Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(01-24-2025, 02:30 PM)railGUN wrote:

Quote:I don't understand how I ever slept indoors the quiet I feel like I am gonna drown in it I have to have music on or a window open.

A lot of nights I have been sitting in a chair in the back yard I sleep better out there.

I am grateful for all these things and conveniences of having a home like I have a kitchen and I can shower any time it's great, but my entire routine is gone and now I often don't know what to do with myself.

I miss all my friends more than anything. Even on the days that I make my way over to the park where I would stay almost everyone is gone. People either are getting housing or moving to other areas or going into shelters or just getting arrested.

Before it was like I was always out to play and have fun just all the time entirely weightless with no responsibilities. Now I'm tied to this location and the belongings I have stored at it and the people I live here with.

I'm grateful but it's so different and in a lot of ways I feel like I've sacrificed what became a lifestyle that I really grew to appreciate and am so lucky to have experienced the way that I did.

Quote:Can't take anymore I'm leaving and going back to the street only place I belong

Quote:I don't want to be safe anymore I want for everything to stop but it won't


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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by jooseloose - 01-24-2025, 03:47 PM

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