrats and win them far more elections.

It's not the only problem because they also bake in an assumption that there must be a fundamental conflict between men and women/minorities so that you can't win more of the former without completely discarding the latter. From a people who lecture us endlessly about solidarity. This isn't just a problem for democracy and electoral politics in general, it's a much more relevant premise to an entire worldview. They see all people as groups and all groups as exploiters of all other groups. Men just happen to be on top, which means the right side of history will put them on the bottom. Nobody being oppressed is even conceived of because they work from the assumption that men are inherently inhuman evil creatures that will exploit all others. That's why the only way to win any men, except themselves being enlightened evolved beings, is to hand them women and minorities to abuse. It's all the brutes want. (Which help explains why I'm not really a man btw.)

They just have such huge problems about breaking away from the zero-sum all-or-nothing catastrophic thinking over there. Every thread is just filled to the brim with it. They launch massive attacks on anyone who pushes back against it. Every thread is about making perfect the enemy of good. A constant demand that everyone else be perfect in the poster's mind at all times, while never having any standards at all for the poster. And since this is actually impossible it's just an endless parade of condemnation for the imperfection of reality.

And then they can't figure out why they're perpetually miserable. Or rather, they know why they are: everyone else failing them all the time.
Factually wrong. Post from your real account coward.

ffs I thought that was Blueballs quoting benji  Dead
(03-19-2025, 11:00 AM)StandingOvation wrote:
(03-19-2025, 07:37 AM)Greatness Gone wrote: some clean, wholesome mod-approved fun™ on resetera dot com. what a laugh riot these two are  Heart Heart
Fat4all, post: 137213781, member: 906 wrote:why did society decide guys don't get flowers

i like flowers

i like vases

i like being thought of and getting pieces of beautiful nature
Nepenthe, post: 137213805, member: 1995 wrote:You're a dog.

You're going to eat them.

And then you're going to get sick.

And then you're going to look at me all confused on why you somehow made food.

And I'm not gonna be able to help you.
Fat4all, post: 137213856, member: 906 wrote:remember everyone, if you want flowers, mods won't have your back

especially if you are a cute loveable dog that talks about sex a lot
Nepenthe, post: 137213889, member: 1995 wrote:You can't even see half the colors of the flowers.

Get a room you two!  Games as a Service

B-Dubs:  maf *bans fat4all*
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth

Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Racism and misogyny over multiple posts
thillygooth wrote:
Heysoos wrote:Can I ask why it took you until Destiny's sex crimes coming to light for you to distance from him? Even ignoring his racist past with such gems as advocating for freely saying the n and f slurs. You didn't bat an eye when he said things like protestors should be shot and mowed down by right wing militias, or Israel could drop a nuke in gaza and it wouldn't be a genocide, or him mocking another content creator crying after a deepfake porn scandal, or how CP is a moral good because it prevents people from acting on those urges, or him talking about getting an 8 year old kid to flash on cam with a bunch of his friends? You called it the "the hardest Milkshake Duck I'll ever have to cut ties with" but this shit has been out there for years and not exactly hidden before his sex crimes were brought to light.
Context, quite simply.

I won't put a lot of effort into defending it because Steven doesn't deserve my support anymore, and it's entirely possible I'd get banned for posting the context of the things he's said (and defending them) so you'll just have to use your imagination. Not to mention this always happens when there's any criticism of Hasan and I hate myself for letting you guys distract me. Again.

I will pick one quote though because it's the most obviously misrepresented quote from him and as a Black man people can't understand why it doesn't bother me:

The rioting needs to fucking stop. If that means white redneck militia dudes mowing down dipshit protesters that think they can torch buildings at 10 PM, at this point they have my fucking blessing. Holy shit, this shit needs to stop. It needed to stop a long time ago.

You, and literally every one else, editorialize that quote to the point that the rioting (literally the second word in the quote) is removed from the context to make it sound like Steven's advocating for just killing protestors for being uppity.

What he said: "At this point, I don't care if rioters burning buildings are shot"
What you heard: "Shoot black protestors"

And I'm not wading through the muck to clean up his reputation any more than that.
PlanetSmasher wrote:Yeah, I do. And her family absolutely loves me, which is nice. We live pretty far apart from each other so we don't see each other often but her dad and her uncle are always checking in on me and seeing if I'm doing well.

