Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
Help! My family is dying!

We are experiencing a potentially fatal deficit of whimsy and comfort!

An RTX 5080 would go a long way to helping. Gfx power is anti-fascist.
And I'm using the royal y'all  Karen
(03-20-2025, 08:32 PM)killamajig wrote:

I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to laugh at in SilentPandas posts. At first I thought it was a culture barrier but I think he's just weird like everyone else over there no matter the country.

Personally, I continue to think it's weird that a chinese national living in taiwan posts such anti-American shit constantly. Like, the guy harps on Elon etc incessantly. Totally not a plant
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(03-20-2025, 09:25 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
benji dateline='[url=tel:1742504976' wrote: 1742504976[/url]']
Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1742504731' wrote: 1742504731[/url]']
Why not murdered community actioned so they can't do this again and so others learn not to try and take money from the cops?

Nice try, CHUD

Nepenthe wrote:You cannot advocate for murder or reference real world murder.

Since when? ???
Immediately after that post:

Khanimus wrote:Drop dead in a ditch

(03-20-2025, 09:38 PM)Bootsthecat wrote:
(03-20-2025, 08:32 PM)killamajig wrote:

I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to laugh at in SilentPandas posts. At first I thought it was a culture barrier but I think he's just weird like everyone else over there no matter the country.

Personally, I continue to think it's weird that a chinese national living in taiwan posts such anti-American shit constantly. Like, the guy harps on Elon etc incessantly. Totally not a plant

He is not a CCP plant, though. And nobody likes Elon.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(03-20-2025, 09:25 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
benji dateline='[url=tel:1742504976' wrote: 1742504976[/url]']
Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1742504731' wrote: 1742504731[/url]']
Why not murdered community actioned so they can't do this again and so others learn not to try and take money from the cops?

Nice try, CHUD

Nepenthe wrote:You cannot advocate for murder or reference real world murder.

Pancracio17 wrote:This idiot drank the kool aid juice too hard. Imagine you thinking youre actually doing good when you explicitly do so much harm.

But that's none of my business...
TissueBox wrote:There we are! Aren't you as beautiful as ever. Looking good to go now. 😊

Take care dear. Oh, and don't forget your sandwich!

[You have acquired PBJ Sandwich.]

I don't want anyone with the nickname TissueBox touching me. 

P.S. talking like this doesn't make you a woman
BoredFrom, I wish you well bby. I don't agree in this particular instance, but that garbage is less important that hoping you have a good day. My bire boi, you are sir
Nepenthe's ACAB Values:
Nope Police, paramedic and firefighter training facility anywhere near Atlanta.
Oh yeah $7 trillion a year including billions for genocide, exploitation of the Global South and spying on/infiltrating "leftist" groups.
Echoesofawlw did it better
(03-20-2025, 09:59 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: BoredFrom, I wish you well bby. I don't agree in this particular instance, but that garbage is less important that hoping you have a good day. My bire boi, you are sir

I don’t think Silent Panda is a CCP plant because some comments he did in the VTuber thread during a particularly nasty “China don’t care episode.” He can be annoying and going with the flow of ERA in these issues, but I feel he is more sincere than the Baltimore MDcrab guy. Yeshrug

Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): Inflammatory generalization based upon ethnicity
Arkanim94 wrote:
JohnPaulv2.0 wrote:Is the bar that we're setting for jews here that they must frequently express full-throated condemnation of the Israeli government's actions on social media?
When they are carpet bombing Gaza and genociding an entire population?
Yes absolutely.
(03-20-2025, 10:47 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): Inflammatory generalization based upon ethnicity
Arkanim94 wrote:
JohnPaulv2.0 wrote:Is the bar that we're setting for jews here that they must frequently express full-throated condemnation of the Israeli government's actions on social media?
When they are carpet bombing Gaza and genociding an entire population?
Yes absolutely.
Why is this ban worthy? We don't ask anything less of Americans, why should the collective nation of Jewish people be exempt?
5 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, books, ClothedMac, Propagandhim
Quote:Cop User banned (1 month): Inflammatory generalization based upon ethnicity

It was more of a specifying of a type of human than a generalising imo
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, books

This is so Resetera coded
(03-20-2025, 11:07 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
This is so Resetera coded

4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, MJBarret, books
Nazi's and terfs are cut from the same cloth. I wonder how long it will be until Morrigan goes full Rowling.

A lot of people are saying...

Great to know.

And hear come the boooos

Quote:Glad you all are making your voices heard through answering polls

Quote:Can't vote but can vote in a survey.


Nep in shambles. better start banning

Quote:These people are just as bad as those who voted the orange buffoon

Quote:I couldn't care less what those people think. It that election didn't get them engaged, nothing will.

Quote:Dumbasses have an opinion now? Woooooooow

Y'all didn't listen to Nep. Voting is for suckers.
(03-20-2025, 08:58 PM)benji wrote: People in that thread think the United States military doesn't have the satellite capability of monitoring large groups of people moving across the border after they assemble in Canada? Why the fuck does everyone on that forum think modern militaries like the US or Israel don't have capabilities beyond 1918? lmao

They don't even remember that the big battle they (many of the same posters because so much of HamasEra is Canadian) thought Hezbollah would take out Israel with never even happened.

