09-24-2024, 07:54 PM
(09-24-2024, 06:29 PM)Propagandhim wrote: i put this in the wrong thread. fuck me in the pussy
which post, this one?
(09-24-2024, 05:47 PM)Propagandhim wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/everybody-wants-to-waste-your-time-drew-gooden-video.989289/
Nepenthe wrote:Bread and circuses, as they say.I spent 5 minutes total this week on Twitter. I dont feel like the world is so shitty I need video games and Twitter to "numb the pain". I don't feel like I'm being lorded over by the "powers that be" and being force-fed their services at the expense of developing healthy relationships. Entertainment as literally the only thing we are looking forward to at the end of the day? Nepenthe, this is just you. That's just your life. I don't know anyone who lives like this, in fact. I can't find a single person in my life who just acquiesces to "the powers that be" who have every tendril of the capitalists stuck in their brain, forcing them to live to numb their pain. All projection.
Social media and endless content need as many people engaging as possible for as long as possible in order to make money, which means strategies are developed in order to psychologically pressure you to stick around for longer. One more match, one more episode, one more click. Which is really good for the powers that be because every second we waste like this is time that cannot be spent for organizing or developing healthy relationships.
Just as well, people actively seek out these things as a need for an "escape" without questioning why we live in a world that is so shitty we need video games, Netflix, and Twitter to numb the pain. Ideally, our entertainment should be an enhancement or a treat versus literally the only thing we are looking forward to at the end of the day. Even worse is when this need to escape is compounded with media that is decidedly anti-establishment or anti-capitalist to some degree. People can watch Squid Games or play FFXVI whose politics are compelling you to fight against self-destructive status quos for a better world, but instead they're being used as a disposable "escape." It's both pathetic and insulting really.
You might think I'm being hyperbolic, but this kind of learned helplessness that is constantly reinforced on this forum creates people like Melody. Just depression and cynicism as far as the eye can see. What is Melody's endgame with the e-begging? "Help me, if you can." Until the next day. There's no end to it. Because at no point do you believe you can help yourself. That's the same kind of hell life Nepenthe is describing.