International Politics
No they didn't. Because they didn't believe he could win. They mostly just called it unconstitutional. 
The press was mostly focused on how this program had sharp edges removed because a bunch of things like extending the ban of Mein Kampf to include the Quran have been taken out compared to previous years. 

There is a climate fund with 35 billion Euro 'parked' because the current government set it up but they didn't get around to spending any of it. 
Most parties want to (partially) use that money (which is already 'spent' on paper anyway) and use it for other things. For example abolishing the own-risk payment in healthcare would cost about 4 billion Euro.
But multiple parties had programs with no financial backing and some had cumulative tax rates of 100%, meaning that while it looked good on paper a lot of companies would go bankrupt.

Most party programs end up in the bin when a government is formed anyway.
(11-23-2023, 10:04 PM)Nintex wrote: No they didn't. Because they didn't believe he could win. They mostly just called it unconstitutional. 
The press was mostly focused on how this program had sharp edges removed because a bunch of things like extending the ban of Mein Kampf to include the Quran have been taken out compared to previous years. 

There is a climate fund with 35 billion Euro 'parked' because the current government set it up but they didn't get around to spending any of it. 
Most parties want to (partially) use that money (which is already 'spent' on paper anyway) and use it for other things. For example abolishing the own-risk payment in healthcare would cost about 4 billion Euro.
But multiple parties had programs with no financial backing and some had cumulative tax rates of 100%, meaning that while it looked good on paper a lot of companies would go bankrupt.

Most party programs end up in the bin when a government is formed anyway.

well that's true i suppose 
i've heard the "no no, it wasn't a promise it was an aspiration" a few times  lol
Well, that is how it usually ends. The VVD promised election after election to get migration under control while the numbers kept going up. The past few years we had a center-right government hamstrung by scandals and backdoor deals. What is most surprising though is that the Green and Labor parties supported most of what they did. Wilders was the opposition leader while the left wing parties aside from the Socialist Party blocked any attempt to ouster the government keeping it on life support. 

The politicians also missed the signs of earlier anti-establishment victories like the senate election victory of FvD in 2019 (followed by the quick collapse of the inexperienced party) and the BBB(farmers citizen movement) victory in the senate elections earlier this year. Rebel coalition MP and whistleblower Omtzigt set up his own center-right party(NSC) but he wasn't committed to leading. He seemed more interested in joining a left-wing government with Green-Labour leader Frans Timmermans at the helm. 

Once he came back from his EU posting everyone predicted that Timmermans would win if the voters didn't want another VVD government with the wild cards being the BBB and Omtzigt once he formed his party just 3 months before the election. No one expected Wilders to win. About 2 weeks ago the polls still had him in a distant 4th or even 5th place. His surge was very sudden in the polls and the polls predicted a 'tie' at best and some still had him in 3rd place with a small margin. No poll predicted the landslide victory.

[Image: pollshddpn.png]
(11-22-2023, 08:21 PM)HardcoreRetro wrote: Good.

Voted for them as well. Strategic vote, normally I would've voted for the Socialist Party but our politics badly needs a shake-up. Fuck em.
With the VVD imploding and Ruttes attempt to become NATO chief completely derailed by all this, Geert is already delivering  Rejoice

He wants the workers to take ownership of the national airlines but they don't want it because it's losing money Ussrcry
2 users liked this post: benji, Potato
Money where your fucking mouths are commie bastards.
2 users liked this post: Uncle, Nintex
The meltdown on the left is a sight to behold. They simply can't believe they lost and it's kind of difficult to call literally everyone a racist or Nazi just hours after they wave their Hamas flags around.

Polls now show that a majority of BBB, NSC and VVD voters want Wilders to head up a center-right cabinet as Prime Minister.  lol


"Yes, I am... totally worried about inequality and intolerance"

Wilders already has a Twitter feud with Hamas and the UAE.  lol
1 user liked this post: benji
(11-25-2023, 10:57 PM)Nintex wrote:

Wilders already has a Twitter feud with Hamas and the UAE.  lol

I agree that Hamas is not exactly the best messenger here.

