Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
(5 hours ago)killamajig wrote: The Evillore shit Bduds is pulling more often and the lack of engagement must make him loose sleep. Good, I know he has health problems that are serious so some people feel sorry for him. He recently said someting about how often he has to deal with insurance, clamiming nobody knows more than him. Well, I have life threatning shit too and deal with it just as much now. That being said this is my free pass to talk shit about bdubs and not feel bad.

Bdubs, I hope you live in pain constantly and die from whatever disease you have. Sounds harsh but you are creating maladjusted people that are taking cues from your dipshit mods (too many to name but Neppy gotta go). I'm glad most of era are too lazy to do anything but we get people like Twohearts thatget ideas from your forum and it's only a matter of time before one of your members inmates escapes and hurts someone or themselves. Era has a pinned thread...
because they admit their forum is bad for their members mental health.

I'll say it because I've seen what happens with low IQ people that look for answers because they can't on their own. Era is full of cluless people looking for answers because they ARE low IQ. We see it daily, they watch childrens show and if they watch Mad Men or the Sopranos their heads explode. The main characters on Reee are the dumbest one on there instucting other to "take action".

Fuck, you Dumbs. I wouldn't blame you if it was just you being stupid but it's you making other people stupid when, that the last thing we need now. "more trans voices" "more hamas voices" "more doubling down on the things that made us lose the election!!!!" Yeah, keep boosting messages that only hurt the left side.

So yeah, just like Luigi taking action for the greater good. I want Bdubds dead. It's the only way to save lives. See, 
I don't want him killed by another person, just dead from a painful disease. There is no way anyone can assault my logic. I belive it's for the greater good so it must be true. Please, nobody talk me out of it otherwise you are dismissing my concerns (that bdubs should die to help what i think what's best for the world).

Part of leadership training is being able to do the things you instuct other to do.  And with that I will take some of my own advice and not post the rest of the day. When the world (and Resetera) is getting me down I chill with all the BS and go do something else. I've probably been reading to much Era lately if I'm making this dumb care post.

Average ResetEra user: "Sorry, TLDR, could you instead impart what you're trying to say in a snappy musical number, like on my favourite show, Hazbin Hotel? Or maybe as a heart-warming moral lesson, like on my favourite bean-mouth show of choice."
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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by StandingOvation - 5 hours ago

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