Yesterday, 12:50 AM
darz1 wrote:This is such a cop out, nobody forced them to do it, they took the cash and made a trash film. They no longer have the pull to make other big budget films after their numerous flops so they took the cash for another trash ass Matrix movie. They are just as responsible for milking the Matrix as WB.
They made one great film their whole career, followed by a series of mid to trash tier films.
CloudWolf wrote:There are so many things wrong with this post.
1) There's no "they", The Matrix Resurrections was only made by Lana, Lily chose not to be involved because the story was so personal to Lana.
2) While it's true she wasn't forced to do it, Lana also didn't take the project as some sort of "get rich quick" deal. For a very long time she refused to make a fourth Matrix film despite WB promising her literal "fuck you" money because she didn't think it needed another part.
What made her ultimately say yes was the fact that in a very short time period she lost both her parents and a close friend. Lana then wrote the story of Resurrections to cope with her grief as going back to Neo & Trinity was a safe place for her. WB came knocking again and now she had a very personal story that she wanted to make, so she finally said yes.
It wasn't a quick cash-in because "they didn't have the pull for a different big blockbuster", this was a deeply personal film that Lana chose to make as a way to cope with the loss of three people very close to her.
3) Wtf is with "they made one great film in their career". Even if you do not enjoy their post-Matrix career (which I kinda understand, but I do not agree), before that the Wachowskis made Bound, which is an amazing film and highly respected as a 90's queer classic.