Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
(Yesterday, 01:03 AM)Snoopy wrote: The militia are back to telling each other they need to strap up
Quote:I mean, what is the reason at this point to not arm yourself....especially if you are a minority of any kind?

Quote:"Well you see, statistically it's more dangerous to own a gun"*

*all data collected prior to fascist takeover

Quote:Oh like trust me, I know how dangerous it can be in every way. When we are at where we are at, it gets to a point where it still is more dangerous to no be armed.
They should check out this thread:
entremet wrote:Many say the 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms, is justified to prevent the abuse of tyrannical government action.

But today "the Government" has satellites, deep surveillance apparatus, sophisticated weapons tech, the numbers in terms of an army, nuclear weapons and powerful armaments. Attack helicopters, missiles, etc. Not to mention the CIA, FBI, and various police forces.

But many of these weekend warrior types really think donning fatigues and doing target practice on Saturdays is enough to repel the government?

Moreover, we have examples, recent ones, of threats of violence, only used to prop tyranny--Jan 6th. Not defend democracy.

Additionally, such a justification misses like imperial power. Guns aren't enough for that. I really don't get it.
PlanetSmasher wrote:They know it doesn't make any sense. They still want to have guns anyway.

It's all a smokescreen for the fact that they like the idea of being able to kill anyone they don't like.
Quote:It hasn't made sense for decades
Quote:gun nuts are sustained by the fantasy that they will someday get to do a Red Dawn
Quote:It doesn't even stop tyrannical governments if they agree with what the government is doing. Please see: the treatment of African Americans as well as Japanese internment camps for more information
Lobster Roll wrote:They just say that as another roadblock to discussion. One person can own 100 guns and they'd be unceremoniously hit with a drone strike in the event of them actually taking on the US military or the government going full tyranny and violence mode. They know it. We know it. They just want to drag out the discussion and make up justifications to keep themselves armed for no reason other than gun owner sickness. They're not worth engaging with when they start talking about defending their turf with guns.
entremet wrote:The government could shutdown power, water, supply lines, etc.

If the government really wanted to mess us up, they really could, pretty easily.
Quote:The loudest people bragging about their guns and COME TAKE IT mentality are the absolute first ones who will hand over all their firearms when a convoy of APC's strolls down the street knocking on doors and demanding guns - because at that point you'd be an idiot not to and have your family watch as you are thrown down and arrested or even possibly gunned down in front of them.
Quote:After Jan 6 they are finding out what happens when you try to take down the government
Nepenthe wrote:The idea of having a law saying you are allowed to rebel is fundamentally redundant. If people feel the need to rebel against the government, they're going to do so regardless of what is on the books. It's like...the fucking point of a rebellion.

I imagine the counter to that is that it isn't the point; the point is to arm the civilians as another check... at which point lol. Have you looked around lately? This country is held hostage by a minority of bigoted conspiratorial nutcase conservatives, and an even larger cabal of billionaire shitlords who pay off both parties. If you were intending to stop the degredation of whatever integrity this country ever had, it's way too fucking late.
Quote:Red Dawn = 40 years ago...maybe.

Now? Yea, good luck on that with all the tech that the US Army Has.

Take away ole Jim-bob's internet connection, turn off utilities to his podunk town, choke off supply chains, and send in drones. It will be over very quickly for his lot. And the moment ole Jim-Bob's group starts dirty bombing innocents in a major city they will lose the majority sympathy quick.

The way right-wing fascism will take hold in America is the same way it did in Germany: the right-wing political elite will increasingly concede it to them and defend it as the lesser evil and the necessary political calculus.

Guns in America are far more the tool of fear and oppression than liberation.
Quote:OR you can actually be anti-gun and realize that basically every statistic out there says you're much more at risk with a gun in your household than without.

OR you can still be anti-gun and push for much stronger gun control.

What is this logic??

Man, this country is such a joke sometimes. It feels hopeless to ever change any gun law with the way attitudes currently are.
Despite the fact that guns are the ONLY reason we're in this situation to begin with. This is playing right into the hands of every gun manufacturer and right-winger out there.
Quote:2A advocates will point to the successes of the North Vietnamese Army as proof that they could stop the US military.

Couple problems with this obviously.

1. The NVA, contrary to popular right-wing belief was not just a rabble of farmers and peasants, they were a standing army with military commanders and strategists (including one of the greatest military strategists of the 20th century) and they conscripted peasants and farmers amongst regular soldiers.

2. That was 50 years ago.

3. You don't have the motivations of the NVA who were fighting off a literal foreign invasion. You're protecting your hobby.
B-Dubs wrote:You also don't have the backing of multiple foreign governments providing you with supplies.
Quote:You don't need guns to rebel against tyrannical governments, local or national. You just need to not show up at work.

This doesn't count any of the pro-cop posts from that thread.

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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by benji - Yesterday, 01:17 AM

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