02-24-2025, 08:23 PM
(02-24-2025, 08:20 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: It's hilarious how Nep appears to fall for the exact same thing the study critics. She believes all she has to do is to organize, the people who agree with her extreme mindset are all already there, they just keep twiddling their thumbs because dear Leader Nepenthe hasn't appeared yet.No, see, the problem is they've been compromising and, really, so has she by spending her time in such a non-revolutionary space. They just need to stop compromising and get organizing and stick to their principles and read the theory. Like how many times does she have to say it before y'all start listening and start doing the work?
At the same time she also believes it's basically impossible find middle grounds so where does that actually leave her political revolution?