Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
Quote:It's not looking good:

Top Democrats tell us their party is in its deepest hole in nearly 50 years — and they fear things could actually get worse:
The party has its lowest favorability ever.
No popular national leader to help improve it.
Insufficient numbers to stop most legislation in Congress.
A durable minority on the Supreme Court.
Dwindling influence over the media ecosystem, with right-leaning podcasters and social media accounts ascendant.
Young voters are growing dramatically more conservative.
A bad 2026 map for Senate races.
Democratic Senate retirements could make it harder for the party to flip the House, with members tempted by statewide races.
There are only three House Republicans in districts former Vice President Harris won in 2024, a dim sign for a Democratic surge. There were 23 eight years ago in seats Hillary Clinton won.
And, thanks to the number of people fleeing blue states, the math for a Dem to win the presidency will just get harder in 2030.
Why it matters: Both parties — after losing the White House, Senate and House — suffer and search for salvation. But rarely does healing seem so hard and redemption so distant.

But don't worry doom posters, this guy has the simple answer..
Quote:It's not hard. They lost working class voters so let's push agenda items for working class people. Tax cuts for anyone making less than $250k, progressive tax hikes for those making more. Tax corporations on earnings they announce to shareholders so that they can't use creative accounting to get around paying taxes. Draft laws to overturn Citizens United to get corporate money and billionaires out of government so that the government works for the people instead. Invest in education. Trump is gutting the DoE right now, push how you will modernize learning for the next decade, including subsidies to pay teachers more. Build more affordable housing so everyone can have a chance at the American dream. Draft laws to stop greedflation. The focus should be on tangible benefits to every day Americans that everyone can get behind.


Quote:There were millions of people who didn't vote in this last election. We get 2-3% more people to vote who didn't in 2024 and we're good.

Nepenthe wrote:Trying to get folks to entertain learning about non-voters and courting them is an uphill battle in and of itself because liberals hate them more than they do conservatives.

Says the dumb bitch that didn't vote. 

Era, keep listening to Neppy. She stole money from fellow furries, but I'm sure she has the best interests of fellow era members in mind lol

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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by killamajig - Yesterday, 01:09 PM

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