Great Moments in ResetEra History
Memories to be cherished
When Slayven started a thread to laugh at some white girl who had been abused by her parents and was suing them or something
November 14, 2019 - the banning of KetKat (archive)
bore investigation (archive)

KetKat was (apparently, according to era) a real sweetie who was always very supportive, a problem solver in the mental health era community thread who was always listening and cheering others up

that is, until she was banned for leaking secret mod discussions  omg

KetKat wrote:The way that bigotry is handled by people on Staff is also a bit strange. There was that one transphobic post by a moderator that when posted by anyone else would have been a month ban, but in this case, they were just talked to and allowed to stay on the team. When evidence was presented of how they had said these things throughout their time on GAF before this, it was dismissed and considered resolved. There are also chats that have been shown to people about a moderator on the staff talking in the discord about how Asexuals should not be a part of the LGBT+ community and instead of any challenging or talking through, was essentially told that people could see where they were coming from, to not feel bad, and then dropped.

a timeline of events here is actually best provided by none other than Kyuuji (archive):

Kyuuji wrote:A timeline for those new:
  • Months of inaction while trans threads remain the most hostile and least pleasant place for trans people on Era.
  • This is called out several times but is only dealt with in isolated single cases, like a post being edited out
  • Finally hits breaking point, culminating in an ace member of the forum making a post calling it out
  • Moderators offer support but refuse to stick the thread or address/acknowledge the issue
  • A staff post is made a week later that’s generic, doesn’t acknowledge the inaction and is 50% about the staff themselves.
  • That 50% is lamenting how the staff has been made to feel as a result of people expressing at the inaction
  • Ketkat and other trans members push back, saying the attitude is the very issue we’re trying to highlight
  • Ketkat mentions in a minor part of the post that a staff member that is known to be acephobic
  • Ketkat is banned within minutes
  • Mods suddenly start replying, with more passion than had been shown to the thread in the week prior
  • It’s implied that Ketkat gained illicit access and abused her girlfriend
  • Royalan then details in paragraphs the mod stance on the issue and comes to lock the thread
  • The thread that was made to highlight trans issues is locked by Royalan
  • The Trans Awareness Week becomes the home to share frustrations.
  • Ketkat’s ban reason changes three times over this period.
  • Eventually a staff post is made, much in the same vein as the past one
  • It suggests that we should get back to talking about trans awareness
  • It details that Ketkat is permanently banned
  • Royalan once again comes in to detail why this is the way it is, and asks to be held accountable
  • It is then uncovered that Royalan has posted acephobic comments in the recent past
  • Robin (Ketkat’s girlfriend) mentions that Royalan isn’t even the person being referred to initially.

[Image: 3tzZJCZ.png]

Quote:^ Trans Awareness Week casually hijacked into ERA Staff Awareness Week.

Fucking. Bullshit. 👎

Quote:Hijacking the thread? It's our fucking thread.

Quote:" Please return to the important topic of trans awareness week."??

Lmfao go fuck yourselves.

Quote:Lol, so basically telling us to know our place. Nice message.

[Image: cuHQcTF.png]

(sabrina was not ok)

outside of the short thread where ketkat was banned, ground zero for discussions surrounding the horrible treatment of trans people at era, rampant acephobia among the mods, and calls to FREE KETKAT are mostly contained within the nov 13 2019 trans awareness thread, which seemed to have been left open by the staff as an "airing of grievances" thread (something they are now smart enough to shut down quickly instead):

but there were other protest threads at the time as well:

[Image: yYOmBGl.png]

however, after only a few days of uproar, ketkat was unbanned and made her own deconstruction of events post (archive), royalan stepped down from moderating (later rejoining) and they added a few more lgbtqia+ mods and admins (a rare action post from Cerium!) (archive) which quelled the uprising

indeed, this was the induction of Android Sophia they/themselves, and marked the rise of their star

5 months later, KetKat was permabanned again (archive) and this time no one fucking cared, whether because this time they thought she deserved it, or her cheerleaders had all been quietly disappeared by the mods in that time

