“Every day, I come by your house and I pick you up.
Death Stranding sucks but Kojima is a genuine genius imo

If you just watched or played or ate everything he shows day to day on instagram you'd live a rounded fulfilled spiritual life
1 user liked this post: Nintex
I like how his earlier stuff is “I want to make these American movies I like into games.” So Snatcher just takes from Blade Runner and Sting from Dune is there. Policenauts just has Mel Gibson and Danny Glover doing Lethal Weapon in space. Metal Gear again used Mel Gibson, with a pastiche of John Carpenter movies and such.

MGS2 is when he overreached, and I’d argue successfully. MGS3 dialed it back and might be his best game. After that, well…
(05-14-2024, 06:47 AM)Polident wrote: I like how his earlier stuff is “I want to make these American movies I like into games.” So Snatcher just takes from Blade Runner and Sting from Dune is there. Policenauts just has Mel Gibson and Danny Glover doing Lethal Weapon in space. Metal Gear again used Mel Gibson, with a pastiche of John Carpenter movies and such.

MGS2 is when he overreached, and I’d argue successfully. MGS3 dialed it back and might be his best game. After that, well…

Zone of the Enders rules and so does PT, I reckon he's shown his range. That cancelled Silent Hill game with del toro etc would have been incredible. It's been a while since he did something top tier tbf, Death Stranding is a load of nonsense for the most part but the fella has earned his reputation.

I've always loved the industrial design of his stuff. Even in death stranding the robots and bikes look awesome and functional.
1 user liked this post: Nintex
Depending on what you consider it, demo or prologue or extension of MGSV, Ground Zeroes was incredible.
1 user liked this post: Nintex
(05-14-2024, 07:01 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote:
(05-14-2024, 06:47 AM)Polident wrote: I like how his earlier stuff is “I want to make these American movies I like into games.” So Snatcher just takes from Blade Runner and Sting from Dune is there. Policenauts just has Mel Gibson and Danny Glover doing Lethal Weapon in space. Metal Gear again used Mel Gibson, with a pastiche of John Carpenter movies and such.

MGS2 is when he overreached, and I’d argue successfully. MGS3 dialed it back and might be his best game. After that, well…

Zone of the Enders rules and so does PT, I reckon he's shown his range. That cancelled Silent Hill game with del toro etc would have been incredible. It's been a while since he did something top tier tbf, Death Stranding is a load of nonsense for the most part but the fella has earned his reputation.

I've always loved the industrial design of his stuff. Even in death stranding the robots and bikes look awesome and functional.

He certainly has earned his reputation...as a complete hack
1 user liked this post: D3RANG3D

Sydney Sweeney and Edgar Wright. Barbarella remake. 

2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Nintex
Abigail is very good. I watched a review that said the trailers spoil it which is true. So if you don't know what it's about avoid watching trailers or reviews because it starts as a mystery and the reveal is fun.
1 user liked this post: Besticus Maximus
Godzilla vs King Kong 2

Very stupid movie. Think it's better than the last one because it's so stupid it flips over into camp. The humans are barely relevant and only exist to explain what's happening. The state of the world is such that mankind gave up on trying to solve the monster problem. Every so often a monster terrorizes humans, Godzilla wakes up and kill them, wrecks a city, and the humans chill on the beach or go about their day.
Is he gonna swear properly in this one?

Eddie is shit unless he swears like a dock worker
(05-23-2024, 05:24 PM)D3RANG3D wrote:

I was wondering if the female slowed down minimalist acapella of a famous song and inception horns was going to be a knowing parody of current movie trailer trends and make this look promising, or unironic cookie cutter zero creativity modern day trailer marketing shit that - on prior experience - means the actual product is also cookie cutter current trends zero creativity member berries.

It at no point appeared to be satirising current trends.
1 user liked this post: D3RANG3D

George Lucas

Great movie for kids George, they just love trade disputes.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, chronovore
Talking about kids movies I watched Sonic today and it was... good

I thought everyone was just trolling but its actually an enjoyable movie. Jim Carrey is really into playing Dr. Robotnik for some reason.  lol
1 user liked this post: Potato
(05-24-2024, 06:31 PM)Nintex wrote:

George Lucas

Great movie for kids George, they just love trade disputes.

Georgie-Porgie loves retconning his own stuff. 

Rather than proudly put Obi-Wan vs. Darth Vader's lightsaber battle on the Death Star as a lovely tribute to knightly combat or even swashbuckling swordfights, he throws it under the bus by claiming the massive, confusing, poorly composed fights in Attack of the Clones is how he had always envisioned it. 

His PG-rated movie for kids in 1977 showed a severed, bloody arm on the floor of a cantina. 

GL is full of shit.
4 users liked this post: benji, Straight Edge, Potato, killamajig
Furiosa was great, too bad it's bombing. A Mad Max movie without Max probably wasn't a good financial decision.
Sounds good, I'm planning to go see it in the next few weeks.

This is kind of depressing Feels bad, man
2 users liked this post: chronovore, Straight Edge

I mean, I watched that Zack Snyder Star Wars thing, and it was abysmal. People will watch all kinds of shit if it's playing in their home and already included in their Netflix subscription.
MEN, an Alex Garland joint. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this was a real treat. Original, socially minded, gory, unsettling, thought-provoking.
1 user liked this post: Eric Cartman
The Fall Guy

Hard to describe. There’s a quality to both the director (David Leitch) and Ryan Gosling’s action works where they’re totally nonchalant in the face of absurd set pieces.

