Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
(11-08-2024, 01:11 PM)Jansen wrote:

Quote:And the world is always being reborn.

Just ask Native Americans, or Palestinians or progressive Russians.

It will take some time for us to process the results of the US election. A lot of people are hurt and a more will suffer in the coming years. Nobody knows exactly what's going to happen: Is this the end of democracy in the US? Will it be another Russia? Or is it just going to be another incompetent government that will get crushed in the 2026 midterms?

Regardless of the case, the values we hold (empathy, intelligence, kindness) are not about to be extinguished.

I have members of my family who had to experience living under a brutal dictatorship for many, many years. Yet, they still managed to survive and even thrive. They found pockets of happiness and were able to build meaningful lives. Lives in which they were able to form beautiful bonds and help others around them.

Some of the most transformative art in human history has come out of world-ending events.

There is always goodness in people. I believe, more good than bad. As they say, be kind to people and ruthless to systems.

Do not let these fuckers win.

Their ultimate victory for the fascists is to destroy your spirit. To make you feel apathetic and depressed. Be joyful, be passionate about the things you love, and be clear-eyed about what's happening in the world. Try to be the best version of yourself because you can be a light to others around you.

Now we survive and we resist. What resistance means will be different for everyone. Maybe you vow to do twice as much as you did this time in the next election. Maybe it's a protest movement. Maybe you no longer believe in electoral politics, but you can build bonds in your community. Maybe you can be a source of support and inspiration to one person near you. Maybe just standing proud in who you are and surviving, holding steady against the madness around us, holding true to your values, that's resistance too. You will have to figure it out for yourself.

Charlie Chaplin said an eternal truth at the end of The Great Dictator (one of the most important movies of all time): So long as men die, liberty will never perish.

I hope you all have a good day.


Should've ended that post with,

We are the Dustborn, we are the new porn.  Godspeed.

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RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by Propagandhim - 11-08-2024, 02:18 PM

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