(06-29-2024, 05:26 AM)Chudder Barbarity wrote: You have to keep in mind that being against open borders is akin to heresy for the european elite.I was joking more because it's like the thing Farage is most famous for after hating the EU. They did an "undercover sting" to discover things you can find on the Wikipedia page.
But apparently this was even stupider because it's turned in this dude being the scandal:
Reminds me of this:
(06-29-2024, 05:26 AM)Chudder Barbarity wrote: *Perhaps I'm just economically illiterate, but it always puzzles me that far right and fascism is used interchangeably by people. To me, fascism sounds like a left wing ideology with the centralisation and authoritarianism, whereas far right would be something like anarcho-capitalism.No, see, the Soviets said fascists are right-wing so that must mean they're truly far-right and the farthest thing from Stalinism. Because Soviet propaganda is the most trustworthy thing there is. Even if it fits more that they were calling fascists "right-wing socialists" to contrast with left-wing internationalism, hence why they also called social democrats right-wing and accused them of being "social fascists" who were also against the international proletariat.
So just take it as a given that allowing too much individual freedom and limitation of the state will result in fascism, a totalitarian ideology that eliminates the individual for the state which has no limits, this is the only thing that makes logical sense. And since fascism is bad and right-wing therefore anything left-wing is good because the opposite of fascism.
You're really showing your ignorance when you think there's no real difference between monopolization under the single party state and monopolization under the single party state. If you don't choose the good monopolization you must be for the bad monopolization because my false choice disallows any other options.