Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
(03-05-2025, 01:59 PM)Kyon1988 wrote: Wait. What did George Lucas do?
The prequels. I looked a little and that's why this dude hates him, thinks Disney saved Star Wars until Rise of Skywalker ruined it. Though also that Lucas wrote Raiders which has a problematic age thing in it. In a few minutes I couldn't find the explanation for Aaron Sorkin though, but I think we all know the correct answer would be everything except Sports Night.

Funny enough in the replies there were people discussing if people just hate Liz Cheney because they assume she did the Iraq War because her dad did. Someone pointed out that she agrees with Trump on everything but the 2020 election/Jan 6th/etc. and voted with Trump more often than 95% of GOP members. Everyone ignored this to talk about the other theory of why people hate Liz Cheney.

(03-05-2025, 02:53 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Do you struggle with snatching defeat from the jaws of victory? Let the experts at ResetEra show you how!

Headline: Supreme Court order US Gov't to pay out on Foreign Aid Contracts
Quote:This doesn't bode well for future rulings on basically everything the trump administration is doing. This was just the bare fucking minimum and we got a fucking 5-4 split
Quote:4 dissented to paying people what they're owed?

God help us when the court has to rule on the federal workers firings.
Quote:This is kind of why I'm not expecting courts to save us from Trump. The Supreme Court is crooked and only get more crooked given Trump has 4 years to instate new justices if any of the older ones passes on.
Quote:There is no hope for this country's future if even the highest court in the land is barely able to force payments for completed work. Why the hell would anyone want to invest in a place where a signed contract is so close to being rendered utterly meaningless?

We got what we wanted from people we considered to be our enemies...we're doomed!!!
The amusing thing is this isn't what they split over. They split over whether or not a single judge can issue a nationwide injunction, they made no ruling at all on the payments or anything else, they even punted the second procedural question. And I could have told you that would have been the split if you told me the issue before hand, Roberts + Democrat 3 was a lock, the question was ACB and Kavanaugh as the other Republican 3 were known to be against them. ACB siding with Roberts and Kavanagh going the other way is unsurprising as they do this often on procedural questions.

They don't even realize that nationwide injunctions are entirely new and only something started during Trump I, that then they were upset about Rethug judges doing to Biden. There's no ideological agreement about whether or not these are legit, except that Democrats are slightly more favorable to them because they're more favorable to judges being able to have power like this. Thomas would have opposed them for any reason and Alito's opposition is pretty obvious knowing him. Roberts probably doesn't like them but he's loathe to decide anything so looking the other way on them is pretty obvious.

Nationwide injunctions are where a single judge, located anywhere in the country, has a friendly group bring a case asking him to stop something and he orders the entire federal government to no longer do it. And that's it, that's the case, there's no hearings or anything. So if Biden orders everyone to take Trump's big beautiful vaccine, some judge in fascist Florida can say "no, you can't" and the feds can't continue. Or maybe Trump wants to do a federal gun ban, well, some gun group can go to a judge in fascist Texas and they can block it. Or maybe Elon orders it illegal to not embed Twitter posts on video game forums, so goes to a judge in New York and gets this blocked. You can see why people on all sides both like and are uncomfortable with these.

(03-06-2025, 12:03 AM)killamajig wrote:

missannethrope wrote:The idea of everyone fighting without knowing why doesn't work in a Civil War film imo. Say something.
What were the reasons people in the first Civil War were fighting? You clearly don't know because I'm going to assume you think everyone in the North wanted to end slavery even as Lincoln explicitly said this wasn't a reason they were fighting.

(03-06-2025, 05:09 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Where does this idea come from that continually rewarding Republicans well push the Democratic party left???

Like, has that ever happened in human history? Is there any theory I could read about this?
(03-06-2025, 06:06 PM)Alpacx wrote: This isn't just an Era bubble belief.

It's widespread among Leftists I know that leftist beliefs and policy are secretly popular with voters and parties just need to move left to win elections.
The other side thinks the same thing, that the problem is RINOs and true conservatism would lead to supermajorities. Or well, now it's true MAGA which may not be conservative at all.

You have to realize that none of these people ever consider that their own views aren't the true views of everyone else. This is why the "false consciousness" theory entices them so much, it tells them that they know what other people believe even better than those people. They have been granted the divine vision of what God desires and it is their duty to impart it to everyone else, especially those who don't know enough to know that they really want it.

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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by benji - 03-06-2025, 06:49 PM

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