International Politics
Oh no, Hamasbros..
1 user liked this post: Nintex


[Image: GLJ3g1MXYAAmLmv?format=jpg]
Iran telegraphed their attacks days in advance and then used slow moving drones they knew would be shot down, alongside some ballistic missiles that were also intercepted. It was designed as a feint response to show they took a military response, while also not being enough for retaliation. 

The biggest losers were the weird leftists who cheered on the attack and genuinely thought Iran was about to fuck up Israel. I shouldn't be shocked at this stage but the general lack of basic foreign policy understanding from these people is wild.
4 users liked this post: benji, Potato, Nintex, Gameboy Nostalgia
I think Iran got spooked by Jordan and Saudi Arabia joining the defense. They had threatened Jordan and Jordan had closed their airspace for US and Israeli planes but rescinded that when Iran attacked.

The slow moving drones were send to overwhelm the Iron Dome so the missiles could pass through. Same tactic Russia uses in Ukraine. The attack was planned to do significant damage to military targets in Israel. Those ballistic missiles are too costly to fire otherwise.
1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia
I think the most interesting reaction was from Iranian immigrants/diaspora (and those in Iran with VPNs). There’s an enemy of my enemy thing with Israel. Where you had pro-Israel voices supporting the women’s rights protests a couple years ago. Now Iranians are supportive of Israel, insofar as they’re in an awkward position of rooting against the Islamic republic but still nationalistic for Iran pre-revolution. Doubly so when the regime takes money and aid from the people and funnels it into proxies for a conflict. Tracks with my personal interactions. Usually, when they rock a flag, it’s the metal one where a lion is holding a sword. Imagine having the coolest flag and some guys change it, among other things, giving that title to Wales of all places.
2 users liked this post: Nintex, Gameboy Nostalgia
Yep, the left has forgotten that Iran is being occupied by terrorists.
The same terrorists that are now riling up shit in our streets.

Imagine how she feels when Obama and Biden pay billions to the Mullahs that they use to build missiles and fund Hamas.
1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia
(04-15-2024, 12:36 AM)Nintex wrote: I think Iran got spooked by Jordan and Saudi Arabia joining the defense.
I'm skeptical they're that stupid.
A timeline of Twatter retardation

Mostly peaceful protest
(04-15-2024, 12:36 AM)Nintex wrote: I think Iran got spooked by Jordan and Saudi Arabia joining the defense. They had threatened Jordan and Jordan had closed their airspace for US and Israeli planes but rescinded that when Iran attacked.

The slow moving drones were send to overwhelm the Iron Dome so the missiles could pass through. Same tactic Russia uses in Ukraine. The attack was planned to do significant damage to military targets in Israel. Those ballistic missiles are too costly to fire otherwise.

On paper sure, but they ultimately knew the drones would be shot down. It's the ultimate "see, we tried" statement for optics. Similar to when the US telegraphs a missile response at an empty building somewhere. 

I'd go even farther and argue that if we had removed US military support from Israel due to their outrageous actions in Gaza, Iran would not have attempted to attack. The presence of US might in that theater, and the understanding that an attack would be diffused/not escalate, is what inspired the Iranian response. I say that to point out I still believe we should remove military support and call, ramp up sanctions, remove UN protections, and call for Bibi to resign.
While they warned about the attack the goal was to deal a significant blow, not to have 50% of missiles/drones fail and 49% shot out of the sky. The ISW agrees and they've been on point on Ukraine so far.

It sounds like another case of money intended for the military and weapons development being stolen along the way.

Anyway the Chinese are prepping Anime Betrayal  lol
Chinas foremost expert on Russia predicts they'll lose.



99% interception rate is a tall order but let's see how well Russian air defense works if the operators aren't drunk.

Apparently Dubai is now prime waterfront property Money
Shocked Pikachu 

Guess Argentina is that 'secret source' of artillery shells.

I think the bois found out Russia has oil OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™
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Ukraine claims to have shot down a strategic bomber
3 users liked this post: killamajig, who is ted danson?, Gameboy Nostalgia
£7 for a pint in Edinburgh. World has gone mad.
1 user liked this post: Nintex

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[Image: 39837b0e-7012-4cfb-8cae-e682f5b265cd_text.gif]
1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia
I see Lord of War, I like. Simple as.
1 user liked this post: Nintex

This cunt recently came to my attention, you can probably guess which one, supposedly the giga-brain who is advising Sunak to shit himself on a daily basis

[Image: 47744551-0-image-a-26_1631269675057.jpg]

Where's his fucking chin?
2 users liked this post: Tycoon Padre, Nintex
[Image: GLzNckoXEAAXZY4?format=jpg]

Good stuff the free world coming together to fight against the Russian horde. 


Thanks to Johnson and Trump they're also getting the long range missiles Blinken and Sullivan didn't want to give them.


