Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
(03-19-2025, 07:13 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Lady Dimitrescu wrote:Yeah, I almost replied, I was so close and then I realised 95% of this forum will just dogpile me and because 95% of this forum seem to be cisgender men I'll just be gaslit into thinking I'm the problem.

I wanted to vent about a promotion I missed out on just last week. So this is to replace the LAST woman senior developer and or designer in our department....I was told by my boss when he gave rejection feedback that my interview was one of the best, there was no negative feedback. Just this person had more experience.... Then I discovered the guy they replaced the last WOMAN on the senior team has 4 years less experience than me, on top I have had short term experience RUNNING an entire department. But 11+ years experience in what I do isn't a match for a man's 7!

It seems to me that whether it was a conscious decision or not - they wanted someone who would fit in than stand out...

If I posted my experience on the main forum I guarantee you I'd have no sympathy, no-one would be suspicious, and I would just be told "you sure you're not just jealous OP?"
Lady Dimitrescu wrote:Currently all my spare time is sucked away by shooting a year's worth of OnlyFans content ready for an August launch. Usually I play videogames and I want to get into paranormal investigations. I have a Ghostbusters PKE meter from Hasbro which actually detects EMF and that's fucking rad.

I enjoy customising and making props for cosplay, so I guess crafts could be a hobby. I want to do D&D but I've never done it before. I have a character but it's homebrew AF because they are a person who travels providing Gender Affirming Healthcare to people. So their spells consist on (warning slightly nsfw descriptions) giving people and creatures massive boobs, or giving them a vagina or a large penis. Because there's nothing more I want to do than suprise an orc in battle by making it grow giant bazongas and just confusing it, or giving a thief a shlong so large it weighs them to the floor! 🤭
Doesn't this post breaks every era rule? 

Absolutely bizar this freak is able to post their fetishes constantly.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by Kyon1988 - 03-20-2025, 04:53 AM

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