Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
(11-12-2024, 08:32 AM)benji wrote: Take a cup of sugar, leave a carrot.

now you're just talking about a thief with a strange calling card
Although NepNeps "ideal" world has some pros I doubt she has thought about the cons.

- Lot of social control, you can't hide being a furry transexual in such an environment (and in some places folks won't like it one bit)
- There is an obligation to partake in a lot of social activities (you can't just pick and choose, there are expectations)
- People expect you to contribute especially if you are better off, which happens quickly if you're young and without a serious disease
- Overall you'll be poorer living in such a European state, people caring less about money goes both ways
- You have to share a lot with other people, in Scandinavian towns they have tiny houses with communal bathrooms and kitchens for example
- Not everyone in the group will be likeable and there will be a lot of drama (but some people actually like the gossiping)
- It's difficult for an outsider to be accepted into such a community (mostly depends on the location though)
- Its an easy prey for predators and criminals 

Anyway I would tell her to move to Sweden. 

A Serb co-worker of mine whose family fled from Serbia to the Netherlands during the Balkan war decided to move there with his Swedish girlfriend and he's living a very happy life there.
When he was still here he always voted for the socialist party because he had such nostalgia for Yugoslavia and Tito. He is probably one of the nicest and least selfish people I've ever met in my life. Which also explains why he didn't feel quite at home in the Netherlands where we have a lot of what NepNep describes but most people are very cold and distant.
(11-12-2024, 11:51 AM)Nintex wrote: Although NepNeps "ideal" world has some pros I doubt she has thought about the cons.

- Lot of social control, you can't hide being a furry transexual in such an environment (and in some places folks won't like it one bit)

oh in her perfect society everyone is also perfectly accepting and doesn't let little things like furry transness get in the way of having a great relationship with someone

I wonder what her limit is

diaperfurs? babyfurs? or "anything goes as long as you're not hurting anyone?"
The unspoken element of Nepenthe utopia is of course the billions of murders that are required
The problem with Nep’s utopia is it requires tight nit communities. Not say New York Fuckin’ City.
Lots of fun in the UK thread, starting here

Quote:I'll give an irl example of what I meant by "putting differences aside".

I work with a black anti-vaxx TERF and a white vegan lesbian. Surprisingly the two get along, however with certain topics (LGBTQI+ education, Trans rights) they do disagree. But when it comes to being against racism, they are both on the same side.

So what I'm saying is that all of us here (I'm hoping anyway) agree that fascism is unacceptable and that it's a serious threat.

Goes on for lots of posts across pages

Choicest quote

Quote:What common ground is there with people who can harbour this kind of hatred and malice? Do you seriously think that these things can be neutral? That letting it slide won't just end up fucking vulnerable people over? This anti-vaxx TERF colleague of yours wants people dead. It is the natural end result of the things they believe in, whether they're willing to admit it or not.
Quote:I work with a black anti-vaxx TERF and a white vegan lesbian.

No he doesn't.
ResetEra: a forum renowned across the globe for having 0 members who “want people dead”.
(11-12-2024, 12:59 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: ResetEra: a forum renowned across the globe for having 0 members who “want people dead”.

I’ve never seen so many people beat around the bush so much.
2 users liked this post: Alpacx, Taco Bell Tower
(11-12-2024, 12:45 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: Lots of fun in the UK thread, starting here

Quote:I'll give an irl example of what I meant by "putting differences aside".

I work with a black anti-vaxx TERF and a white vegan lesbian. Surprisingly the two get along, however with certain topics (LGBTQI+ education, Trans rights) they do disagree. But when it comes to being against racism, they are both on the same side.

So what I'm saying is that all of us here (I'm hoping anyway) agree that fascism is unacceptable and that it's a serious threat.

Goes on for lots of posts across pages

Choicest quote

Quote:What common ground is there with people who can harbour this kind of hatred and malice? Do you seriously think that these things can be neutral? That letting it slide won't just end up fucking vulnerable people over? This anti-vaxx TERF colleague of yours wants people dead. It is the natural end result of the things they believe in, whether they're willing to admit it or not.

Nobody sane actually believes this. Even he doesn't believe it. More and more people are recognizing manipulative language from malicious groups and willing to say--to borrow a phrase--fuck off.
Anti Vaxx shouldn’t be encouraged, thought. 

You can be factually be wrong in that one.
[Image: 9a38ln.jpg]

Nep hogs all the attention, it's annoying.
Siren DRAMA ALERT!  Siren

This one's gonna blow up over the internet over the next couple of days, and it's pretty indefensible really.