1 user liked this post: Nintex
What an embarrassing cunt.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
If only the other cunt wasn't such a fucking unelectable douchebag.
I roll the dice on kulture, social media, elon, dumb news stories, or even other forums and land on international news, since it also features an embarrassing recent australia story and potato is available for comment

Quote:The recent attacks in Australia are a horrific assault on free society. Our condolences go out to those who have been affected, and we stand with the Australian people in calling for those responsible to be brought to justice.

Following these events, the Australian eSafety Commissioner ordered X to remove certain posts in Australia that publicly commented on the recent attack against a Christian Bishop. These posts did not violate X’s rules on violent speech.

X believes that eSafety’s order was not within the scope of Australian law and we complied with the directive pending a legal challenge.

X has now received a demand from the eSafety Commissioner that X globally withhold these posts or face a daily fine of $785,000 AUD (about $500,000 USD).

This was a tragic event and we do not allow people to praise it or call for further violence. There is a public conversation happening about the event, on X and across Australia, as is often the case when events of major public concern occur.

While X respects the right of a country to enforce its laws within its jurisdiction, the eSafety Commissioner does not have the authority to dictate what content X’s users can see globally.  We will robustly challenge this unlawful and dangerous approach in court.

Global takedown orders go against the very principles of a free and open internet and threaten free speech everywhere.

here's the video you're not allowed to see:

in summary:

a muslim stabbed a christian bishop while screaming allahu ackbar

australia doesn't like that this shows thing people expect to happen based on past precedent actually happening, would rather pretend like "reason for stabbing is unknown, we're still investigating"
I don't 

demands twitter take down the video

twitter blocks it in australia as requested

they say oh no, we meant take it down WORLDWIDE, you see we believe we should have the power to censor anything we like globally on a whim, or else you pay us half a million dollars daily for every day it's not taken down

also they want elon jailed for not taking down this post

potato what is going on over there
That's the story about Kiwi Farms and New Zealand. They wanted Null to turn over information on all users so they could decide if they wanted to prosecute them for visiting a website that hosted the banned streamed footage of the Christchurch shooting. Amusingly nobody there suggested throwing Null in prison for this unlike one of the richest men in the world, they only wanted to target the actual citizens of their country. lol

Australia (and presumably New Zealand, they're often similar in these regards) literally has a government agency that decides what websites can be viewed in the country. There's no due process involved and they often even refuse to explain why you're banned or how you got banned. Most Commonwealth countries have no presumption against prior restraint.
Ok. Let me try to break it down into simple terms:
  • Lefty Labor government that is at the whim of the far left in its own party and the even more extreme left of The Greens in the senate.
  • Pissweak Prime Minister on a long series of Ls trying to look tough.
  • 15 year old kid offender with dubious terrorism links
  • Police still charged him with terrorism because that's what police do
  • Syrian Christians who formed a mob outside the church to lynch the kid and ended up injuring police
  • Came days after horrid stabbing incident in Sydney shopping centre where mental patient killed 6 people 
  • The priest himself has forgiven the attacker and also asked for the videos to remain online
  • eSafery Commissioner is pretty useless and probably sees this as an easy win domestically
  • Lots of politicians around the country blaming social media for their failures on youth crime 
  • Jacqui Lambie is a dumb arse Tasmanian politician who only got into the senate on a weird series of microparty preference deals. She's one of those salt of the earth, tell it like it is people who says what the unwashed are thinking but is well out of her depth.

This is the eSafety Commissioner's profile. I'll allow you to draw your own conclusions about impartiality. 

Quote:Julie Inman Grant is Australia’s eSafety Commissioner. In this role, Julie leads the world’s first government regulatory agency committed to keeping its citizens safer online.   

Julie has extensive experience in the non-profit and government sectors and spent two decades working in senior public policy and safety roles in the tech industry at Microsoft, Twitter and Adobe. 

The Commissioner’s career began in Washington DC, working in the US Congress and the non-profit sector before taking on a role at Microsoft. Julie’s experience at Microsoft spanned 17 years, serving as one of the company’s first and longest-standing government relations professionals, ultimately in the role of Global Director for Safety and Privacy Policy and Outreach. At Twitter, she set up and drove the company’s policy, safety and philanthropy programs across Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia. 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
She's got the crazy eyes, but you'd probably still give her one. [Image: The%20Commissioner.jpg]

Not sure if that clarifies, but if you need more context, look at my post above.

EDIT: There is an election coming up next year. Government is at a slim chance of being a one-term wonder.
1 user liked this post: Uncle
It's always CRAZY blonde white women that want the internet censored to erase those 4 nudes they shared on Reddit gone wild while drunk. Many such cases. Trumps

[Image: GL8SA14W4AALrOf?format=jpg]
3 users liked this post: Potato, Uncle, killamajig

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