Like politics but somehow dumber
Tony should’ve stayed in his fucking lane. 

Quote:My Adult Circumcision
How I made the cut for my new religion

Quote:I understand the world doesn’t usually think much about adult male circumcision. 

I get all this (and so much more). And yet as someone who knows the sting of this particular ritual—who volunteered for it, in fact, and signed his own check to the part-time reaper who did the job—I have to say: It’s not so bad. There’s no need for any of us to go on treating our junk like our father-in-law’s scratch-free Ferrari. It’s much tougher than you think.

Quote:Medically speaking, I was already circumcised, along with most of the other babies born in America in the Eighties. But that’s no good for God. I needed a hatafat dam brit: a drawing of blood. To remain uncut, I was told, is to remain spiritually cut off from the Jewish people. That’s the idea of the “covenant.”

Quote:When the mohel arrived, he looked, I’m sorry to say, like Danny Devito in curls. We stood in silence. I opened my towel. Hello, groin. He opened a shaving bag with glinting instruments. Hello, knife. My mohel produced a pen-sized lance, which he wielded ever so gently, like Lady Grantham with a paring knife. He sliced, sliced, squeezed, dripped, and was done. The whole transaction was over in seconds, long before I could scream, or faint, or decide if I liked it.

Instead I felt the way I remember feeling as a child when, rising early, I could watch light fill the woods behind my house, revealing nothing at all scary. When the mohel finally spoke, he spoke in Hebrew and I couldn’t make out a word of it. But I had the feeling that the substance of his words was important and that if I could understand him I would be in the possession of something profound, a message from God: It’s only a penis.

1 user liked this post: Polident
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, D3RANG3D, DavidCroquet
What everyone needs to remember is that every party in the middle east is an arsehole. An endless cycle of revenge is what we have and that's on every leader that has made the decision that the only way to win their cause is to kill the other people.

The decision to slaughter innocent people is not made by civilised people. That decision has been made by everyone involved in this "conflict" for decades. 

Turn the whole area into glass and let's move on.
1 user liked this post: Nintex
(10-10-2024, 02:49 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: I'm not arguing the questions are unbiased or unmotivated--My point is that Coates cool-headed response specifically to loaded questioning is what makes this clip stand out.

I think if Coates dissolved into a blubbering mess and stormed off stage, that would also be a viral clip, but wouldn't be worth much value in terms of The Discourse and probably would've hurt Coates whole argument anyway.

When he sat there and got asked shit like "Do you think Israel shoudn't exist?" and replied with--paraphrased--"I think apartheid shouldn't exist", that's a good, ethical answer, and hard to argue with (or around). 

You don't even need to get into Gaza, October 7th, rant about "zionists" or slip and fall on your ass into stanning for Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran. I know you say it's a miniscule amount of people doing that, but it's pretty much the primary version of the argument I encounter anywhere--online, in the news, and even in my personal life.

Frankly, the people who jumped on it as a fad in 2023 (or 2021) flattened any discussion around it into a shitshow. As people has likened them to the Kony 2012 or Occupy or whatever fleeting cause they don’t care about. It’s not exactly a fresh topic, going on for decades (or longer, depending on POV). You’ve had all sorts of discourse, from all sorts of perspectives, with all sorts of strategies.
2 users liked this post: DavidCroquet, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth


1 user liked this post: DavidCroquet

Many of the replies are just as omfg
(10-11-2024, 01:10 AM)benji wrote: GOT EM

Plagiarism against himself?

Fuck me Twatter makes people stupid.
(10-11-2024, 01:14 AM)benji wrote:
Many of the replies are just as omfg

Rodney King rolling in his grave right now!
(10-11-2024, 01:10 AM)benji wrote: GOT EM

How the fuck is this guy a professor.. copying your own article is lazy writing, it's not plagiarism. And how is this in anyway meant to be comparable to copying text for your scientific paper
3 users liked this post: DavidCroquet, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji
If you’ve worked or spent time in academia, you quickly recognize how unimpressive most of these guys are.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, HaughtyFrank, benji
(10-11-2024, 01:50 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: And how is this in anyway meant to be comparable to copying text for your scientific paper
I think you mean "sloppy recycling."
3 users liked this post: DavidCroquet, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, HaughtyFrank
[Image: GZk6P_jaAAQRZIV?format=jpg&name=900x900]

