Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
aerie wrote:The most disgusting humans this generation attacking one of the most vulnerable minority groups for just existing. I'm really sorry transfolk, but I just feel like I failed you all with what's happening, and I'm truly sorry you have to live through this. You deserve respect, kindness, love, and peace, like we all do. That is freedom, that is liberty.
Quote:You fucking disgusting Nazi.

You're not fucking human, you piece of shit!
Quote:the trans genocide continues
aerie wrote:I'm not trying to be alarmist, or fearmonger, but things are most likely going to get much, much worse before they get better. I'm trying to steel myself for that, and I recommend everyone else to try to too, if you can.
Quote:Hope for the day when he's pinned down by his neck & suffering & they just dig the boot in deeper.
ClickyCal wrote:
Quote:the trans genocide continues
Imran wrote:They desperately want to encourage violence outright and are getting closer and closer to it.
ClickyCal wrote:Correct, and why I'm also closer and closer to wanting....or needing a gun. Very unfortunate to even have to feel the need to be armed.
Quote:Can't even express in words how goddamn tired I am of patriarchal male fragility causing immense human suffering over and over and over again throughout history, and yet the very notion of improving our understanding of gender roles constantly being fought against tooth and nail every time someone tries to raise the actual issue.

Trans people are not a threat to you unless you're an emotionally-stunted loser who only understands masculine self-worth as a zero-sum game dependent on pillaging status from others. Leave trans people the fuck alone. They are harming no one. Your refusal to do the emotional work is not an export anyone wants or deserves.
aerie wrote:Oh, absolutely, if folks feel it's in their best interest to de-transition, that is no problem. The most common reason for it though is "societal hatred," and that is not OK. We need to create a better environment for transfolk, not this dangerous nonsense. I also do not in anyway believe the numbers being shown in this article, that isn't based off any data i've seen. The de-transition rate is lower than the surgery regret rate, and much lower than many other important stats.
Quote:Yes because you care so much
You just want to justify your genocide
Quote:Correct, and why I'm also closer and closer to wanting....or needing a gun. Very unfortunate to even have to feel the need to be armed.
It is insane that a year ago I would have never, ever thought I would need to own a gun. It still doesn't feel right to me that I've been thinking about it as much as I have been. I was clearly too naive about things.
Quote:Wish that bullet didnt miss
Quote:Sigh, all of them are just outright awful people. So much focus on some of the most vulnerable entirely due to just rampant bigotry and insecurity. Trans folks aren't going anywhere and I hope when these fucks all die that thought haunts them as they look up.
Quote:The thing that gets me is how backwards they look at everything. They say social media has lead to an increase in gender dysphoria, because individuals can find communities online that can support them socially and medically transition. Like, no shit? Building awareness and creating safe spaces is probably going to lead to more people feeling accepted and supported enough to start making steps forward. But they say these spaces are dangerous, I'd say shutting them down is dangerous. It's just going to isolate kids with no supports, especially if they have parents who think like these people do.
Quote:Same as with anything else, exposure to queer people = person has a higher chance of being gay. Exposure to minorities and people of color = they're going to replace us etc etc. They just found another layer of a minority group to kick around and this time with no filter whatsoever.
AliceAmber wrote:Every day is a new hell
Quote:Just pure unbridled hate against people who just want to exist.
Quote:We could have prevented this back in November...

That's all I can think at this point, I don't know how to process this evil.
Quote:Wow this is downright diabolical.
Quote:Genuinely only surprised that they didn't schedule it on the 31st to be as shitty as possible. Otherwise I'm not shocked that they took time to celebrate some grifters.
Quote:I want him to die painfully.
Quote:Fuck 'em. Trans rights now and forever. I'm not going to give any oxygen or energy to these shits, I'd rather spend it helping people who need the support and building the community.
Quote:I wish this man the most suffering imaginable for a person to go through. Fuck fascists, and protect trans lives.

"here's some people who were harmed"
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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by benji - 11 hours ago

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