11-03-2024, 12:21 PM
Mr.Man writes -
Quote: I often get frustrated with my sexuality and sometimes I feel like I'm caught between two worlds because of it. Technically I'm bisexual but get frustrated calling myself because I always feel like it gives off the wrong impression that I'm interested in men which I'm not, not in the slightest and I'm interested primarily in women and often feel more comfortable with lesbians and wlw spaces; but I feel like I would lying to myself calling myself a lesbian because I am sexually interested in a few Non-Binary people as well. I can feel like liar.
As such, I've often used the term wlw (woman loving woman) instead to describe myself and couples in fiction and real-life who aren't both lesbians since I know many bi women can feel erased when they are called gay for dating a woman or being in a "gay couple", which can go into bi-erasure and invisibility territory (especially when they then called straight or "went straight" if they enter a different-sex relationship, I remember this being really bad in the early 10s) and also not to erase lesbians as well.
However, recently I've been feeling like I've been bothering people using the term wlw, especially knowing how many here dislike shipping and the like, we constantly getting confused when I said it elsewhere on the web or thought I was being childish and silly using the term and was trying to move away from it and decided to use the term Sapphic instead. But that only seemed to upset more people, both here, my friends group and elsewhere. After two incidents last night, I feel like I'm failing the community or hurting bi and lesbians and I don't know what to do, I feel like don't belong in the community. Is the term just bad? Should I go back to wlw? Should I just shut up and just call myself bisexual regardless of feel about the connotations.