Probably out of absolute pity if at all.
Factually wrong. Our Benji is Two Hearts.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(03-19-2025, 11:36 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
PlanetSmasher wrote:Yeah, I do. And her family absolutely loves me, which is nice. We live pretty far apart from each other so we don't see each other often but her dad and her uncle are always checking in on me and seeing if I'm doing well.

Probably out of absolute pity if at all.

Daily wellness check.
[Image: 9nyozw.jpg]

never thought i'd say this
(03-19-2025, 06:41 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Trolling. Long history of trolling.
BlueManifest wrote:Really the perfect team would have been Bernie sanders and musk, Bernie would have raised taxes while musk cut spending

Cults really are the humorless sort, eh?
(03-19-2025, 07:13 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Lady Dimitrescu wrote:Currently all my spare time is sucked away by shooting a year's worth of OnlyFans content ready for an August launch. Usually I play videogames and I want to get into paranormal investigations. I have a Ghostbusters PKE meter from Hasbro which actually detects EMF and that's fucking rad.

I enjoy customising and making props for cosplay, so I guess crafts could be a hobby. I want to do D&D but I've never done it before. I have a character but it's homebrew AF because they are a person who travels providing Gender Affirming Healthcare to people. So their spells consist on (warning slightly nsfw descriptions) giving people and creatures massive boobs, or giving them a vagina or a large penis. Because there's nothing more I want to do than suprise an orc in battle by making it grow giant bazongas and just confusing it, or giving a thief a shlong so large it weighs them to the floor! 🤭

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
If RE was any fun they'd talk about how Ubisoft gave Asmongold an early access key for Assassin's Creed despite him being the #1 chud streamer
(03-19-2025, 10:40 PM)Alpacx wrote:
(03-19-2025, 10:06 PM)Potato wrote:
(03-19-2025, 08:51 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: It's a cool show. Stephen Graham is a good actor but I've seen it all at this point, yes son calm down son thats right yer see I toldya didn't ah now now lad eat yer brekkie go on fella see you're all right aren't ya yeah ya alright with us now aren't ya

Netflix stuff has a new habit of like, explaining how the world and law works for mere mortals. Entire scenes of dialogue about procedural nuances the general public might not 100% appreciate. The film that was like First Blood did this.

Not to defend Netflix, but they are much more focused on a global audience than any previous production studio ever. It might be they are thinking they need to explain this stuff more because of that?

I think I've read they try to cater to people who watch shit when paying half attention (like on their phones and shit) too

That part is indefensible.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(03-19-2025, 11:08 PM)Nintex wrote: A few years back an old gaf breh from Belgium passed away, dawg/guerrilladawg. He was good people. His tagline was "hey it's that dog". He offed himself.

That one was a shocker.

A neogaf/Resetera regular killing themselves is NOT shocking in the slightest. This thread and it's many predecessors is all the documentation you need to know that it's not a healthy community.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Too much DEI or too little?


Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: 00-story-image-gal-gadot-legs.jpg]

[Image: wai94sjvcf541.jpg?auto=webp&s=59e111ad26...ee66db0e85]

[Image: g33g0ih6fek21.jpg?auto=webp&s=a4172dabbf...0164ea40cd]

Some of the Gal Gadot hate… uncle Walt would be proud…
(03-19-2025, 11:34 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(03-19-2025, 11:00 AM)StandingOvation wrote:
(03-19-2025, 07:37 AM)Greatness Gone wrote: some clean, wholesome mod-approved fun™ on resetera dot com. what a laugh riot these two are  Heart Heart

Get a room you two!  Games as a Service

B-Dubs:  maf *bans fat4all*

Live footage of Fat4All seeing his 2-week ban, when he was expecting a perm:

[Image: brexit-politics.gif]
Quote:What if, and stay with me here, not being asked to park our anger and outrage while we baby American's hurt feelings over how angry we are and how they don't want this? Just like with feminism and #NotAllMen, being asked to do this kind of centreing of American feelings is absolute bullshit.

Americans coming into these threads to whine should expect to be told off by Canadians, and Americans should be the ones to sit them down and tell them what they can do, and how they can accept that we have a right to be angry and that it's on them to fucking do something.