Famed tech reviewer Marques Brownlee filmed himself going 96 in a 35 zone, then blurred the speedometer for his video. The exact moment is at 7:33s:  MKB has edited it out of the video now.

Totally wrong, totally irresponsible. Expect a YouTube apology, and sponsors withdrawing their support, from MKB in the next couple of days. ResteEra, however, has always had a hate boner for MKB since he came out as an Elon fanboy. This thread already bringing out the pitchforks, but also the stans. I liked these replies. Expect a few bans:

rsfour wrote:Would've sponsored a vid of him hitting a few kids.

BAW wrote:Well, there weren't any kids around, so I guess it was OK
Classic internet overreacting about everything

OhhEldenRing wrote:
BAW wrote:Well, there weren't any kids around, so I guess it was OK
Classic internet overreacting about everything
... how would you even know that until after the fact.

Screw this line of ass licking

[Image: GviWsSG.png]

[Image: q1EqHke.png]

[Image: 8NS94ip.png]

At least Ld007 is honest about the REAL reason he hates this extremely successful black man.

Edit 1: Ld007 wrote more replies after I posted this comment. The guy seems like he's on the verge of a nervous breakdown, with his hatred for MKB. Wants him in jail, ASAP.

Ld007 wrote:When he both sided BLM I was done with him, but he just keeps getting worse.
Ban him for life from driving and YT

Ld007 wrote:Report for criminal content

Ld007 wrote:I would hope so, but I hope they Jan 6th this asshole and prosecute him via the video evidence

[Image: 7A8hD4b.png]

[Image: gz8C0y9.png]

[Image: E6Xsfpv.png]

[Image: necizkN.gif]

Edit 2: Daffy Duck pointed out there's nothing at 7:32. That's because MKB caught wind of the controversy and has edited it out of the video, lol:

[Image: PpuRQkj.png]

Edit 3: RIP for 3 days rsfour Feels bad, man

[Image: ixu0SJa.png]
The problem with Neps vision of the future is that she lives in the Atlanta Suburbs. Like no shit she feels isolated, she lives in her parents house and is surrounded by families and old folks. Isolation is the point of suburban America because some people want that. 

Get a studio Apt in the city or move to a city that has festivals in the park, artists and musicians in public spaces, has public transport, lots of street vendors and everything else you’re asking for. Sure, you’ll still need to work full time but there are places in the US that fit a lot of her social needs.
I thought she was a bastion of the community, especially when it comes to political rallies? How has she not met someone yet to be a boyfriend, or platonic friend?
(11-12-2024, 02:30 PM)Venice wrote: Siren DRAMA ALERT!  Siren

This one's gonna blow up over the internet over the next couple of days, and it's pretty indefensible really.

Famed tech reviewer Marques Brownlee filmed himself going 96 in a 35 zone, then blurred the speedometer for his video. The exact moment is at 7:33s:

Totally wrong, totally irresponsible. Expect a YouTube apology, and sponsors withdrawing their support, from MKB in the next couple of days. ResteEra, however, has always had a hate boner for MKB since he came out as an Elon fanboy. This thread already bringing out the pitchforks, but also the stans. I liked these replies. Expect a few bans:

rsfour wrote:Would've sponsored a vid of him hitting a few kids.

BAW wrote:Well, there weren't any kids around, so I guess it was OK
Classic internet overreacting about everything

OhhEldenRing wrote:
BAW wrote:Well, there weren't any kids around, so I guess it was OK
Classic internet overreacting about everything
... how would you even know that until after the fact.

Screw this line of ass licking

[Image: GviWsSG.png]

[Image: q1EqHke.png]

[Image: 8NS94ip.png]

At least Ld007 is honest about the REAL reason he hates this extremely successful black man.

Edit: Ld007 wrote more replies after I posted this comment. The guy seems like he's on the verge of a nervous breakdown, with his hatred for MKB. Wants him in jail, ASAP.

