Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
PlanetSmasher wrote:The NFL is run by cowardly scum, as always. No surprise here.
Quote:clearly because racism has been ended. We did it!
Quote:They don't want to end it.
Quote:Ending racism is not compatible with the people giving us money.
Quote:This is so transparent and sad
Quote:This feeling of nausea is never going to go away
Quote:Having those words displayed in the end zones is literally the absolute bare minimum that could be done but this is the NFL.
Quote:Pathetic cowards.
Quote:Might as well just wipe out the "end" and replace it with "more" already, all it took was two weeks of trump eh.
Quote:What a bunch of greedy cowards that run the National Football League .
Quote:Why? They're going to make room for "Accelerate Racism" now?
Quote:Can't hurt the feelings of Muskdolf Twitler and racist Cheeto in Charge.
Quote:We gotta raze this country to the fucking ground, man.
onpoint, Neon Deity Games wrote:I don't want to say we shouldn't end racism, obviously

But imagine if they lured him in saying they removed "End Racism" but replaced it with "End Fascism"

Ah, to dream
Daphne wrote:Choose Cowardice more like. It's all so petty. Who the fuck is set off by seeing "End Racism"? Only a piece of shit like Trump and his ilk. Can't be talking about how racism is bad when the chief racist will be in attendance!
Quote:Awww yeah, racism is back on the menu, baby!!!

This is clearly sarcasm and this news would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad
Quote:Just the first of many decisions in favor of KC then. Fuck the Nazi Football League.
Quote:Fuckin disgusting.
Quote:Kinda amazing how we've regressed since 2017. Christ.
Quote:One by one by one, just capitulating.

I remember growing up when people looked back at WWII with bemusement that more Germans didn't stand up and speak out against the Nazis during the 1930s, with absolute assurance that we'd learned our lesson.

And yet it's the generations immediately after that one driving all this.
Quote:Rigged and phony president with a rigged league, perfect match.
Quote:Cowardly Billionaire Fuckwads.
Quote:Why is NFL discussion allowed here again?
Quote:Imagine if both teams refused to take the field. Pure fantasy, but I can dream.
Quote:Fuck them all. Also real bullshit is that they parade BIPOC artists year after year because most of their white artist picks are bland af but HEY YALL fucking solved racism so let's get rid of the message. Fuck off.
Soliloquy of a Dogge wrote:Patrick Mahomes and his anti-Black mother, anti-Black wife and anti-Black friends are over the moon.

Fuck any nigga that ever refers to this coon as a Black dude, by the way. Can not stand his feckless pathetic ass. Hoping he, the Chiefs and their racist ass fanbase get crushed.
Quote:ill watch the superbowl for kendrick. i'll probably hop off the nfl tho. didn't watch this year. and with this, cool, peace.
And yeah, fuck the NFL. Watching for Kendrick's halftime performance and then I'm done with the league too.
Quote:Just get rid of the "End". Football has been a racist sport for as long as I've been alive, so why aspire to greater when you can just make money off of a racist status quo?
nihilence, Moderator wrote:Chicken shit.
Quote:I had little interest in the super bowl to begin with but now I know I will be skipping it. I cannot stand companies who bend the knee to MAGA instead of doing the right thing.
Quote:Happy BLM!
Quote:Further cementing my decision to not watch this garbage.
Quote:Ah yes a league full of rich old white owners exploiting mostly black men by making them destroy their bodies can't even be bothered to pretend to care. Truly inspiring stuff.
Transistor, Administrator wrote:Pathetic
Not a single one of these dudes would have ever cared if they hadn't stupidly put those words in the end zone in the first place as if it meant anything. HOW DARE YOU EVER TAKE OFF THE RIBBON?

They sound like people upset about taking "Under God" out of the Pledge (which nobody should say anyway) or taking down the Ten Commandments from public buildings.
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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by benji - 4 hours ago

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