03-18-2025, 01:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-18-2025, 01:17 PM by killamajig.)
(03-18-2025, 02:37 AM)benji wrote:(03-18-2025, 01:02 AM)Snoopy wrote: Meanwhile actual retard thoughts -Same account, that claims to be 16 years old and female and registered at the start of February:
Quote:If I was in charge of the government, I'll just dismantle the KKK and Neo Nazi group as they shouldn't be allowed to be in public. They'll all get arrested on the spot. We have all learned how the Nazi murder millions and how the KKK also murder people. So if someone labels themselves as part of the Nazi such as Neo Nazi or KKK. Doesn't this mean they support murdering people? If they are simply racists or prideful why don't they just call themselves white pride or white kings or something. But they become far worse and actually supports murder once they label themselves as Neo Nazi/KKK.
https://www.resetera.com/threads/the-battle-for-the-bros-young-men-have-gone-maga-can-the-left-win-them-back.1136940/page-4#post-137157840 wrote:I tried not to have this view where men are adversaries but from time and time again there are things that reminds me that some men are just fucking evil from being sexists to pervs that outright demand you to please them and get mad if you don't. You'll understand if you been to free video chatrooms like Omegle where it's always the nasty guys showing their dicks when you didn't ask for it.
I'll used to go on Omegle with my friend to look up hot and interesting guys to talk to but whenever we ran into ugly nasty dudes, they'll have the nerve to ask for stuff like show boobs etc and also show their dicks when we don't want to see that and some even get angry if we refuse and go on sexist rants. And a LOT of guys are pervs there which shows their true color.
I still don't just see men as enemies cause even as a left sided girl, my boyfriend is actually more right sided but thank goodness he doesn't care about politics much so he's not some ramble maga dude at least. But just saying there are many things that men could improve on from being less perverted or less demanded to being less sexist etc etc.
https://www.resetera.com/threads/welcome-new-members-introduce-yourself-here.119184/page-42#post-135401469 wrote:Thanks for accepting me! I love games so I wanted to try a gaming forum. Tried reddit first but I don't like the layout of it and this one seems to be the biggest and best one after lurking for a bit. I love music, games, and movies especially a lot of the older ones before I was even born for music and movies thanks to my parents. I'm into old games too. Horror and fantasy are my favorite genre.
https://www.resetera.com/threads/women-lesbians-and-wlw-of-era-i-summon-you-what-would-you-want-from-a-women-lead-fighting-game-made-to-appeal-to-women.1110930/#post-135882267 wrote:I'm not into fighting games unless it's like Super Smash Bros Ultimate. So if that count than I'll want one that has a variety of style and characters like fantasy, cyberpunk, goth, steampunk etc in music and style. A bunch of characters like vampires, werewolves, wizards, cyborgs, knights, witches, demons, angels etc and all kind of other things. I'll still keep straights in just to have a bigger variety but definitely would be including a lot of Bi, lesbian, gay, trans etc characters in the game. Definitely a adventure story mode within the game to make me care for the characters more.Quote:Quote:Cis hag in her late 30s here. DOA kinda gives me what I want already lol. Like for some reason lately I've really started enjoying like extreme bimbocore like DOA and Stellar Blade and stuff.Way younger but I could also enjoy sexy characters especially if there's other interesting things in the game which was how I could enjoy SB cause I wanna experience their world, their struggle, survival, plus they got some really cool monsters and music track. Never played DOA but don't really have a problem with that from what I've seen of it which isn't much. But I do prefer something like Tides of A or Resident Evil 4 more where it's more beauty rather sexualizing. I do wish they would put more hot male characters in games with hot female characters to keep a better balance though.https://www.resetera.com/threads/you-come-home-and-find-your-favourite-adult-game-protagonist-is-there-to-tell-you-that-you-matter-both-valentines-and-palentines-day-versions.1108968/#post-135816597 wrote:"They give you a big, if you're okay with it, kiss; and tell you that you're great, that you matter"
Since Cloud from FFVII Rebirth is going to hug and kiss me then disappear forever, you can bet I won't let go of him that easily once he hugs me and will definitely kiss him back. Probably not a cool thing to do since I have a boyfriend already but this is a once in a lifetime situation that's completely supernatural which won't ever happen to me again so I'm pretty sure he'll understand even if he finds out which he won't XD
https://www.resetera.com/threads/how-are-you-dealing-with-maga-relatives-especially-during-this-time-commiserating-thread-for-maga-family.1099878/page-2#post-135564339 wrote:If someone leading to the right is considered MAGA than my brother and my parents would all be consider maga. I'm the only left leaning person in my household. My parents didn't vote though just that they lean more right. I don't agree with them on things but I get by alright with them. Brother is a jerk with some of his offensive jokes sometimes but I still love him. I learned to co exist pretty well with my parents and got used to a lot of things. I kind of had to since I'm not working yet so all my money comes from my parents. Friends are a mix, close friends either don't like Trump or don't care for either sides.
As for my cousins, aunts, uncle etc I'm not too sure where some of them stand. Didn't ask them but two of them are definitely pure maga as in voted for trump, it'll be a mix between them. The others as well as my cousins don't care about politics as far as I know.https://www.resetera.com/threads/hows-your-mental-health-with-the-crap-going.1105980/page-3#post-135649407 wrote:Doing alright, it's mostly been the same as it's always been. Hanging out with friends after school, skateboarding, video games etc tons of things to distract myself from what's going on. Also helps that my friends rarely bring up politics.
https://www.resetera.com/threads/married-relationship-era-how-you-think-you-would-fare-in-todays-dating-scene-if-you-were-single-again.1137252/#post-137157975 wrote:I was fine since I was single until I got my first relationship last year.
Real or fake? I report, you decide.
Feb 5, 2025
Dark Fairy Princess
And a posting style right out of the gate like they have been a member for a long time?
No not an Alt, and how dare any of you think it's not female.
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