But the forced displacement of millions of people is still an abhorrent and highly unserious policy in this day and age, in the most unstable region of the world no less. Geert Wilders has not grown past his trolling phase and I question his supporters' intelligence for even entertaining the idea.
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
It is mostly expected that Wilders will moderate himself with regards to domestic policies and the EU but not give up his 'freedom of speech'. 

Although that will change if he becomes Prime Minister. Still, most people don't realize that Rutte's predecessor Balkenende while not as controversial as Wilders was less dull and flavourless than the man who sold the world. Balkenende would often invoke our colonial days in his speeches as a means to motivate the nation, something that would instantly get you cancelled today.
[Image: F_49QHpWAAArCre?format=jpg]

No one has dared to poll the PVV specifically post the election but as of yet 65% of all voters support a center-right government, while among the parties that would form it the support is ~85% on average. Hard to see how the VVD can keep blocking it.
(11-25-2023, 03:56 AM)Potato wrote: Money where your fucking mouths are commie bastards.

The workers are supposed to subsidize our monopoly forever not allow responsive democratic ownership. Juche Sad

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: F_vJ8_wWQAAMNnA?format=jpg&name=small]
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Nintex

Mark needs to secure his job before Zelensky finds out those F16's don't fly.  lol
Watching the establishment steal our election is truely a sight to behold.

- 99% of the media is focusing on how the poor Muslims feel about Wilders winning or how everyone related to Wilders or voting for Wilders is a Nazi (which is now 25% of the voters and of those that didn't vote for Wilders, many would consider voting for him).

- Parties that lost 50% of their voters in less than 2 years are praised and interviewed like winners, not once asked when they will resign  lol 

- Some are saying that Wilders election victory wasn't as much a victory as it was a message to them to do better and they will take that seriously because they understand Wilders voters don't actually want him to run the country.

- The "conservative" establishment refuses to form a coalition government with Wilders, they've used limits on migration and lowering taxes as a way to trick people into voting for them, now that they have a chance to work with Wilders to implement those policies they refuse to even talk to him or rule out joining any government coalition.
- Mark Rutte keeps governing as though no election has happened. He continues to pledge more money for climate funds and Ukraine hoping to secure the job of NATO chief

- Even though Rutte only won with very slim margins for a decade and his coalitions usually had a very slim 76/150 majority, the argument now is that while 1/4 of the Country voted for Wilders, 3/4 of the country didn't and thus he shouldn't lead a government. The reality is that 30% of the country voted for the left and 70% voted for what they assumed was the right. But most of those right wing parties are now dropping their masks as actually being part of the left wing open borders climate cult.

I don't know where this goes, either some parties playing hardball with Wilders will decide to work with him because of public pressure, the establishment simply ignores the election result and puts Frans Timmermans in power or we get new elections. 

If the establishment gets a re-run they can of course attack him more effectively. This election they didn't see his victory coming. It could also mean lower turn-out as voters will be dissapointed their vote is ignored. But what is more likely is that people are more angry at their vote being ignored and dissapointed and that despite voting for the right, the right refuses to govern, so more and more voters will flock to Wilders.

Meanwhile the EU is very excited about the prospect of CARBON PRICING

Ready to steal trillions from our pockets. This climate nonsense is really the biggest theft in history Rolleyes
There's only one outcome to new elections. Wilders increases his vote.
It's strange that Nintex thought Wilders, somehow, would have an easy time forming a coalition. And it has not even been two weeks.
(12-02-2023, 08:38 PM)Potato wrote: There's only one outcome to new elections. Wilders increases his vote.

New post-election poll indeed shows that would happen. 
Surprisingly enough those votes don't come from other anti-establishment fringe parties like Ja21, FVD or even SP but mostly from angry liberal conservatives (VVD).

