Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
(03-16-2025, 02:01 PM)killamajig wrote:

quote from the article...
Quote:Men across the world feel they are being asked to do too much to support women, despite the fact that they directly benefit from women's prosperity.

A survey of more than 24,000 people across 30 countries revealed 57% of Gen Z men felt their nation had "gone so far in promoting women's equality that we are discriminating against men."

Six in 10 Gen Z men also said they were being asked to do too much to support women, with 28% adding that a father who stayed home to look after his children is less of a man than those who went to work.

Across the board, Gen Z had more extreme views on their role in creating an equal society than any other generation. For example, only 12% of baby boomers agreed with the statement that fathers staying home meant they were less of a man.

Likewise, under half of boomer men (43%) told the study—carried out by Ipsos UK and the Global Institute for Women's Leadership at King's College London—that they were being asked to do too much to support equality.

Strangely, Gen Z men were more likely to describe themselves as feminists than other generations with 32% agreeing with the statement. Likewise 32% of millennial men said they were feminist, compared to 29% of Gen X men and 28% of baby boomers.

Overall, however, 62% of men across countries including the U.S., Australia, Great Britain, Canada, and Japan said that achieving gender equality is of personal importance to them."Despite the divisive headlines, our survey highlights that most people—including men—still agree that achieving gender equality…is important to them personally. Many problems we face are shared, and all genders can and should come together to address the challenges we face as a society, as only by uniting our efforts can we meet them."
should be a good one to watch

These people have to admit at some point that gender equality is not a realistic goal.

Women should have equality of opportunity. Fighting for equality of outcome is where these idiots have misunderstood their own goals.

My own current workplace is 85% women and no one sees a problem with that. If it was 85% men, people would be asking questions. 

At some point we have to admit that we have almost removed every barrier that women face in life. They have unrestricted access to university, they can apprentice in any trade, they can sit on boards and we don't even make them give up work when they get married any more.

What we shouldn't do is promote people into roles they are unqualified for or disadvantage people because of their gender. We currently do both. I'll let you work out which gender gets which treatment.

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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by Potato - 03-16-2025, 07:15 PM

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