Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
Quote:Yes it sucks they didn't vote in 2024. I'm angry at them too.

But let's activate these folks for the 2025 specials and the 2026 mid-terms, let's go. I'd like to see universal healthcare in my lifetime, please.
But I don't want anything you guys want.

Quote:These people can go lie down in traffic and never speak again.
[Image: 16.png]

Quote:This is who we need to target in 2028, not the 77 million who voted in the fascist
These people have been targeted before, but what happens without fail is that they don't show up for the next election when they invariably don't get 200% of their pie-in-the-sky desires they projected onto the democratic candidate, while loudly whinging on social-media about "bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe!".
That's not remotely all non-voters, just the ones who are admins on your forum. lol 

Quote:What is there to even say to this?

Should voting be mandatory?

But the Republicans will never allow that to happen because it hurts them.

Mesoian wrote:
Quote:Y'all know at least some of these people didn't vote because of voter suppression, right. I guess mindlessly hating on a group is easier though.
This poll is also 70% white.

I'm not going to say that voter suppression isn't a factor in the grand scheme of things, it certainly is, but it's almost certainly a VERY low factor for this particular poll.
But 70% of the American population is white.

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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by benji - Yesterday, 12:00 AM

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