Ld007 wrote:When he both sided BLM I was done with him, but he just keeps getting worse.
Ban him for life from driving and YT

Ld007 wrote:Report for criminal content

Ld007 wrote:I would hope so, but I hope they Jan 6th this asshole and prosecute him via the video evidence

[Image: 7A8hD4b.png]

[Image: gz8C0y9.png]

[Image: E6Xsfpv.png]

[Image: necizkN.gif]

[Image: fc8ip4bgu8c51.jpg]
(11-12-2024, 01:35 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(11-12-2024, 01:14 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:
FunkyBlueSparks wrote:I have come to a conclusion
I don't want apologies from the democratic party
I literally don't want to hear any anonymous dem official attack AOC
I want to hear how will you resist this shit
I want to hear how you gum up the works for this fucker
like I have said earlier: making the campaign's main thing being abortion was a mistake it alienated alot men
they could've wrap economics in this too
any talk about speaking out against AOC or speaking against trans athletes is just bullshit!
let it be know, if your are that cowardly were you won't put your name when you criticize, you're a coward

I want lawyer hired by the dozens gdi

The GOAT poster

Did Lilith Treah make a Ree account?

Still need help 
Friends but 
Tired be bullied 
By meanies
(11-12-2024, 03:22 AM)Kyon1988 wrote:
My ideal society imagines a world that pushes true self-actualization of the individual and participation within a community to take care of a sustainable world.

You're not toiling in retail, in a warehouse, or a cubicle for 35-40 years to enrich some fucking asshole who makes thousands of times what you do for far less work. You do the minimum that you need to do under the understanding that you are contributing meaningful work to society, and then you are not only free but encouraged to pursue your interests and talents through free and cheap access to education, workshops, and grassroots organizations and groups, knowing that the more human beings we allow to pursue and develop their strengths, the likelier we increase our discovery of new breakthroughs in our lives, whether socially or technologically.

Your amenities and shops are not miles and miles away necessitating an expensive-ass car that needs expensive-ass gas or for you to stop every so often to charge it up again. If you're far out or taking a long trip, then you've got robust public options to get to where you need to go.

You've got family, friends, and neighbors who actually give a damn about you for you, who see about you, and who make sure you're alright. Indeed, your first option before going to buy something should be asking if your friend or neighbor can help you out, and they likely will knowing you'll return the favor. "Cup of sugar politics" as I call it.

The streets and parks are actually alive with art (real fucking art, not this AI trash), music, dancing, food and other cultural footnotes. Kids are drawing with chalk. Folks are skating up and down the road. Some musicians have met up to jam. People are hanging out talking about their lives and dating healthily.

You don't worry about crime really all that much. Not only are people's needs largely being met, but we have communal ways and deterrents to prevent assholes from taking advantage without having to sic jack-booted racists on them.

I want to live in a country whose politics focus less on property and consumption and more on people and socializing. I want a country where I can easily find friends, or someone to talk to, or a cool boyfriend. I want to be able to walk down to the park and see a festival going on and be obliged to join in. I want to sit on the porch during the evening and chat it up with my neighbors.

I want to have a fucking life on a planet whose ecosystems aren't dying to fill the holes in our hearts and spirits with video games and phones.

This is a King of the Hill episode. Phish and Wildlife. Season 8 Episode 12.

Imagine the poor man who actually have to date Nep.
Stochastic terrorism update.

Poop podcast:
[Image: zuh6QrN.png]
Did you know that Dr. Nothing Loud is also an artist? omg
(This is basically the first thing he talks about.)

And Hecht got a new job:
[Image: GdhpCNe.png]
Is she... trying to rebrand her image as a more reasonable contrast to B-Dubs' recent UNHINGED behavior in hopes of securing the coveted role of GM?

B-Dubs sending PoliEra to the gulags for her sure did him some favors eh
(11-12-2024, 02:30 PM)Venice wrote: Famed tech reviewer Marques Brownlee filmed himself going 96 in a 35 zone, then blurred the speedometer for his video. The exact moment is at 7:33s:
Failed to blur the speedometer in front of the passenger.
I was prepared for that youtube controversy to be overblown but he drives right by a speed limit sign and children crossing sign in the video. What a dumb ass lol.
My favourite part is that it's a shitty sponsored vid for some crappy action cam. Using their action cam to film yourself committing a crime.

Amazing. lol
They don't call it youtube slop for nothing!

3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Alpacx
pfps that involve chin holding/scratching or a finger pointing to the head are truly the dumbest mfs that desperately want to be seen as smart

just like the people with scrunched up face/side smirk are the most awkward people irl that are dying to be seen as "funny, life of the party" types
(11-12-2024, 05:50 PM)benji wrote:

(11-12-2024, 05:55 PM)nachobro wrote: pfps that involve chin holding/scratching or a finger pointing to the head are truly the dumbest mfs that desperately want to be seen as smart

just like the people with scrunched up face/side smirk are the most awkward people irl that are dying to be seen as "funny, life of the party" types

I’ll add holding a coffee mug over their mouth. Sometimes paired with an eyebrow raise.

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