Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
Aerie’s rise to season regular has been so wholesome to see uguu

aerie, post: 137004663, member: 4112 wrote:I'm not saying this to joke or make light of the situation, but it's amazing how the Star Wars prequel trilogy was a lesson in this type of rise of fascism, hate, fear, and a lust for power by the most terrible people out there. Shame right wingers don't have any media literacy.

aerie, post: 137006280, member: 4112 wrote:Oh, I don't think many people think Kendrick is some perfect person or anything like that, I understand his flaws. Tupac has always been an inspiration for me, and he had some deep flaws and serious issues.

Kendrick is an incredible artist, and it's not me separating the art from the artist, it's me accepting that he's flawed and will fuck up, and not everything will be ideal.

I'm flawed too.

aerie, post: 137068641, member: 4112 wrote:This is of course anecdotal, and not the sign of some big trend, but I have a friend whose parents are unbelievably right-wing. Like they just sit in their chairs watching Fox News all day every day, and they're miserable, hateful people. Their brains are cooked, you can't have conversation with them about anything political, as it's clear they don't understand the issues and are fed so much hate and propaganda. When I saw them a couple of days ago (my friend has health issues so her parents are around quite a bit, which I will say that is lovely), they told us they were voting for the Liberal party for the first time in their lives, and that they can't stand little PP.

I was really quite shocked. It's not that they've seen the light and woken up from the right wing propaganda machine, but it's something certainly notable.

aerie, post: 137096394, member: 4112 wrote:Oh god no, not all. I wouldn't, but not because I don't want to interact with them, I just value my privacy.

aerie, post: 137096535, member: 4112 wrote:Social media and it's monetized hate have played a big part in the ruin of western society. Weak arguments that support discrimination that don't hold up to reason or critical thinking, but are easy to believe if you're not really thinking for yourself, praying off peoples prejudice and justifying it and building it up. Prejudice does not come from a place of truth, and so many folks do not understand that, and lean into it when it's forced down their throats through algorithms and for-profit hate. It's all justifying prejudice, which means it's justifying something that isn't true or real, even if it's something you think is.

Like that's all the anti-woke movement is, for-profit hatred towards minorities and women, trying to censor, control, and erase them from media. Freedom of speech for me, not for thee.

I know terminally online weirdos love to browse this site, so let me ask you this; if the woke games list says so many games from the 90s and 00s were woke, why is it a problem now, when it wasn't a problem before? If your answer is something along the lines of "it's gone too far," then that's nonsense, because the argument of why we support positive and accurate representation of various groups (including you) hasn't changed. Your argument comes from a place of prejudice and bigotry, not truth or reason, or even kindness, decency, or respect.

Your own worst enemy is you, not women or whatever minority group is the target of the year, work on yourself, bring yourself up, don't push others down. Move on and let go of hate, I promise you will feel free and healthier, happier, and you will see the world clearer. You will be more attractive as a partner to women. I know this is difficult to do, but there is a warm light and truth at the end of that tunnel.

aerie, post: 137099301, member: 4112 wrote:This is off topic, but I'm just posting it to give you folks a bit of a laugh. Every time I see the word "mods" in a title, my eyes just focus on that before the rest and my instant thought goes to "Oh god what did we fuck up this time?" and I get a surge of anxiety. I know, it's really silly, but i thought you'd all find it funny.

Also mods can't fix Starfield.

Also also Dragonage Veilgauard is way better then Starfield, don't @ me.

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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by BIONIC - 03-16-2025, 05:12 PM

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