Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): Bad faith thread creation. Decided to make another thread after having their original locked.
MXG wrote:Yeah, so my last thread with exact same title was closed before I could reply about my original point. If the admin still thinks my points are null and void, they can lock the thread. I seriously didn't think era would miss such obvious sarcasm.

"Yeah, so I really really DID NOT think so many people on Era will miss the sarcasm, and miss the point of the post.

1. Baldurs Gate 3 is huge game, with 96% approval rating on steam with over 500k reviews. I don't remember any recent triple A title being remotely close to that.

2. And it rightfully deserve the praise. The game is breaming with quality content. I have played only act 1 and some of act 2. For reference game has 3 acts. And Act 1 alone has more quality content than most of the AAAA titles whose names I won't mention so that none get offended. I haven't been to an area with same enemy variety. Each encounter has different dialogue for multiple companion you bring. And each act probably have 50 major encounters minus the minor ones.

3. Baldurs Gate 3 also highlights everything wrong with the industry. I have been gaming for probably 15 years. With so much advancement with technology instead of getting more games like Baldurs Gate 3, we're heading backwards. Games releasing with extremely high budget with barebone content, outright broken state.

4. Some people have rightfully pointed towards the some cause of this problem,but most of them missed the point.

5. And this discussion fortunately bring out another VERY IMPORTANT point, regional pricing. There have so few games with regional pricing that I did not even bother to search for regional pricing. That just shows how lame and non caring other developers are.

6. What if it's $50, with the amount of content it have, they can easily get away with selling each act as a separate game, or expansion pack. That is the norm, not the exception currently.

Now my original point.

I LOVE gaming, and I know people on era do the same. And making a decent game needs time, money and passion. Unfortunately, the last one is missing in a large number of games, to the point it seems like a checklist simulator. Money is Money. Spending a ridiculous amount of money on games like X/Y (name not mentioned to avoid offense) is batshit crazy, crazier than my original post. Even if you read some of executives interview, you would get this picture, many of them think making another Overwatch or Fortnite is the only way to success. They don't even try to make something remotely close to BG3. This is a self destructive path, that has hurt gaming as a whole and may destroy gaming altogether. That I dearly care about. And if you are naive, or read some of their interviews, you would not think my original OP was crazy. That what they literally think, other developers would not survive making a game like BG3.

For reference:
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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by Hap Shaughnessy - 12-26-2024, 12:54 AM

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