[Image: Mfd8x5v.png]
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Venice, benji
(09-22-2023, 06:03 PM)Uncle wrote: January 24, 2019 - Patton Oswalt saves a man's life (archive)
Bore investigation

Patton Oswalt is trolled by a man on twitter, and rather than retaliating or ignoring it, noticed the guy had a lot of health issues and was asking for donations, which he obliged and signal boosted on twitter, repaying insults with kindness and setting a positive example for others

era of course was very angry that money was going toward a shithead trump supporter...though as 2019 was earlier in the site's life, responses were 50/50 on whether era was showing its ass or if in fact this random man did deserve to die

Order wrote:Man it must be nice to be white. You can be as shitty and terrible as possible without consequence. Other whites reward you, and defend you.

Adree wrote:Keep track of this guy and bump this thread every few months and we'll see how much he's changed.

Steeped in a Sea of Games wrote:Hell, maybe he even gets well enough to go harass some minorities in to killing themselves!

for a while, thebore is acknowledged to be watching the discussion unfold (archive)

Deepwater wrote:This thread seems like a honey pot for off site cross posting.

marrec wrote:Ain’t that an indictment though?

Deepwater wrote:Every site that posts about this forum is gutter trash, Always fucking gossiping and keeping tabs like some damn stalkers. Get a fucking life.


marrec wrote:The conduct of some people in this thread proves us little better 🤷🏻‍♂️


PogiJones wrote:Nah, don't compare people and say "We're better." Condemn bad behavior, not people. Comparisons like that lead to a bad place.

marrec wrote:You’re right, just feeling disillusioned by the responses in what should be a feel good thread. Should take a lesson of Patton.

The Kree wrote:marrec posts at one of them, that's why he's always bitching about us and tone policing every goddamn thread.

(The Kree deserves his own coverage at some point, as does a mr. Enzom)

Enzom21 wrote:You post at a hate site and you’re pulling pearl clutching nonsense about people here not being happy about supporting a racist?

[Image: H8o4reP.png]

as venereology put it on the bore:

venereology wrote:maybe if they didn't spend so much time publicly embarrassing themselves other forums wouldn't have much reason to mock them

remember that time he killed his wife by supporting dave chapelle?
2 users liked this post: Venice, BIONIC
(09-25-2023, 04:52 PM)Cauliflower Of Love wrote: remember that time he killed his wife by supporting dave chapelle?

3 users liked this post: Venice, BIONIC, Cauliflower Of Love
User Profile: The Kree

The Kree was long known to be an insufferable cunt, whose primary claim to fame was simply posting users' post counts to shame them and imply they were secret bad actors looking to start trouble

a mysterious stranger once rode into Boretown to drop his collection of Kree baits, then disappeared as quickly as he arrived (archive)

[Image: jgjnC5L.png]

mods started meekly begging him to stop posting users' post counts, but for a long time he continued to enjoy some measure of immunity from judgement

[Image: d1gHwfi.png]

I do not recall what eventually led to his downfall, but at the time there had been justified speculation that he simply created an alt and continued posting at era
4 users liked this post: MJBarret, Venice, HaughtyFrank, benji
(09-25-2023, 05:11 PM)Uncle wrote: I do not recall what eventually led to his downfall, but at the time there had been justified speculation that he simply created an alt and continued posting at era

He went into witless protection as dog faced pony soldier when he was under some community heat, but I dunno if he fully rerolled an alt
1 user liked this post: Uncle
(09-25-2023, 04:41 PM)Uncle wrote: KetKat was (apparently, according to era) a real sweetie who was always very supportive, a problem solver in the mental health era community thread who was always listening and cheering others up

I never saw a KetKat post in which she didn't come across as a massive arsehole, so I never understood all the support she received.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Uncle
(09-27-2023, 12:01 AM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote:
(09-25-2023, 04:41 PM)Uncle wrote: KetKat was (apparently, according to era) a real sweetie who was always very supportive, a problem solver in the mental health era community thread who was always listening and cheering others up

I never saw a KetKat post in which she didn't come across as a massive arsehole, so I never understood all the support she received.