2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji
New Zealand defence minister says a navy ship didn't sink because its captain was a woman

1 user liked this post: Uncle
(10-11-2024, 04:02 AM)benji wrote: [Image: GZk6P_jaAAQRZIV?format=jpg&name=900x900]
real--as in, non-performative--intersectionality is when we acknowledge that the hurricanes originate as vengeance from angered spirits who died from eating unwashed chicken.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Potato, killamajig

Wearing a keffiyeh, Thunberg marched with protesters holding banners reading 'Stop genocide ecocide' and 'Decolonize'.
Quote:Greta Thunberg:

"If you as a climate activist don't also fight for a free Palestine and an end to colonialism and oppression all over the world, then you should not be able to call yourself a climate activist. You cannot claim to fight for climate justice if you ignore the suffering of all colonized and marginalized people today."
Her mom (an opera singer) was literally appointed a Royal court singer for the King of Sweden. But yeah, let's all listen to her lecture us about colonialism. Maybe if this little rich, trust fund cunt would disown her rich parents I might have some respect for her. But we all know like a lot of these so-called activists they're really just rich people that are ashamed of their wealth but don't want to actually divest themselves of it and live like a normal person. 

Fuck her and all these people that have money so they don't need to worry about work or can fuck off through college. If you actually came from a oppressed background, I'll listen to you, but not somebody whose parents are literally friends of the king. If you can't get your mommy and daddy to divest themselves, why should I listen to you?
2 users liked this post: Potato, Nintex

2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Uncle

(10-11-2024, 08:39 PM)benji wrote:
I wish he wasn't allowed to say that
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, killamajig, Potato, Uncle
(10-11-2024, 08:37 PM)benji wrote:

imagine we start naming horrific disasters after people of color  lol

"no wait...uh, we didn't think this through..."
4 users liked this post: Chumbawumbafan69, benji, Potato, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth

They went and did it. They completely killed Star Wars the madthem.
2 users liked this post: killamajig, HardcoreRetro
Weren't they all clones of Jango Fett?

This self-insert makes no sense
1 user liked this post: Potato
Zero introspection. This company by their own admission basically blackmailed studios into hiring them. Telling game developers to TERRIFY marketing if they didn't follow the woke agenda and monopolized videogame writing (and lo and behold it worked). 

Now that the whole thing comes crashing down they are the victims and suddenly claim to not be pushing any agenda.

The gaslighting in just incredible and those suckers in the audience fall for it hook line and sinker.

Thankfully real gamers can easily tell who the real villains are  OH!
Have we had a "photography is colonialism" take yet? I thought we had, but here's another...

2 users liked this post: Nintex, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(10-12-2024, 04:56 AM)Potato wrote:

They went and did it. They completely killed Star Wars the madthem.

I can't wait for Disney to reveal that Sister is a lesbian! A huge win for WLW!
4 users liked this post: benji, Potato, BIONIC, killamajig
I’m not entirely up to date on modern, or well, not so modern anymore Star Wars. But aren’t they the bad guys? That’s how that worked? They got order 66 and started killing Jedi and younglings.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, killamajig
They had brain implants that made them carry out order 66 if ordered. It wasn't a choice, like October 7
(10-12-2024, 01:46 PM)Polident wrote: I’m not entirely up to date on modern, or well, not so modern anymore Star Wars. But aren’t they the bad guys? That’s how that worked? They got order 66 and started killing Jedi and younglings.

At some point to they added to the lore that they turn evil because they have control chips implanted. So a handful don't turn evil because they had them removed or never got them. They probably could come up with some story about how the trans one also had it removed for whatever reason. 

By the way the chip thing is really dumb. What made Order 66 tragic is that it revealed the clones to just follow any order no matter what. They can spend their entire life fighting side by side with jedis and then just shoot them in back because they were told to. Now none of them are truly bad, it's just those chips. It's dumb
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Nintex, killamajig
Maybe the woke mind virus has finally claimed me, but a Jango clone that decides they wants to be a woman actually sounds like it could be kind of an neat premise I don't 

At least there's something thematically interesting there, instead of just like "what if this JEDI was GAY?!?!?"

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