I want to say that my like for Nintex's post was the general idea, not any specific situation and I didn't read any of this Gaiman stuff. This would tie into if we also get into the standard "they shouldn't have to relive their trauma or produce evidence." Due process is important and too many people are willing to immediately eliminate it for no good reason.
In my opinion if Gaiman was an abuser it must have started after The Sandman to parallel the continued decline in his work from there. The advantage of this opinion is its airtight perfection of evidence and not because it happenstance fits with my opinion of his work. Sandman Mystery Theatre and Lucifer are better than the original anyway, and the best part of Miracleman is Moore's. Again, not that Neil Gaiman was abusing anyone while writing The Sandman just that it seems more likely he was abusing people while Matt Wagner and Mike Carey were writing Mystery Theatre and Lucifer.
In my opinion if Gaiman was an abuser it must have started after The Sandman to parallel the continued decline in his work from there. The advantage of this opinion is its airtight perfection of evidence and not because it happenstance fits with my opinion of his work. Sandman Mystery Theatre and Lucifer are better than the original anyway, and the best part of Miracleman is Moore's. Again, not that Neil Gaiman was abusing anyone while writing The Sandman just that it seems more likely he was abusing people while Matt Wagner and Mike Carey were writing Mystery Theatre and Lucifer.