Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
(Yesterday, 12:13 AM)Jeff_at_the_laughfactory wrote: That thread about the guy sending reviewers an email about their Xenoblade reviews has been emblematic of my point about the hypocrisy of Era.
Anyone who has worked with people on the spectrum can tell you that email was not sent with any malicious intent, it was just a person on the spectrum who's really into Xenoblade. But of course, management can't have this embarrassment on their hands so we cast out anyone pointing out the obvious as "ableist" despite the fact that nobody who was pointing this out was accusing this person of any wrongdoing or moral failings. It's almost as if moderation sees people saying this person is on the spectrum as inherently negative, huh, that seems pretty ableist of the staff if you ask me.
Obviously, no one gives a shit about some rando mass emailing games journos, what's really going on is Resetera approved games have been taking nothing but L's these past few months and the community just needs a heckin feel good dunk on a ""gamer"" so we can remember who the real enlightened ones are here.

Also since we're on the topic, the new assassin's creed scoring 1 mil players is nothing to celebrate, Veilguard had more than twice the CCU that Shadows has right now and was still deemed a flop by EA, 1.5 mil players reached (not sales btw) when they wanted at least 3 million. Era is so desperate for a win, they're like the DarkSydePhil of internet forums.

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Much like my namesake, I'm a little drunk so apologies for any grammatical errors.

One could even argue that it speaks for a wider understanding of autism and people on the spectrum.Between the options of believing that this is someone with autism who doesn't pick up on social cues vs believing that this is some creepy evil nerd, the first option seems healthier (and also more likely)

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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by HaughtyFrank - Yesterday, 12:30 AM

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