Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
TheEchosOfJurassicPark wrote:Sorry to bring up Jurassic Park but this is something I forgot to bring up in my other post, the films mention of "The Big One"

The film's prologue and Muldoon's speech sets her up like the book as the big pack leader of the group, the big villain... except then when we actually meet the Raptors, the film never specifies which of the three is the big one; not helped that all three use the same model, both practical and CGI so none are bigger the each other.

We only know which is the Big One, Kim and Randy via the script and who played the puppets (The Big One is the one who eats Arnold, chases Ellie and first killed by the T. rex, Randy is the one who gets stuck in the Freezer and Kim is the one who chases the kid, Grant and Ellie and the last to survive).

Always found that a bit odd.
Quote:I disagree with the premise that teens are "stupid" and I think that is kind of an issue in itself. They aren't stupid, or at least no any more or less stupid then the adults around them, just developing and arguably more naïve and arrogant because their younger (I say arguably because some teens are flat out smarter then some adults I know); it's one of the reason's why I'm a strong advocate for media made for kids and teen should talk down and respect their audience intelligence. I feel like dismissing their concerns as just "stupidity", "being teens", "boys being boys", especially when we're dealing with issues like depression, loneliness, social isolation, inadequacy with not being "man enough" due to forced societal standards leads to young men trying to find someone willing to listen or understand, which makes them targets to grifters and chuds, exploiting their issues while feeding them poison of blaming women etc. I feel like this is a continued cycle because we keep falling into this trap of refusing to listen to teens and kids and just assume we know better rather then actually help. It's depressing to watch my Generation (Gen Y) fall into the trap with our treatment of Gen Z (you can fully see this behaviour on ERA), acting no better then the generations that blamed and refused to listen to us.

There is one thing I would like to discuss when it comes to role models. I fully agree there needs to be more positive role models for young men outside of the rightwing chud sphere (from streamers and personalities as mentioned in the OP and traditional movie action hero types). It's why I love a quote from Peter Cullen about the advice his brother gave when auditioning for Optimus Prime because it's the type of role model people do need (both in Hollywood and honestly it fully applies to modern day streamers and influencers):
Quote:"Peter, if you're going to be a hero, be a real hero. Don't be one of those Hollywood hero type with all the BS, with all the yelling and screaming and trying to be tough. Just be strong and real. Tell the truth. Be strong enough to be gentle."

However there is something I've noticed that I feel is bad, when boy and men do have role models, but they are women instead of men they'll get mocked, dismissed or treated that this is a bad thing, both by chuds and leftist men. To be blunt, I don't think their is anything wrong with boys having strong women role models and I think that would 100% be treated as okay; I fully believe in removing shitty artificial binaries, if a boy wants to play with dolls, where pink, wear a skirt, enjoy cooking etc, let them, encourage them. There is also the fact that that may mean their not a boy at all, before I realized I was trans, I had frustration because my role models were women, I was uncomfortable being in boys lockers, was continuously mocked and bullied physically and verbally for loving girly "things" like Pokémon, animals, cooking (and stuff like Halo bizarrely enough). If I had been able to explore myself back then, I would have likely discovered and realized I was a woman much sooner, been much happier and may have avoid my issues with depression.

As for the gambling aspect of the discussion, while I realize the focus is on sport gambling, I fully argue this shit also applies to video games using those RNG tactics as well, especially social and competitive games and one of the reasons why shit like heavy use of FOMO, microtransactions and especially paid RNG needs to be regulated like gambling.

Quote:I have mixed feelings on this, not the no Twitter and Facebook etc, especially nowadays and these sites refusal to moderate. However I feel like people find communities of like minded people online CAN be good, especially and please don't take this as an offence, their are going to be stuff even the best of family aren't going to be equipped to discuss or have the experiences. For my own personal experience one of the things that changed my life was find a group of friends online of dorky people who were gay, lesbians, bi, trans, autistic, bullied like me who for the first time truly understood me, were kind and truly cared, knew how I was feeling; I fully admit, I wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't for them helping me when I was at my worse depression wise and would never of realized I was trans, I owe them so much and many are my strongest friends I've ever had. It helps the site (TheMarySue) did give a damn about moderation and wasn't filled with chuds and while community has dispersed since then due to changes, I'm still in touch regularly with so many of them.

Hell even here for all it's flaws has been useful, it's one of the reasons I worry about upsetting people here because I don't want to turn this place toxic and want people to happy. Users like Scrappy-Fan92, Lightsong Kyuuji, ClickyCal' Princess Bubblegum Dice and so many others are great, wonderful people that I'm so happy to have met and users like Fat4all are just funny and a joy to see. I feel like social media was more like ERA we would be in a better place.

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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by killamajig - 03-05-2025, 03:36 PM

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