Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(01-04-2025, 06:28 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

GameAddict411 wrote:It's been in the making for decades now. We are just seeing the fruits of their labor. To be frank, there is nothing we could so about it. All that matters is to take care of yourself and the people you care about. This world is lost and things will get worse for sure.
Funniest part is who he's quoting, you can pretend it's about Concord:
DeliciousSunnyD! wrote:It really does feel like liberal democracy is dead, and that the global fascist movement is about to kick into overdrive.

What's got me really concerned is that the fascists are likely to be in full/majority control of both "the pen" (the ability and mechanisms to broadly culturally influence) AND "the sword" (military might) if the United States does truly embrace fascism. And it's incredibly difficult to think that it's not going to happen now.

The US is one of if not the largest cultural exporter(s) the world over. And it's already been exporting the culture of fascism via the internet and its social media platforms for awhile now. So what's going to happen when the little plausible deniability that's left evaporates and it's full bore naked fascist totalitarian governance here in the States?

It doesn't feel like there is going to be an "Allied Forces" this time around. That liberal democracy is just going to fully roll over, consumed and pacified from within.

That the people typically concerned and obessed with the ideas of tyranny and liberty are going to be the stormtroopers who ensure the fascist tyranny is entrenched.

Hard not to think that all of the serious choices that lay ahead aren't all going to some degree of disastrous no matter what.
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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by benji - 01-04-2025, 07:15 AM

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