Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) wrote:
Quote:Why is every time the topic of Gaza is brought up there's someone in a thread doing "but Trump..." routine? Even then the topic is not remotely correlated to the US election someone is still showing up to do the same pr points. This fucking elections can't come fast enough ugh.
I dont know, but I'm starting to hate it here. Click the wrong thread and its just everyone in a circle patting eachother on the back for minimizing genocide. I'm starting to feel crazy.
Spoiler: tweets with Bill Clinton comments they're talking about from here on (click to show)

Quote:There's so much to unpack about this fucking racist diatribe. But I'm just gonna ask, are dems trying to lose Michigan (and the Muslim vote in general) on purpose or what? Is this their idea of outreach?
Booshka wrote:Just more old world racism and colonialism. Manifest Destiny in speech form from Bill Clinton. Just a deeply racist person.
Quote:Says a lot about Harris / Walz ticket when they greenlight racist asshole drivel like this to be peddled.

"...I have news for Palestinian and Arab Americans in Michigan, so what there is all out genocide going? Israel has every right, so fall in line and vote blue! Harris kindamaybenotreally will try talk with Bibi, who knows. Vote blue!"
Quote:Israelis were there first? What the fuck sort of ignorant, hateful, racist, history denying, missing the bloody point, horseshit is that?
effingvic wrote:He's a fucking piece of dog shit
Quote:Great call from the Kamalas team to send out their best pedophile to Michigan. Bill killed it out there.
Quote:If that is Bill Clinton's standard, every American should leave and give the land back to the Indigenous tribes.
m_shortpants wrote:Holy. Shit.

I have no words. It's like they want to say everything to convince people NOT to vote for Dems. Amazing.
Jeb wrote:Liberals shout at us Arabs that Democrats are the solution to everything, but that party keeps showing us that they hate us too.

I mean they have been funding, arming and political extermination of our people but you'd think they'd tone it down when telling our people to get in line.
m_shortpants wrote:Those comments are so shocking to me I feel like they warrant a thread on their own. But that would probably just get locked.
Quote:Good vibes only.
Quote:They are delusional if they think that young people are anti Israel because 'they don't understand what's really going on , hamas uses human shields ' . Those lies will no longer work . It's over for that . They just won't realise that until it is too late .
Quote:Is that how Harris' campaign wants to present their message to Arab and Muslim voters? I wonder if they have a single Arab or Muslim staffer who would just say "you know, it's not as a good idea as you might think". Just an utter disregard for an entire community.
FantasticToma wrote:Wth ...

I feel so numb everytime one of these Israel-apologists uses the "but Hamas is using civilians as human shields!!1" argument.


There are no human shields, not on Hamas' side anyway. If that were true, Hamas would be safe behind these human shields. Because that's what a SHIELD does.

And then always "Hamas forces Israel to kill those civilians". No. It's IDF soldiers who choose to do it. Hamas is not pulling their trigger.

These people defending Israel really are the abyss of all morality ...
Quote:Been saying this for a while now that these fuckers will lose the election and then go to media and blame Arabs and Muslims. Always a minority that loses them the election, it can never be their own fault.
Quote:The honesty in Bill Clinton's talk there is commendable, but I kinda wonder if he's really mentally processing what exactly he's saying there. Like, I don't care how intrinsic that anti-Muslim, anti-Arab racism is, if you really want to get people to vote, as a lifelong politician, you never want to end on a sentence with "that oughta be enough". Like, he clearly knows that's garbage, rhetorically alone.
Quote:My god.. If it wasn't so sad I would have laughed. Clinton was actually trying to rally the Muslim / Arab votes. Very good idea to tell at least the Muslims the settlers have a right to Palestine because your religion doesn't mean shit to us.

With allies like this...
Quote:Putting aside that Bill Clinton is trying to justify Israel's conquests...

There remains the immediate problem that Israel has bombed out essentially all infrastructure necessary for life in Gaza--housing, food, water, healthcare, education, etc. So no, a ceasefire is not enough by any measure.
PhoenixAKG wrote:And people will still tell Palestinians/Muslims "vote for Dems to prevent genocide/suffering here! Tough luck on the genocide in Palestine. But Trump will be worse there too!"
Daphne wrote:I'm in total disgust over those Clinton remarks. Utterly racist, incoherent drivel. Arguments that are wrong whoever makes them, but is especially ridiculous coming from a US president, a country built upon a very recent genocide of its native people. People who were there for thousands of years and he's unironically making the argument that if some elements of your religion existed in a region before some other religion, then you are allowed to murder the men, women and children of the latter en masse without restriction or reason. Under his logic, his own immediate extermination wouldn't be able to be even questioned.

Ugh, what's the point unpacking it, it's so vile and wrong. This is what Dems are offering and they are surprised it's not accepted. People voting for the Dems are doing so by wading to the polling place against a torrential current of shit pushing them away emanating from the Dems themselves.
Scuffed wrote:Omfg. It's bad enough the Dems sent a sex abuser to help Harris but doing the old " they were there first" shit is a place that even a lot of pro-Israel people don't go because it's the same angle Putin uses to invade Ukraine. I'm trying to disconnect a bit until the election but my god this is just outrageous.
Quote:This doesn't surprise me. They sent Ritchie Torres to campaign in Michigan before. They might as well buy ads in Arabic telling Dearborn residents to go fuck themselves.

But I'm never not amused by the Dems' idiotic love of the Clintons. A sex pest that dragged the party to the right. And a loser who never had a single correct and moral position on anything, with the foreign policy of Henry Kissinger. Smug fucks. I can't wait to never see them again.
Iori wrote:WHAT????????? WHY would this campaign put this man on stage at all???? on top of being wildly racist he was literally an epstein associate! why are we doing this!
Quote:I don't understand why Dems thinking dragging out a washed up Clinton is a smart idea.

Needless to say, the hasbarist narrative that Israel predates the people of Palestine, thus justifying their colonization and subjugation, is far more prevalent and endemic within the corridors of Western powers. It's why there's been such a longstanding tolerance for Israel committing atrocities ever since it was established in 1948.
Scuffed wrote:Ritchie Torres is the slimiest fuck around. Not only is he an AIPAC puppet but he's as Islamophobic as it gets. Such a horrible person.
Quote:Coming into here and reading election threads is so mentally draining. Like these fucks can't go a day now without doing something to shit on Muslim Americans. The racism is so in your face like I'm Puerto Rican and got called garbage by the GOP in their Nazi rally and compared to Muslim Americans during this whole year especially during the DNC and the DoD press conferences. This country is really turned to shit. Clinton doing this shit is just as bad or could be argued worse than the Nazi Rally at MSG considering the Biden Administration is actively aiding a genocidal government destroy a entire people shouldn't be lost on history. People who care about the ongoing genocide are supposed to be hopeful about a candidate who can improve the situation? Hell fucking no.

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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by benji - 11-01-2024, 07:51 AM

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