Quote:Embiid wrote:I've been meaning to drop this for a min so I'm just gonna let it out… god bless, fingers crossed, etc..
When somebody gets clipped for like the 10th time, WHY are they allowed back in here? I remember reading that posters who contribute a lot get more rope, but there's gotta be a limit to this shit right? Like how many fucking bans does it take before it hits that hey maybe this place would be better off without this person, know what I'm saying? Being a power poster that drops 50 a day or having some weird cult of personality shouldn't mean you get more rope than the next guy. Like that's ridiculous and that's what it feels likeClickyCal wrote:This sounds like you have some specific in mind.Tendo wrote:I don't know who you mean at this moment, but I've for sure gone "oh god they are back" then within a few days... banned again. Sometimes for a month or more. But they are always back.
cheese toast wrote:cheese toast said wrote:Please allow us the ability to add moderators to the ignore list. Or at least to ignore threads/posts made outside of a moderator capacity.Any thoughts, mods?
Embiid crusin' for a bruisin' in the Constructively Ignore Users Community Discussion thread.
Also, bonus whine at the end for yet another round of "I'm fucking tired of Slayven's threads, please when can we ignore mods?"