7 hours ago
(8 hours ago)benji wrote: Also, this part is amusing because Marxist/socialist theory is premised on there being an evil shadowy cabal behind everything and that loyalty to this cabal trumps everything including capitalist economics.
This is what explains the disconnect between socialists who believe they aren't totalitarian and are actually arguing against it as they argue for a complete totalitarian system. They never examine the premise that explains there is an evil class that will do anything to harm everyone else by denying them utopia. It's the need to stamp out this class, and its sympathizers, that ratchets only in one direction.
They claim this is a "right-wing" trait because they all adopted the opinion that "left = good" and "right = bad" and what is actually being advocated is irrelevant, what matters is your "position" on a spectrum that doesn't make any sense and this somehow makes the "left" ratchet immune from criticism. It's much simpler to notice that both Marxism and MAGA are reactionary.

This is what ended my high school "Communist" phase. The more Marx and Co. I read, the more I realized they weren't the oppressed working-class heroes I thought they were. They seemed more like rich trust fund kids who blame everyone else when they don't get what they want. (ResetEra, anyone?)
I'm sure Benji knows but I wouldnt be suprised if most of them never worked a day in their life.