No one will ever find the Canadian resistance in the prairies, they definitely won't be hunted down by drones and American air power like what happens in open terrain in the Ukraine war.
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, books, Nintex
Quote:Not that I disagree with the result at all, but is there more info on this poll? Was it only Americans allowed to vote in the poll? Was it restricted to Americans that could vote but chose not to? Or did people also take part in the poll that for some reason couldn't vote? Non-citizens living in America, under 18s and the such
Why does he think a pollster, especially one rated A+ as in the tweet, would neglect this?
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, books, Keetongu
Quote:Yes it sucks they didn't vote in 2024. I'm angry at them too.

But let's activate these folks for the 2025 specials and the 2026 mid-terms, let's go. I'd like to see universal healthcare in my lifetime, please.
But I don't want anything you guys want.

Quote:These people can go lie down in traffic and never speak again.
[Image: 16.png]

Quote:This is who we need to target in 2028, not the 77 million who voted in the fascist
These people have been targeted before, but what happens without fail is that they don't show up for the next election when they invariably don't get 200% of their pie-in-the-sky desires they projected onto the democratic candidate, while loudly whinging on social-media about "bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe!".
That's not remotely all non-voters, just the ones who are admins on your forum. lol 

Quote:What is there to even say to this?

Should voting be mandatory?

But the Republicans will never allow that to happen because it hurts them.

Mesoian wrote:
Quote:Y'all know at least some of these people didn't vote because of voter suppression, right. I guess mindlessly hating on a group is easier though.
This poll is also 70% white.

I'm not going to say that voter suppression isn't a factor in the grand scheme of things, it certainly is, but it's almost certainly a VERY low factor for this particular poll.
But 70% of the American population is white.
That thread about the guy sending reviewers an email about their Xenoblade reviews has been emblematic of my point about the hypocrisy of Era.
Anyone who has worked with people on the spectrum can tell you that email was not sent with any malicious intent, it was just a person on the spectrum who's really into Xenoblade. But of course, management can't have this embarrassment on their hands so we cast out anyone pointing out the obvious as "ableist" despite the fact that nobody who was pointing this out was accusing this person of any wrongdoing or moral failings. It's almost as if moderation sees people saying this person is on the spectrum as inherently negative, huh, that seems pretty ableist of the staff if you ask me.
Obviously, no one gives a shit about some rando mass emailing games journos, what's really going on is Resetera approved games have been taking nothing but L's these past few months and the community just needs a heckin feel good dunk on a ""gamer"" so we can remember who the real enlightened ones are here.

Also since we're on the topic, the new assassin's creed scoring 1 mil players is nothing to celebrate, Veilguard had more than twice the CCU that Shadows has right now and was still deemed a flop by EA, 1.5 mil players reached (not sales btw) when they wanted at least 3 million. Era is so desperate for a win, they're like the DarkSydePhil of internet forums.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Much like my namesake, I'm a little drunk so apologies for any grammatical errors.
When Canadian Hezbollah sets the cities ablaze, non-voters and people not condemning Trump on social media daily should be first against the wall.
Nep is strangely absent from the non voters should die thread
Nepenthe wrote:I can't imagine being a kid and hearing my parents say that my sibling is better off dead than alive.

Cuz feel the same about me?

Freudian slip
(03-21-2025, 12:13 AM)Jeff_at_the_laughfactory wrote: That thread about the guy sending reviewers an email about their Xenoblade reviews has been emblematic of my point about the hypocrisy of Era.
Anyone who has worked with people on the spectrum can tell you that email was not sent with any malicious intent, it was just a person on the spectrum who's really into Xenoblade. But of course, management can't have this embarrassment on their hands so we cast out anyone pointing out the obvious as "ableist" despite the fact that nobody who was pointing this out was accusing this person of any wrongdoing or moral failings. It's almost as if moderation sees people saying this person is on the spectrum as inherently negative, huh, that seems pretty ableist of the staff if you ask me.
Obviously, no one gives a shit about some rando mass emailing games journos, what's really going on is Resetera approved games have been taking nothing but L's these past few months and the community just needs a heckin feel good dunk on a ""gamer"" so we can remember who the real enlightened ones are here.

Also since we're on the topic, the new assassin's creed scoring 1 mil players is nothing to celebrate, Veilguard had more than twice the CCU that Shadows has right now and was still deemed a flop by EA, 1.5 mil players reached (not sales btw) when they wanted at least 3 million. Era is so desperate for a win, they're like the DarkSydePhil of internet forums.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Much like my namesake, I'm a little drunk so apologies for any grammatical errors.

One could even argue that it speaks for a wider understanding of autism and people on the spectrum.Between the options of believing that this is someone with autism who doesn't pick up on social cues vs believing that this is some creepy evil nerd, the first option seems healthier (and also more likely)
Yeah, but they don’t want to “whitewash” gamers after demonizing them for years. You are supposed to ‘champion’ people with autism rather than admit that they can be annoying.

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