12-03-2024, 12:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2024, 12:58 AM by Hap Shaughnessy.)

Htown wrote:the update in question:
Quote:Fursan al-Aqsa Remake - Operation Toofan al-Aqsa Update
Operation al-Aqsa Flood, allows you to relive the iconic day on which the brave Palestinian Resistance humiliated Israeli Military Forces.
I will not reveal too much about this mission, I prefer to let you discover by yourself.

SaberVS7 wrote:Yeah I'm gonna be blunt, y'all don't know the full story with this game.
They added in the past year or so, suicide bombing, that Oct 7th attack mission, and hostage beheadings. Aside from that, the game is also full of stolen assets.
Also, their official Discord server has Pepe-Hitler and Happy Merchant emotes.