It was from the enabling asspats (aka terrible advice/support) they gave in the mental health threads.
1 user liked this post: benji
Another great Neogaf memory

3 users liked this post: BIONIC, jorma, Uncle
Failed to get the motion passed... because she was high (oooohh)
Gave senior officials sass... because she was high (la-la-lalala)
Then they fired her ass, and I know why (why man?)
Because she was high
Because she was high
Because she was high
July 13, 2022 - elderly man dies due to a bit of chaos

[Image: wwmTIes.png]

Quote:Sickening video released by Philadelphia police shows a group of teens smile and record as they beat an elderly man to death with traffic cones.

The man, identified by local TV station NBC 10 as James Lambert, was taken to the hospital early June 24 but died the following day from his head injuries, police said. (Cops said Lambert was 72 years old, while the local outlet reported he was 73.)

None of the seven involved in the beat down—four boys and three girls—had been arrested as of Friday morning, but police hope the newly released video and a reward of $20,000 for information will generate leads in the investigation.

The video, from security cameras on a street in northern Philadelphia, shows the alleged attackers laughing and recording on their cellphones as they chase the man across a street and strike him with traffic cones.

Police blurred out the victim in the video, but it’s apparent the 72-year-old was trying to get away from the teens just before he was attacked. After a final blow was captured on camera, a young girl appears to cover her mouth in horror as she walks toward the victim. Others soon follow, with one boy leaving the view of the camera while smiling on a scooter.

Separate security cameras captured the group after the attack. In those videos, one boy appears to mock the way Lambert fell during the alleged assault.

Philadelphia police did not immediately respond to a request for additional details about the incident, including how it began and what charges the teens could face if arrested. (archive)
Bore investigation (archive)

a very sad and senseless event, what would era say about this?

well, don't call them animals:

[Image: zjbNNHO.png]

[Image: MplJm7Y.png]

Royalan defends the rowdy tots (archive):

Royalan wrote:
Addie wrote:Some people are absolutely beyond redemption. I’ve got zero sympathy for these kids, and any active participants need to be locked up for a very long time. Remove them from society. This isn’t a youthful indiscretion. Someone who plans to kill a poor old man, laughs about it, actually beats and kills the man, all while filming the entire thing has something seriously wrong with them. They’re broken and dangerous, and they don’t deserve any benefit of the doubt.
I can't get down with this.

I want to be clear: I'm a Black person living in Philly. Everyone I know is talking about this, and everyone I know is aghast at the entire situation. These kids absolutely deserve consequences, legal and lasting consequences, and pretty harsh ones, at that.

But I can't get down with this language (and not to single you out, Addie, you're not the only one in this thread talking like this).

I've watched this video, and there will be no convincing me that these kids set out with the intent to kill a man. I don't even see evidence in this video that these kids thought what was happening would result in this man dying (this does not absolve them, before anybody gets me fucked up). I see one overt aggressor; I see one poor girl who looks horrified from the start of the video until the end. I see the boy in the white shirt who's filming stop filming and look shocked when whatever happens when the girl with the cone runs off-screen happens. And then I see a group of other kids who look a mix of entertained, then complacent, then confused/shocked.

I watch this video, and I see a Lord of the Flies moment in real-time. What I don't see is the same ragtag group of murderers set out with the intent to kill that so many in here are insistent on seeing. And so, I will not use the same language to describe these kids that I would use to describe a ragtag group of murderers set out with the intent of kill. Because THOSE people exist. They're not a fictional archetype. There are cold-blooded killers in this world. We see evidence of this in threads posted on this site damn near weekly. This language should be reserved for them. Because when we use this language, and we start to see these kids (who went too far in some shit they shouldn't have been doing in the first place, which resulted in the death of a man, and yes THEY DESERVE CONSEQUENCES I will repeat) as no different than people who truly do revel and gloat over the idea of killing people, then we create the environment for every kid (and it is not inconsequential that these kids are Black) engaging in any level of illegality to be viewed and thus punished in this same light. We see this same language used to describe the origin of the fear of Black boy shot for stealing a soft drink from a convenience store. This language, used so wantonly, trickles down and becomes the reason it was OK for a bunch of white people to watch a police officer step on the back of a Black girl for acting rowdy at a public pool. The fear and hate that this language spawns becomes the reason why a Black boy in a hoodie, carrying nothing but skittles and an Arizona iced tea, doesn't make it home.

