Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
You don't have to worship at the Church of Nancy Pelosi and her Democrats of latter day saints.  You can just feed people.  Seriously the next time someone in your community is addicted to drugs, feed him.   Someone fell from a tree and needs emergency healthcare?  Make them a sandwich.   Ol' man Byron is having a property dispute with his neighbor again and he's about to discharge his weapon?  Tomato soup them.  I make the world a better place.  I do shit.  When was the last time your worthless ass fed someone?   I mean really fed someone.  I mean really give them that food.  Never gave a slow child in remedial math a nice bowl of spaghetti, huh?  Heh.

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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by Propagandhim - Yesterday, 03:00 AM

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