Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
(9 hours ago)Snoopy wrote: Meanwhile actual retard thoughts -

Quote:If I was in charge of the government, I'll just dismantle the KKK and Neo Nazi group as they shouldn't be allowed to be in public. They'll all get arrested on the spot. We have all learned how the Nazi murder millions and how the KKK also murder people. So if someone labels themselves as part of the Nazi such as Neo Nazi or KKK. Doesn't this mean they support murdering people? If they are simply racists or prideful why don't they just call themselves white pride or white kings or something. But they become far worse and actually supports murder once they label themselves as Neo Nazi/KKK.
This guy really overestimates the size of the KKK, claims more active members than they do. Also that neo-Nazi groups literally call themselves "Neo-Nazi" as the group name. lol
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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by benji - 8 hours ago

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