3 hours ago
Echoes wrote:(This is the tangent, feel free to skip) And related to that, I really can't stand the "But Progressives are horny too!" defence I've seen used by mostly progressive men people to counter chuds. I brought this up in the Controversial Opinions thread but their was a There was Shaun video, called "Stellar Blade: The Fake Outrage" about two months that early on uses this. What frustrates me about it is that it misses the actual issue many women have which isn't that we don't like sexy, it's that the definition of sexy in our culture is too narrow and the idea that everything has to be "sexy" blocks many women from appearing in games or at least much harder to appear; from fatter women, taller women, muscly women, older women etc. Even in-games that get praised for being progressive, these types of women tend to still be absent or less common then their male counterparts and I feel the justification, of "Progressives are horny too!" gets used to justify that, too justify barring women who are deemed "too ugly" from appearing. It shocks that many ERA users flat out said they didn't want ugly people appearing in games, that we "ruined" their immersion; that people who don't meet society's beauty standards break their immersion etc. It makes it clear women like myself don't have a place in gaming, we're not wanted and I feel people like Shaun and the many men and women use it fall into a trap I see a lot of men fall into when discussing this topic; assuming only chud men and rightwingers have these issues with women which isn't true and I've found a lot of "leftist" men can have these issues as well and are also unwilling to acknowledge this and can be so easily swayed by the right person. It also feels sometimes like it's used like negotiation tactic, "See progressives aren't all bad, we have horny! Join us", like their trying make us more brand friendly to chuds which I don't like and often feels like someone else is talking for me, that their declaring I agree with them and like fuck that, you don't get to fucking speak for me and act like your opinion is mine! (Tangent over)
Fucking BS, your tastes are not different, asshole. You also don’t speak for neither women or TransWomen as a whole.