If Americans thought HAMAS were bad just wait until Morrigan comes paragliding over the border. You lot wanna stock up on bear mace and rape alarms before ole wandering hands comes crashing onto your lawns
Trans women dont make me nervous. Sexually kinky trans women like Lady Dimestru do.
4 users liked this post: benji, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato

OneTrickJeffrey wrote:I watched OG Snow White for the first time last year and I was amazed how well it holds up. It's such a simple yet beautiful work of animation.

Seems like all the narrative bloat added resulted in a much blander film.
I watched it last week and couldn't believe they were trying to revive such an out of touch and offensive story.
Social Justice Warrior 2
(03-20-2025, 12:37 AM)Boredfrom wrote:

Some of the Gal Gadot hate… uncle Walt would be proud…

It's especially funny from a place like Resetera which never had much to say about her acting skills until the IDF stuff came up.
It was the same with Gina Carano. "Don't you ever dare criticize her acting, chud. Oh she's Maga? Never liked her anyway "
Hot chick? Oh, I hate her.

Its Mean Girls but dudes with their grand awakening with a political twist.
MobiousPetOctopus wrote:A lot of people thought Pocketpair stole assets from Pokemon. It's really not absurd to find comparisons between the two. TPC didn't end up suing over copyright but the idea that they might sue for copyright was very prevalent for a long ass time. And this new thing is literally a lawsuit over copyright.

NinjaScooter wrote:It's absurd because a) pocket pair wasn't even sued for stealing assets, so what a bunch of empty headed armchair legal analysis from people on Era or what they "thought" couldn't be any less relevant, and b) Nintendo didn't hire pocket pair to make a Pokémon game, cancel it, and then have pocket pair create a faux Pokémon using all the same art and assets.
MobiousPetOctopus wrote:I feel like you're just digging in rather than being open to seeing how they are comparable, so much for "critical thinking".


The thread got hilarious. Suddenly someone throw Palworld in the mix and MoebiusPetHorroroctopus is saying stupid shit.
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): Ableism. Armchair diagnosis of mental health. Account in junior phase.
JehrmanTheHunter wrote:
astro wrote:What are you even doing?

It's anonymous, and they deserve a little mockery for doing something so condescending and obnoxious lol.
They deserve it huh? And what if this person is just deeply depressed or troubled and this game is what gave them solace? What if they are just neurodivergent and don't understand social norms? Still deserve it?

It's a weird email. This opinions are equally as weird. None of us know anything about this person. What if they read these replies, and it pushes them to suicide? Do they still "deserve it"?

Just be normal, laugh, and practice some empathy.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): Ableism. Armchair diagnosis of mental health.
Nida wrote:This is funny and all but this dude is likely on the spectrum no?
Quote: Cop User banned (3 days): Trolling. Dismissing concerns of journalistic harassment
Arithmetician wrote:Oh no, woe is me, someone sent me an e-mail. How will I survive this?
Quote: Cop User banned (3 days): Dismissing concerns of journalistic harassment
Raistlin wrote:
Bradbury wrote:No, sending someone an unsolicited e-mail telling them how they should do their job is everything but polite. The person don´t deserve to be doxxed, but the mockery of the e-mail with the name hidden is 100% deserved.
Literally just block him. Why is there drama? This is the stupidest thing.

I get annoying emails at work sometimes from people trying to tell me how to do my job. I tend to ignore them, not try to make a story about them.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): Ableism. Armchair diagnosis of mental health.
Hercule wrote:
Westbahnhof wrote:Sorry, that's insane.
What's your job? Because I deal with unsolicited feedback by idiots who don't understand half as much as they presume, it's infuriating, it's obnoxious, it's can be demeaning.
Whoever had the balls and lack of social intelligence and empathy to send this email can live with some backlash.

Let people work in peace.
I feel sorry because it's oblivious they are suffering from autism or something. The amount of Xenoblade X posts he made isn't normal.

I can relate that something can become a obsession real soon. Especially at a younger age it's important to have someone telling you to stop obsessing about something
Quote: Cop User banned (3 days): Dismissing concerns of journalistic harassment
happy2501 wrote:
astro wrote:Where is all this weird concern coming from?

It's absolutely okay to call out sending an email like this lol. This person should learn it isn't acceptable behaviour.

And this ignores the fact people found out they were trying to rile others up to do the same.
which part of this email is unacceptable?? wtf i think it isn't sth further than embarrassing. i also dont get why so many of you guys act like this random guy prevents a doctor to do their job instead of emailing to reviewers, who would care...

