Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
Hilarious thread where people...defend gamestop?

OP wrote:I obviously didn't go through with it, but as the title says I owed gamestop 5 or 6 dollars to trade in my ps4 pro lol. I thought I could make a quick 70 dollars off of it, but I still use my DS4 controller and kept the hdmi cable, so I basically just traded in the console itself plus the power cable. They deduct 'trade in' value for not having the controller, and again for the hdmi cable, and again for the mini usb cable for the controller. Then I make less because I'm not a 'pro member' or whatever. So it actually came out to a 5 dollar balance on my end to pay gamestop for the trade. The guy at the counter was really nice, and he kept saying I probably wouldn't make that much money but when the register said I owed money we were both just like 'lol that's crazy' and then I left. I also tried to trade in a base xbox one, was truly not expecting to make much off of that one but I actually owed twenty something dollars for that one lol. Gamestop must really be going through it for them to try and pull stuff like this. OUR ECONOMY IS STRONG, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise

Quote:I get that Gamestop trade values are a meme but I'm sorry this one is on you. Gamestop has to take in consoles in the exact state they can sell them. They can't be missing controllers or wires. You can't just sell them a console without the stuff that makes it work. If you wanted to keep your controllers and wires, it'd mean you would have to buy them to trade in the console. Maybe that wasn't conveyed properly to you but that's what was happening. All the required parts that were missing from your trade were being added as a purchase. And PS4 controllers are still pretty expensive.

Quote:If you're going to trade in the system without everything that is required, why would GameStop take the hit by taking their own product off the shelf to make up for the necessary items needed for them resell the system? Some of y'all in here are hating on GameStop for no reason this time. They're not being unfair in this scenario.

Our pal Zeo brings the factually correct takes. 
ZeoVGM wrote:Fuck GameStop, obviously, and you should instead sell consoles on Ebay or something like that.

But they have literally always required that a controller be traded in alongside a console. That was the case when I worked there in 2006 and it hasn't changed.

It completely makes sense.

I like this guy though.
Quote:You'd be cool with buying a PS4 from GameStop with just the console, no controllers or cables?
Heck yes I would! Not only would I be getting a console but also Gamestop would have to pay me $5.

EDIT: Too lazy to quote him, but CoyoteStarrk is in the thread saying he used to work at gamestop and explaining why these "explanations" don't make sense for various reasons, and posters (mostly ZeoVGM) are arguing with him lol. Good clean Era comedy, no politics required...yet.

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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by DavidCroquet - 03-12-2025, 07:38 PM

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