International Politics

Goddamn  lol
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(11-30-2024, 06:25 PM)benji wrote:

imagine going so secular leftist that you introduce the same laws an insular repressed theocracy implements

                    [Image: nlN1B2u.png]
is this?
5 users liked this post: Polident, Potato, Alpacx, DavidCroquet, killamajig
Lads, there is going to be no blasphemy law about the Koran. This is the bore equivalent of trans genocide.
(12-01-2024, 12:01 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Lads, there is going to be no blasphemy law about the Koran. This is the bore equivalent of trans genocide.
So it's already been on the books for years.
2 users liked this post: Tycoon Padre, DavidCroquet

Shocked Pikachu

Aleppo: The moment the fighters of the Deterrence of Aggression Operations met with the fighters of the Dawn of Freedom Operations



The two dudes on the motorcycle at the end cracked me up.  lol Change up the context/location/swap out the AKs for Natty Lites and these guys look like they could be driving down the strip on spring break going to a kegger instead of blowing up each other in Syria.

more booty

"Now I have a machine gun jet. Ho ho ho."
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Nintex

Putins puppet in Georgia responds with the usual playbook. The oppositon are Nazis
1 user liked this post: killamajig
Nazis are everywhere

[Image: S0vhYOB.jpg]

If we included twitter usage the end of that graph would probaly spike higher than WW2
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Alpacx
adjusted by global population there's a smaller percentage of people talking about nazis than ever
1 user liked this post: Alpacx

The Russians and Iranians are trying to spin it as a return of ISIS but it sure doesn't look that way.
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Battle hardened Georgian troops fighting for Ukraine have returned to Georgia to fight the Russian puppet government if necessary.
Another notch in the belt of the strategic genius of Vladimir Vladimirovich
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[Image: 5e3x2n.gif]
Fucking love that plane.
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[Image: GdvZjc7WQAACrCC?format=jpg]

Insane plot twist

[Image: Gd0M-_BWIAAr__P?format=jpg]

Trump puts the Middle East on notice
1 user liked this post: killamajig
Does anyone actually believe that if the rebel groups win that Asad is going to be replaced by some sort of secular democratic government?
1 user liked this post: killamajig
(12-02-2024, 07:35 PM)Potato wrote: Does anyone actually believe that if the rebel groups win that Asad is going to be replaced by some sort of secular democratic government?
Who you think you tellin', Potato?

Shit like this is why I'm making an ethical choice to sit out the Syrian election, and instead focusing on something actually constructive like organizing a community pod. 

relatable and grounded in the real world while keeping some of the details which make her so iconic
4 users liked this post: benji, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato, Nintex
(12-02-2024, 07:35 PM)Potato wrote: Does anyone actually believe that if the rebel groups win that Asad is going to be replaced by some sort of secular democratic government?

At this point we're going around in circles and with neither side winning this will take forever and a perfect secular democratic government is unlikely to emerge.
However if the war ends there is a chance that refugees can return to their homeland.

The Russians have lost their fucking minds and we can't work with them. So in my view we should just side with our 'allies' as the least bad option which in this case is Erdogan.

We can do business with the Turks. Although not on our level they have some human rights standards and they are our NATO allies.
Some kind of 'greater Turkey' is not the worst outcome. And a more liberal government is likely to emerge in Turkey (or Saudi Arabia) itself than in Syria or Iran.

I actually think that behind closed doors this decision has already been made by the NATO members.
This "allowing Christmas trees" type of tolerance we're seeing from the rebels is much like how it is in Instanbul.
1 user liked this post: Alpacx
(12-02-2024, 07:32 PM)Nintex wrote:

Insane plot twist

[Image: Gd0M-_BWIAAr__P?format=jpg]

Trump puts the Middle East on notice

does anyone really know wtf is going on??

because i sure dont
Assad at the "throw whatever at the wall and see what sticks" phase.
3 users liked this post: who is ted danson?, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Nintex
(12-02-2024, 07:52 PM)Nintex wrote:
(12-02-2024, 07:35 PM)Potato wrote: Does anyone actually believe that if the rebel groups win that Asad is going to be replaced by some sort of secular democratic government?

At this point we're going around in circles and with neither side winning this will take forever and a perfect secular democratic government is unlikely to emerge.
However if the war ends there is a chance that refugees can return to their homeland.

The Russians have lost their fucking minds and we can't work with them. So in my view we should just side with our 'allies' as the least bad option which in this case is Erdogan.

We can do business with the Turks. Although not on our level they have some human rights standards and they are our NATO allies.
Some kind of 'greater Turkey' is not the worst outcome. And a more liberal government is likely to emerge in Turkey (or Saudi Arabia) itself than in Syria or Iran.

I actually think that behind closed doors this decision has already been made by the NATO members.
This "allowing Christmas trees" type of tolerance we're seeing from the rebels is much like how it is in Instanbul.

Refugees who have experience Europe or other western countries ain't going back. Especially not to a politically unstable government in a country reduced to rubble. The best you can hope is that the end of the war will stop the pipeline of refugees coming into Europe.

Also, fuck Erdogan and the Turks. Savages.

What is even going on anymore
(12-02-2024, 06:36 AM)Potato wrote: Fucking love that plane.
Here ya go, fresh from Syria
Video shows A-10 Warthogs engaging Iranian-backed militia and government forces in Deir ez-Zur, Syria.

2 users liked this post: Potato, Nintex

I don't

"It was just a prank bro"

The prank:

[Image: Gd4sQ_vacAA21Ga?format=jpg&name=small]
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Assads army is melting away

Syrian rebels planning some corporate rebranding to hide the bad user reviews Success
1 user liked this post: killamajig

They all want that magic of the Russian economy. Record low unemployment!

Traffic cops, Hama might fall tonight although the Russians are lobbing missiles from their naval base.

Green = Rebels
Red = Assad / Russians

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