Kyuuji wrote:Saw it 8 times in the cinema so yeh, you could say that.
James Cameron's Indigenous Masterpiece

I am a Bird wrote:On the plus side, if he causes a second Great Depression he will also have caused World War III to get us out of it.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(03-20-2025, 02:16 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): Ableism. Armchair diagnosis of mental health. Account in junior phase.
JehrmanTheHunter wrote:
astro wrote:What are you even doing?

It's anonymous, and they deserve a little mockery for doing something so condescending and obnoxious lol.
They deserve it huh? And what if this person is just deeply depressed or troubled and this game is what gave them solace? What if they are just neurodivergent and don't understand social norms? Still deserve it?

It's a weird email. This opinions are equally as weird. None of us know anything about this person. What if they read these replies, and it pushes them to suicide? Do they still "deserve it"?

Just be normal, laugh, and practice some empathy.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): Ableism. Armchair diagnosis of mental health.
Nida wrote:This is funny and all but this dude is likely on the spectrum no?
Quote: Cop User banned (3 days): Trolling. Dismissing concerns of journalistic harassment
Arithmetician wrote:Oh no, woe is me, someone sent me an e-mail. How will I survive this?
Quote: Cop User banned (3 days): Dismissing concerns of journalistic harassment
Raistlin wrote:
Bradbury wrote:No, sending someone an unsolicited e-mail telling them how they should do their job is everything but polite. The person don´t deserve to be doxxed, but the mockery of the e-mail with the name hidden is 100% deserved.
Literally just block him. Why is there drama? This is the stupidest thing.

I get annoying emails at work sometimes from people trying to tell me how to do my job. I tend to ignore them, not try to make a story about them.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): Ableism. Armchair diagnosis of mental health.
Hercule wrote:
Westbahnhof wrote:Sorry, that's insane.
What's your job? Because I deal with unsolicited feedback by idiots who don't understand half as much as they presume, it's infuriating, it's obnoxious, it's can be demeaning.
Whoever had the balls and lack of social intelligence and empathy to send this email can live with some backlash.

Let people work in peace.
I feel sorry because it's oblivious they are suffering from autism or something. The amount of Xenoblade X posts he made isn't normal.

I can relate that something can become a obsession real soon. Especially at a younger age it's important to have someone telling you to stop obsessing about something
Quote: Cop User banned (3 days): Dismissing concerns of journalistic harassment
happy2501 wrote:
astro wrote:Where is all this weird concern coming from?

It's absolutely okay to call out sending an email like this lol. This person should learn it isn't acceptable behaviour.

And this ignores the fact people found out they were trying to rile others up to do the same.
which part of this email is unacceptable?? wtf i think it isn't sth further than embarrassing. i also dont get why so many of you guys act like this random guy prevents a doctor to do their job instead of emailing to reviewers, who would care...

They are not wrong though. That  person is certainly on the spectrum. Era not liking what he did doesn't change that. 

Most people on Era are self diagnosed so they have zero clue what autism is. That new term for example AUDHD means absolutely nothing
Quote:I wish this came about more amicably, like the devs offering a profit sharing to Square Enix or something.
Quote:They shouldn't be able to re-use the Front Mission IP and assets, but game design and game mechanics can be such an open-ended concept...well, I think the developers should still be allowed to create a different mecha game without the IP and their own new. I hope they can reach an agreement of some sort and not be sued into obscurity.


I dunno who is worse with this takes, if ERA or Polygon comment section. At least ERA has people pointing out how this is outright theft but Polygon feels more authentic in their naivety. 

Real talk, those devs thought they could get away with it because China (and may as well get away from it in the Chinese market) and they are fully aware of what they did. But it also sounds like SQ took a while to build their case, because they got a fucking Evangelion collaboration before everything was said and done. Yeshrug It took the Global release announcement to get SQ’s legal team to put their shit together? Mike
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Alpacx, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(03-20-2025, 03:14 AM)Kyon1988 wrote:
(03-20-2025, 02:16 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): Ableism. Armchair diagnosis of mental health. Account in junior phase.
JehrmanTheHunter wrote:They deserve it huh? And what if this person is just deeply depressed or troubled and this game is what gave them solace? What if they are just neurodivergent and don't understand social norms? Still deserve it?

It's a weird email. This opinions are equally as weird. None of us know anything about this person. What if they read these replies, and it pushes them to suicide? Do they still "deserve it"?