They would be decimated keeping just 16 seats while Wilders increases his share to 42 seats and his ally BBB to 10 seats.

[Image: GAWnGhXWEAAj3yJ?format=jpg]

With that said, the media would know who to focus on in their attacks. This election was strange with the main establishment candidates Timmermans(labour/greens) and Yesilgoz(conservatives) being pushed by ads and the media for weeks but not resonating with the public at all. The farmers party that won the senate elections earlier this year losing support and the expected winner Omtzigt very insecure and indecisive about being Prime Minister and overall being too technical and abstract. 

Wilders turned the whole thing upside down with a few TV appearances and a couple of debates days before the vote, staying calm and speaking clearly while Timmermans and Yesilgoz were constantly yelling at eachother and Omtzigt was a nervous wreck who looked like he needed to catch up a year of sleep.
The key players had talks today. All except Wilders looked like they had just swallowed a gallon of cum, trying to ignore questions from the press.

But after polling shows their voters are angry they're all more willing to talk in the coming days to explore forming a government with Wilders.
Prior to them fucking around Wilders chances of becoming Prime Minister were slim but now that seems more and more likely.
2 users liked this post: Nintex, Gameboy Nostalgia

It's over and they know it, only Zelensky still believes they can win.
The reality is EU/US aren't delivering nearly enough weapons for any new offensive and aren't producing nearly enough shells to meet demand.
Russia's economy is growing while Europe is stagnating. Russia has more mindless peasants that can drive tanks over mines than Ukraine does.

Zelensky has now ordered new defenses to be built all along the front but they should've started that work months ago. 
The commander of the armed forces Zaluzhny has overtaken him in opinion polls and Klitschko and others also side with Zaluzhny seeing the writing on the wall.
Zelensky now faces a choice, listen to Zaluzhny or fire him and put a general in place willing to launch new offensives. 

Ukraine also isn't having a great relationship with their neighbours. Polish truckers blocking borders, their cheap grain exports banned by most of Europe.

And Putin is no longer a pariah on the world stage.

If the Russians don't launch a massive bloody attack on urban centers we'll probably see the US start negotiations early next year. Better to have some sort of controlled dissolution of the Ukrainian state (think West/East Ukraine) than having Putin take it all on his terms. China will also want Russia to end the war because their economy is going down the drain fast and they have the least to gain from all this. 

Oh and Africa will finally get what they so desperately wanted, no more meddling from the west as right-wing nationalist governments in Europe will finally end the mass migration and development aid. They can rejoice as Erdogan and Putin will control their food supply. In the best case scenario though Europe will forge stronger ties with its traditional allies (US, India, Japan, UK, Canada, Australia) and hopefully stop trying to be the sugar daddy of Hamas 'freedom fighters' and the climate cult.

Israel has so far conducted a very succesful campaign this might be over sooner than anyone predicted.
1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia

The climate cult held their climate party in Dubai, then the Arabs made it a promotionial vehicle for more oil and they're all shocked Dead 

2 users liked this post: Potato, Gameboy Nostalgia

oh great just in time for the holidays. 

wtf is a Koran violation. Dead

Hamas be like

1 user liked this post: Nintex

He actually says it 

But here's the thing more money and weapons won't help. We tried that with the counter offensive.
He can't beat the Russian army in a war of attrition.

NATOs big advantage over the Russians is better planes and ships. But we can't use our airforce or navy in this conflict.

Wilders most important political advisor Martin Bosma has been elected Speaker of the House of Representatives.

The tone has shifted this week, seeing parliament stacked with members of Wilders' party and the new parliament not being a rubber stamp for neo-Liberal/Globalist policy making has made it clear how the political winds have shifted. Some parties that lost big are completely disorganized and unable to mount an effective opposition.

A first round of talks between the right wing parties to form a government are starting next week.
It's becoming more and more likely that Wilders will become Prime Minister.  Smile
1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia

wut, he just casually tosses a grenade in the room.

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