Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(Yesterday, 02:28 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(Yesterday, 09:55 AM)Potato wrote: There was a short discussion recently about famiboards having better moderation than Resetera. While that is certainly debatable, I present this evidence that, in fact, famiboards moderation is most certainly just as retarded as Resetera's and both are two sides of the same coin.

Tl;Dr They have been trialling permanent bans for people who like "heinous" banned posts.


Can someone quote the text? It's members only Cry

On mobile so I can't be bothered formatting, but you get the idea.

We are taking community input on how Famiboards will handle content from Twitter and Meta moving forward Please discuss here, we value any input received.
The trial period of actioning "Yeah" reactions on moderated posts has concluded. Please see our findings here, and contribute any thoughts you have towards the process moving forward.

Hey everyone,

Three months ago, we began a trial for a new policy as a result of the discussion in this thread. You can see the test policy here. As promised, we are now reviewing the results of this trial to determine together if we would like to keep and/or modify it.

Let’s first walk through all of the cases over the past three months in which we invoked this new policy, and the observations we made during them. (Funnily enough, I was worried that the opportunities wouldn’t come up during the trial period and that we’d have to extend it, but I was quite wrong!)

1. Five users were permanently banned for reacting to this post:
TheCardinal said:
Why is all of this political bullshit being allowed?

Are we on Reddit or a Nintendo sub? I come here to see what people thought of Nintendo earnings today and it's all nonsense.

Hopefully the mods clean this up.

Two of the users who were banned as a result of this post submitted an appeal ticket. One was approved due to a believable explanation, an established standing within the community and no prior history. The other was denied.

You’ll notice that five people were banned for reacting to this post, even though more than five people yeah’d it. This is because we felt that the post did not meet the criteria of being “unambiguously bigoted” as laid out by our policy. We compromised this time by perming everyone who reacted to the post after the ban was already in place, since the feedback message would make it clear that its contents fly in the face of Fami’s values.

So the first question we want to bring to you: would you support expanding the policy from “unambiguously bigoted” to something like “unambiguously heinous” (or any other better wording you might suggest)?

It was at this point that we also realized that we should probably disable yeahs on a post after enacting a perm under this policy, so that we wouldn’t have to keep monitoring the reactions for more users to ban. Admittedly we forgot to disable the reactions in some of the subsequent cases. But this brings us to our second question: are you good with us disabling reactions on a post after enacting a perm under this policy, or do you think it’s worth keeping them enabled?

2. One user was permanently banned for reacting to this post:
OutsideGarg said:
Thats because Nintendo is not woke, the day they turn woke they will slowly die just like Star Wars. You can not see the woke because you agree with it and you have internalised it . I love Gears of Was and i have to stop playing at 4 because of all the propaganda. As a cuban lady once told me , woke is for those who never had a real problem . Some of us had very hard childhoods ( hard means hunger ) so when we look to America we do not understand all this stuff. We mostly suffered in socialist countries and we know propaganda when we see it.
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Said user had also yeah’d this other post in the past:
Luminoth9090 said:
Real women posting real images of themselves all over social media (with not much clothing) to gain subscribers is far more degenerate than some made up video game character.
but it preceded the existence of this policy, so they were not banned for it at the time. Still, this history told us exactly what they were about, which left no room for doubt when they submitted a ticket. It wasn’t even an appeal so much as it was some weird attempt at a gotcha, so it was summarily denied.

3. Two users were permanently banned for reacting to this post:
Oryon7 said:
My goodness. That's some serious hysteria! 'Gold-fish memory' to boot, as though we never experienced 4 years of Trump policies already. Policies under which Americans actually thrived, and people were financially in a MUCH better position. All the while, we're here pretending like this current shit-show - where the average working class American can barely afford eggs and milk - is actually a reasonable mode of operation for the country, so much so that we're literally rejecting change. 🤦🏽‍♂️
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Both submitted appeal tickets and both were denied. At this time we also decided that we should include the username of the person whose post they reacted to in their ban message, for better traceability and transparency.

4. One user was permanently banned for reacting to this post:
Tribonian said:
Woke is the lowest form of conversation

Tribonian submitted an appeal ticket which was denied. The person who reacted submitted an appeal ticket as well, which was approved due to a believable explanation, an established standing within the community and no prior history.

5. Three users were permanently banned for reacting to this post:
Mori Medinayo said:
Tgis place is so fucking woke that's almost a dictatorship. But what's most fascinating is that then all people socially ñrogressist here are the .ost agressive capitalist I've seen when it comes to Nintendo and the videogame industry.

Two of the three also reacted to this post:
CM132 said:
Even now when I know about other stuff, your reactions are overblown. Who cares. You ultra woke people live in a some sort of bubble.

Two of the three also submitted an appeal ticket. One was denied because they yeah’d both of these posts, which left little room for doubt in our minds. The other was approved however, since they only yeah’d one of those and were able to provide a believable explanation, had an established standing within the community and had no prior history (am I repeating myself too much 😭 )

And that brings us to today! There were some concerns during the original discussion that someone could get banned for reacting to a post by accident, so hopefully you can see now that if you are in good standing with no prior history, we're willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. But as we said in the previous thread as well, this is an excuse that only works once! If you get caught reacting to something like this twice, you probably won't be so lucky the next time. You can see from two of these examples that we keep track of reaction history, so you don't have to worry about anyone slipping under our radar. And as always, if you do see something that you think we missed, please report it. Reports help us build a case, even if we don't action every single one of them.

So in summary, here are the points we’d like to hear from you on:
1. Are you happy with the results of this trial? Do you think we should keep this policy?
2. Do you feel we were wrong to ban in any of these cases, or misapplied the policy at any point?
3. If we elect to keep this policy, would you be okay with us expanding it from “unambiguously bigoted” to something like “unambiguously heinous” (or anything better that you can think of!) so that we can invoke it in cases that are obviously horrible and chuddish, but not strictly bigoted?
4. Are you okay with us disabling reactions to a post after it’s been hit with a perm under this policy, so that we don’t have to keep monitoring it in perpetuity?
5. Any other suggestions or concerns?

Thanks for reading! We are looking forward to all of your thoughts.
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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by Potato - Yesterday, 02:34 PM

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