Entertaining enough. I liked the Jackie Chan style stunt montage in the credits.
(05-27-2024, 02:09 AM)chronovore wrote: MEN, an Alex Garland joint. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this was a real treat. Original, socially minded, gory, unsettling, thought-provoking.

Yeah, my thoughts from The Old Country:
Quote:Saw Men, and not sure what to take away from it.

Maybe that's the point?
Whoever posted before that its closer to Aronofskys Mother! than 'traditional' psychological horror / drama was 100% on point, except I could decode what Mother! was trying to say, in a way that I couldn't decode this.
Spoiler:  (click to show)
My best guess is that everyone is played by Rory Kinnear, because all men are kind of shitty in similar ways even when they mean well, but the rebirthing scene at the end is that the particular shittiness of her dead husband is a result of, I dunno, concentrated filtered masculinity (aka toxic masculinity)?
Or that she has gone there with her own ideas of all men being shitty (again, the sameface casting) but that her dead husband was actually uniquely shitty, and this is the process of her realising this and how she comes to terms with her grief / anger?

Good, weird, makes you think, whats not to enjoy?
1 user liked this post: chronovore
Its also super fucking baffling that anyone who's seen any of his other works decided to shit on him on a humanistic level for not saying TRUMP BAD, THIS IS HIS FAULT in Civil War

Quote:Box Office Woes: ‘Furiosa’ And ‘Garfield’ Are Virtually Tied For No. 1—But Either Will Be Lowest Memorial Day Weekend Opening In Decades
I agree, it's unfair to criticize him for that. We should evaluate works of art for what they are, not for what we want them to say.
2 users liked this post: chronovore, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Furiosa 7/10. I am disappoint. I'm maybe being generous with that score. Makes very little sense. It's kinda like Doom Eternal following up Doom 2016.

As for Men, it's been a while since I've seen it but I understood the message as 'men are all the same'. And he's right tbf.
(05-27-2024, 02:43 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: Its also super fucking baffling that anyone who's seen any of his other works decided to shit on him on a humanistic level for not saying TRUMP BAD, THIS IS HIS FAULT in Civil War

The disturbing problem with Trump isn't that he is who he is, but that enough Americans thought "yeah, he should be President," and are apparently thinking "yes, even though he's a rapist, even though he is a fraud and a cheat, and leopards have always eaten faces, there's no way this particular leopard will eat our face again!" 

Which is to say, America was already on this road. America has always been divided. America has always teetered on the line, ready to collapse on itself. Rarely has a country been so misnamed as the "United States." 

So CIVIL WAR as an examination of that division, of our inherent differences, is a film I want to see. I am uninterested if it's Trump, or the Clinton witch-hunt that debased the Executive Branch, or Tricky Dick Nixon's fall from grace AND escape from consequences that caused it. It's unimportant. 

What's central is that we've always been divided.
(05-28-2024, 07:36 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Furiosa 7/10. I am disappoint. I'm maybe being generous with that score. Makes very little sense. It's kinda like Doom Eternal following up Doom 2016.

As for Men, it's been a while since I've seen it but I understood the message as 'men are all the same'. And he's right tbf.

Men was very blunt compared to his other works (Dredd, Ex Machina, Annihilation, Devs) so it was a little disappointing. I hear Civil War pulls back on it and I’m gonna watch it eventually.

On Furiosa, I’m gonna try and catch it next week. Keep hearing people harp on about bad CGI? And at least from recent Hollywood movies I’ve seen, there’s a pretty significant dip in quality. Dune 2 aside.
(05-28-2024, 07:47 AM)chronovore wrote: So CIVIL WAR as an examination of that division, of our inherent differences, is a film I want to see. I am uninterested if it's Trump, or the Clinton witch-hunt that debased the Executive Branch, or Tricky Dick Nixon's fall from grace AND escape from consequences that caused it. It's unimportant. 

What's central is that we've always been divided.

Yes, that's pretty much the film he made.
Much of the criticism he received for it was that he didn't say "THIS IS THOSE GUYS FAULT, LOOK WHAT THOSE GUYS DO!" because it was about extreme partisanship being Bad, Actually, which some people were seemingly offended to hear.

There's plenty of historical precedent for repressive totalitarian regimes under either side of the political spectrum, and that not being a good thing so for people to take umbrage at him for not saying 'this party good, this party bad' is to me baffling, and says vastly more about the mentality of the people making that complaint.

If it had been about 'Trump Bad', it would end up being horribly dated extremely quickly, and, again, it clearly wasn't intended as a polemic about any one political leaning or administration in particular, even though you could choose to infer your own 'sides' to what was going on, and most people probably do based on their own leanings.
1 user liked this post: chronovore
(05-28-2024, 07:36 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: As for Men, it's been a while since I've seen it but I understood the message as 'men are all the same'. And he's right tbf.

(05-28-2024, 08:03 AM)Polident wrote: Men was very blunt compared to his other works (Dredd, Ex Machina, Annihilation, Devs) so it was a little disappointing. I hear Civil War pulls back on it and I’m gonna watch it eventually.

I mean... the swerve on that take to me, is that the 'final man' isn't the Rory Kinnear sameface all the other Men are; it's her dead husband.
So the thing it's saying must be about him in particular, even though he is - visibly, cinematically, narratively, thematically - the product of all the other Men.

I liked its ambiguity, and that I wasn't entirely sure what ultimately the 'message' was, or even if there was actually supposed to be one rather than it being more of an existential musing. I don't
1 user liked this post: chronovore

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