Just be normal, laugh, and practice some empathy.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): Ableism. Armchair diagnosis of mental health.
Nida wrote:This is funny and all but this dude is likely on the spectrum no?
Quote: Cop User banned (3 days): Trolling. Dismissing concerns of journalistic harassment
Arithmetician wrote:Oh no, woe is me, someone sent me an e-mail. How will I survive this?
Quote: Cop User banned (3 days): Dismissing concerns of journalistic harassment
Raistlin wrote:Literally just block him. Why is there drama? This is the stupidest thing.

I get annoying emails at work sometimes from people trying to tell me how to do my job. I tend to ignore them, not try to make a story about them.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): Ableism. Armchair diagnosis of mental health.
Hercule wrote:I feel sorry because it's oblivious they are suffering from autism or something. The amount of Xenoblade X posts he made isn't normal.

I can relate that something can become a obsession real soon. Especially at a younger age it's important to have someone telling you to stop obsessing about something
Quote: Cop User banned (3 days): Dismissing concerns of journalistic harassment
happy2501 wrote:which part of this email is unacceptable?? wtf i think it isn't sth further than embarrassing. i also dont get why so many of you guys act like this random guy prevents a doctor to do their job instead of emailing to reviewers, who would care...

They are not wrong though. That  person is certainly on the spectrum. Era not liking what he did doesn't change that. 

Most people on Era are self diagnosed so they have zero clue what autism is. That new term for example AUDHD means absolutely nothing

In the end it doesn’t matter anyway because the game is reviewing better than AssCreed Shadows. Hell, is reviewing better than the OG game Yeshrug 

The faux concern about journo harassment ( lol ) of the usual suspects vs the apologists of ridiculous autistic fanboy. The winner? No one.
(03-19-2025, 07:13 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Lady Dimitrescu wrote:Yeah, I almost replied, I was so close and then I realised 95% of this forum will just dogpile me and because 95% of this forum seem to be cisgender men I'll just be gaslit into thinking I'm the problem.

I wanted to vent about a promotion I missed out on just last week. So this is to replace the LAST woman senior developer and or designer in our department....I was told by my boss when he gave rejection feedback that my interview was one of the best, there was no negative feedback. Just this person had more experience.... Then I discovered the guy they replaced the last WOMAN on the senior team has 4 years less experience than me, on top I have had short term experience RUNNING an entire department. But 11+ years experience in what I do isn't a match for a man's 7!

It seems to me that whether it was a conscious decision or not - they wanted someone who would fit in than stand out...

If I posted my experience on the main forum I guarantee you I'd have no sympathy, no-one would be suspicious, and I would just be told "you sure you're not just jealous OP?"
Lady Dimitrescu wrote:Currently all my spare time is sucked away by shooting a year's worth of OnlyFans content ready for an August launch. Usually I play videogames and I want to get into paranormal investigations. I have a Ghostbusters PKE meter from Hasbro which actually detects EMF and that's fucking rad.

I enjoy customising and making props for cosplay, so I guess crafts could be a hobby. I want to do D&D but I've never done it before. I have a character but it's homebrew AF because they are a person who travels providing Gender Affirming Healthcare to people. So their spells consist on (warning slightly nsfw descriptions) giving people and creatures massive boobs, or giving them a vagina or a large penis. Because there's nothing more I want to do than suprise an orc in battle by making it grow giant bazongas and just confusing it, or giving a thief a shlong so large it weighs them to the floor! 🤭

jesus christ

Willam Willam Willam
(03-20-2025, 03:38 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
(03-20-2025, 03:14 AM)Kyon1988 wrote:
(03-20-2025, 02:16 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

They are not wrong though. That  person is certainly on the spectrum. Era not liking what he did doesn't change that. 

Most people on Era are self diagnosed so they have zero clue what autism is. That new term for example AUDHD means absolutely nothing

In the end it doesn’t matter anyway because the game is reviewing better than AssCreed Shadows. Hell, is reviewing better than the OG game Yeshrug 

The faux concern about journo harassment ( lol ) of the usual suspects vs the apologists of ridiculous autistic fanboy. The winner? No one.
No you're right. What triggered me a little bit when I took a quick look at this discussion is how Era acts like game Journalism is some sacred profession. 

Also the ego of people like Imran Khan is bigger than Belgium

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