International Politics

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Don't worry luv we're buggering off to a remote bunker because I just ordered some air strikes on Yemen and according to ChatGPT in a few hours this whole thing could escalate into nuclear war with Iran. I wish we could stay in London to see the look on Starmers face when he hears about this, the prick. No elections during war time am I right?

Of course my wife doesn't know babe, I told her I'm at the pork farmers conference in Guildford all weekend.
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Thank you for your service! God speed lads

Iranians are lobbing mostly peaceful ballistic missiles at the American consulate in Iraq.


Why don't they listen to Joe?
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(01-15-2024, 09:31 PM)Nintex wrote: Iranians are lobbing mostly peaceful ballistic missiles at the American consulate in Iraq.


Why don't they listen to Joe?

Iran gonna Iran.

No matter the president.
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They fucked around and found out
Reply wrote:VIENNA, Jan 18 (Reuters) - Austria's Beer Party, founded largely as a joke, hopes to provide some kick against more established parties as its leader on Thursday announced plans to run in this year's parliamentary elections.

The party, set up in 2015, is known for its light-hearted projects but has taken serious swipes at the political establishment and those embroiled in corruption and other scandals.

It has campaigned on issues as frivolous as installing public beer fountains in Vienna, but also on improving the public health system.

It ran in the last parliamentary election in 2019 and secured just 0.1% of the vote but its leader Dominik Wlazny, a 37-year-old doctor and rock musician with the stage name Marco Pogo, came third in 2022's presidential election with 8.3%. To enter parliament, a party needs 4% of the vote.

"Yes, we are ready, for now," Wlazny told a news conference in a black hooded sweatshirt, outlining issues including reducing child poverty, improving equality of opportunity in education and addressing the surging cost of living.

"Why are we doing this? We don't want to moan but rather do things ourselves. Because we are convinced the Beer Party can make a positive contribution in parliament," he said.
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(11-07-2023, 08:04 PM)Nintex wrote: 800% rise in anti-semitic hate crimes in the Netherlands. Trumps 

The mayor of Amsterdam who is currently visiting the Holocaust Museum in Auschwitz calls it a 'national embarrassment' and promises that the police will make it their highest priority.
I'm surprised she didn't invoke Islamaphobia, considering she is a green pro-palestina leftie but maybe not all hope is lost for the old world.

(01-18-2024, 07:02 PM)Nintex wrote:

They fucked around and found out

Don't count your chickens until they're hatched.

Meanwhile Geert Wilders preparing his frank talk with Netanyahu:

"Salt all their lands, bomb all their houses and mosques, kill anyone in sight. But most importantly, leave no survivor: alive they would likely become refugees coming to our flat, gray, rain-soaked country and we in the Netherlands don't associate with savages."

Indefinite campaign against the Houthis
(01-20-2024, 01:48 PM)Sman wrote: Meanwhile Geert Wilders preparing his frank talk with Netanyahu:

"Salt all their lands, bomb all their houses and mosques, kill anyone in sight. But most importantly, leave no survivor: alive they would likely become refugees coming to our flat, gray, rain-soaked country and we in the Netherlands don't associate with savages."
Rutte is a man with no morals, ethics or convictions. 
Whistleblowers just leaked that Rutte had the following request for his department of justice.

"What can we say to make it sound like Israel does not commit any war crimes?"

All to secure his new job as NATO Secretary General(?) which that lying psychopath should never ever get (and probably why this was leaked to the press). 

Make no mistake, Rutte could do much more damage leading NATO than Geert could in any position of power.

The Biden campaign is in full swing Malarkey!
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Quote:The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) has launched an investigation into several employees accused of taking part in Hamas’s 7 October attacks in Israel, and has severed ties with those staff members, its head said on Friday.

“The Israeli authorities have provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of several UNRWA employees in the horrific attacks on Israel on 7 October,” the agency’s commissioner general, Philippe Lazzarini, said.

It was Tuesday!
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Sorry sir, we accidentally hired some radical Hummus. Get outta here with that nonsense.

We spend billions and trillions in aid on sacks of flour that the WHO toss out of aeroplanes? They never tell you who is the WHO. Their music isn't very good I can tell you that. This scam is not only expensive but also very dangerous. Look up little baby there comes the food, wooosssjhhhh bang... watch out, don't let it crush you. How can a beautiful baby lift a big sack. Ridiculous. It's also disgusting you wouldn't feed it to a dog.  

So we are officially withdrawing from the UN and everything related to it in the fine print. From now on great American companies like McDonalds, Dominos, boy do we love Dominos right fellas and Taco Bell, wait who put Taco Bell on the list? Whas that you Vivek? THEY DON'T HAVE SANITATION! 

Oh well, great American companies will feed the shitholes. Thank you everyone.


Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause
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Let's go to war kiddos Thank you for your service!
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(01-27-2024, 10:11 AM)Potato wrote:

Quote:The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) has launched an investigation into several employees accused of taking part in Hamas’s 7 October attacks in Israel, and has severed ties with those staff members, its head said on Friday.

“The Israeli authorities have provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of several UNRWA employees in the horrific attacks on Israel on 7 October,” the agency’s commissioner general, Philippe Lazzarini, said.

It was Tuesday!

You can't just blame the whole group just because there's maybe a handful of terrorists among them!  Social Justice Warrior
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Iran killed 3 US troops and wounded 34 more in Jordan.
Jordan denies it happened on their soil and says it happened in Syria.

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[Image: GFBn8m5WYAAp8aV?format=jpg]

WSJ writes 10% of 12k UNRWA employees potentially have links with Hamas and other terrorist groups according to Israeli intelligence which we know is very trustworthy

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Acting Secretary of State Tucker Carlson is working a peace deal good luck TUCK! OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™

Don't worry Tony we can fix her OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™

Quote:- UNRWA is made aware of reports through the media regarding a tunnel under the UNRWA Headquarters in Gaza.


They made a video walkthrough  lol
I think the Israelis are being a little sketchy here honestly. 

It's a 700m tunnel and the entrances were nowhere near the UNRWA headquarters. Whether they are drawing power from above is a different matter, but the entrance isn't exactly coming from inside the building.

I'm no Hamas sympathiser, but I don't trust the Israelis either. They divinity understand the benefit of a good PR campaign and they have fudged the truth many times before.

Edit: Didn't realise the school is run by the UNRWA. That makes it a little more clear cut.

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