This shit is all connected.

This language is not just inaccurate, but it bears down on the lives of all of these kids. Not just the kids involved in this crime; ALL of These kids. It crushes them down and then reshapes what they see to be the expectations of their lives. It affects the opportunities afforded them. It robs them of the benefit of the doubt so many other kids get when, like most kids, they inevitably do something wrong.

And that's not to trivialize what happened to James Lambert -- his life was stolen by a group of kids who absolutely deserve to be brought to justice despite the hand society has dealt them. But when it comes to These kids, we have to stop stopping at the violence. We have to stop running away from our collective responsibility in how a world was shaped where shit like this can happen, even down to how we talk about it.

Nepenthe weighs in:

[Image: 2F7OAor.png]

[Image: UJDgh6s.png]

[Image: mp4IVQr.png]

Aurizen coins the phrase (archive)

[Image: jf823MX.png]

those little scamps just got carried away, it happens

the greater societal issue of how we treat young Black kids is far more important than any messy details of this particular case

[Image: taN7luz.png]

of course, less than a month later, a 70-year-old Asian woman is brutally attacked in San Francisco, but this time it's not just a bit of chaos, and neither Royalan nor Nepenthe seem to have anything to say
4 users liked this post: jorma, PogiJones, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, HaughtyFrank
Resetera  logo stuff reminded me of Evilore throwing a fit over people wanting an Iwata logo. 

Quote:Hi there. Let's set aside diplomacy for a moment and have a little bit of real talk.

Fuck your expectations and demands. This is a private website. A special gesture was made in solidarity with hundreds of sites across the internet in celebration of the historic passing of marriage equality in the United States. It was intended to be kept through July and will in fact be kept through July as planned. Iwata's death is not more or less important than this; it has absolutely nothing to do with it. You do not get to demand logo changes, and the hundreds of hostile, childish, entitled posts doing so in the thread about Iwata's passing don't do the people in question any favors or make a logo change any more likely. Rather, these posts mostly serve to disgust me and disrespect Iwata's memory, and associate a logo change with acceding to the demands of assholes.

I did in fact ask my art team to create an Iwata memorial logo immediately upon hearing the tragic news, since the idea resonated with me and we were all deeply saddened by his passing. An appropriate memorial logo was created shortly thereafter.

It will not be used. Have a wonderful day.

3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, HaughtyFrank, BIONIC
What about him writing an entire screed about how neogoof stands in solidarity with the Paris climate accords without detailing in any way what that would look like?

Spoiler:  (click to show)
You in? Lore
You in Bionic?

Quote:President Trump has unilaterally withdrawn the United States from the Paris Agreement's previously global human commitment, which had set aside personal ego and political posturing to stand united as a species toward averting the climate change crisis threatening our future and our children's future and endangering all the beauty and diversity of life surrounding us. We were, until today, sharing the common human goal of transitioning away harmful emissions and onto clean, renewable energy.

The United States now stands alone in petty, ignorant, corrupt opposition of this critical global endeavor, and, if we follow along with this executive decision in apathy, the rest of civilization will come to see the United States as an enemy of its own species and saboteur of our one and only collective home, an embarrassment to humanity and an awkward 18th century mistake outstaying its welcome. This is not my desired course as an American whatsoever, but it is the course that has been officially chosen for the United States nonetheless.

However, the current POTUS and his supporters in the White House and Congress do not represent the will of the American people in this: 70% of Americans approve of the Paris Agreement. He does not speak for several of our most important economic and cultural centers at the state government level: New York and California and Washington have already formed a Climate Alliance pledging to continue onward with the mission statement of the Paris Agreement, and more state and city governments appear eager to follow. Apple's Tim Cook, Tesla's Elon Musk, and other influential US tech leaders have condemned the White House's decision and will continue treating this climate crisis as a threat to humanity that must be acknowledged and addressed, not a petty game.

