03-06-2025, 02:44 AM
(03-06-2025, 01:54 AM)Jeff_at_the_laughfactory wrote: That graphics in Pokemon games thread is a real treasure trove.
I assume the verified Serebii account is the guy who runs that site. I don't know much about modern Pokemon but it's unbelievable that someone who runs a website as widely used as Serebii is so comfortable being publicly hostile towards users on an open forum over disagreements over the most milquetoast series of video games. How do you not understand it's a bad look to interact with fans this way? Especially because he claims to be in touch with GameFreak.
Putting screencaps in spoilers because I have more than usual
Spoiler: (click to show)
He seems genuinely kind of insane. All this about defending graphics that are objectively bad, even on Switch hardware.
He will straight up post "no one is defending bad graphics" and then defend bad graphics within that same post