Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Whataboutism over multiple posts
DigitalOp wrote:Oh wow!

Steam will let you play games as Nazis and play games as some racist against Black People

But a HAMAS soldier??? No, No, No, can't have that in our libertarian free market censorship-free store

At this point STEAM as a company are Nazi fuck enablers, put the foot on the gas and on their throats

SaberVS7 wrote:Yeah I'm gonna be blunt, y'all don't know the full story with this game.

They added in the past year or so, suicide bombing, that Oct 7th attack mission, and hostage beheadings. Aside from that, the game is also full of stolen assets.

Also, their official Discord server has Pepe-Hitler and Happy Merchant emotes.
You think STEAM don't have games with content just as nasty as this on sale right now ?

My point is not the content, STEAM has tons of horrible games like this

But when the target or subject of defamation isn't the right one, now the store can't live up to its free market ideas

valve is completely full of bullshit

Messages In This Thread
RE: Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1) - by Hap Shaughnessy - 12-03-2024, 09:17 PM

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