03-10-2025, 06:23 PM
(03-10-2025, 04:32 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote:The big thing they're trying to accomplish is to move production and investment back to the US. They're basically trying to take on China by offering incentives to US (and foreign) companies to produce and sell their goods in the US and punish those that don't. Mostly because the old model of USAID and foreign investment tied to political reform doesn't really work anymore. It was always assumed that post WW2 the main economic driver was democracy and that capitalist countries would ultimately have to become democracies to avoid collapse but China changed that.(03-10-2025, 04:21 PM)Nintex wrote: I think they're all on speed
Overall they're taking bold risks with a potential high pay off. Moving away from quarterly targets and switching to long term growth.
but if it fails
What's the high payoff?
There's no money in russia to replace the money from Europe that he's pissing away
Basically what Apple has been doing, control everything in the supply chain, from materials and parts to production and delivery but applied to the whole US economy.
Countries like the US and China have such wealth in resources, knowledge and manpower that they can do that. When TSMC moves to the United States that $375 billion profit will be stored, taxed and ultimately invested in the United States.
What they fail to realize though and what I've predicted before is that in this calculus Europe ultimately wins. When we are no longer 'forced' to buy from the US, be it software, planes or ammo. We can buy whatever is cheapest or best. When the US can no longer dictate what we sell or to who, we can sell more to China, India etc. .