Throw me in with that lot, too.

On behalf of my community here at NeoGAF -- a beautifully diverse, global membership & audience of every country, ethnicity, religion, orientation, socioeconomic status, and video game platform loyalty -- I denounce the US government's decision to withdraw from the historic Paris Agreement that the entire world, including the United States in a vocal leadership role, had already formed universal consensus on and committed to, and I pledge to act in spirit with the mission statement of the Agreement, both personally and professionally as founder and CEO of NeoGAF.

I will not let the whims of the White House determine my own role in preserving or destroying the future. No disingenuous political talking points, or payoffs, or short-sighted selfishness will allow me to rationalize away the realities of our circumstances in favor of apathy or senseless profit. I've been fortunate enough to witness first-hand a great deal of the beauty and diversity in culture and and life and landscape that this planet has to offer, and these experiences have had a profound impact on me that cannot be assigned a dollar value. I refuse to accept that future generations should be left with experiencing what I've seen through the lens of an ancient and whimsical Planet Earth episode or VR simulation while thousands of species go extinct and billions of people lose their homes.

I will continue contributing to environmental activism efforts such as The Sierra Club and NRDC, I will continue to remain conscious of my personal footprint and take steps to reduce and offset it, and I will continue investing in clean, renewable energy technology and infrastructure.

Don't let cynicism or apathy or ignorance or selfishness win. Any conscious effort and action, within your means, to preserve our shared future and the beauty of our collective home is infinitely preferable to an indifferent shrug. This isn't a time for judging or making demands of others; I won't tell you how you should be living your life, how to spend your money, or how to determine and order your priorities, or what you can afford to or have a moral obligation to do. Just take a moment, look inward, and decide whether this whole thing means something to you, and if so what choices you're comfortable with given what you know about the stakes here; whether you're an American or any other brand of human. Meanwhile, I'll do what I can.

You in?

Rofl Rofl
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, BIONIC
Such a lame corny ass motherfucker Dead
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, TylenolJones
(12-12-2023, 03:17 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(12-12-2023, 03:01 AM)Boredfrom wrote: [quote="books" pid='26611' dateline='1702349812']
It's messed up because in a bubble, I think I could be homies with Morrigan cuz I like death metal and metal in general as a curious goof. But she sounds like an awful person that I wouldn't be able to stand next to during a concert cuz her ass would be complaining about something so I dunno.
I heard she has horrible rep with metal fans. She used to run a big site and was infamous for banning dissent and only allowing her opinions.
That and tolerating and platforming Nazis.
[Image: iXw9cxx.png]
Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote:In August 1993, Vikernes fatally stabbed Mayhem guitarist Euronymous during an altercation at the latter's apartment, and was arrested shortly after. In May 1994, Vikernes was convicted of first-degree murder, church arson and possession of explosives.
Quote:During his incarceration, Vikernes launched the Norwegian Heathen Front, had two books published, and released two ambient albums as Burzum.
Quote:He promoted views which combined Odinism and Esoteric Nazism, and openly embraced Nazism during the mid-late 1990s. He has since disavowed the ideology and its associated movements, although critics continue to label his views as far-right.
Quote:The Allgermanische Heidnische Front (AHF) was an international neo-Nazi organisation, active during the late 1990s and early 2000s, that espoused a form of racial Germanic Neopaganism. It grew from the Norsk Hedensk Front (NHF), which was claimed to be led and founded by the musician Varg Vikernes in 1993, although he and the organisation denied it. The program was based on his first book, Vargsmål (1994), published shortly after he was convicted for church arson and the murder of fellow musician Euronymous.
Quote:Filosofem (Norwegian for "Philosopheme") is the fourth studio album by Norwegian black metal solo project Burzum. It was recorded in March 1993 and was the last recording before Varg Vikernes was sentenced to prison in 1994; the album was not released until January 1996, however.
1 user liked this post: benji

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