Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
(10 hours ago)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Title wrote:of pro-Palestinian peaceful protesters

Article wrote:of students who occupied a campus hall

it'd be easier to feel bad for them if they weren't so annoying.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Boredfrom, killamajig
(10 hours ago)Potato wrote:
(10 hours ago)killamajig wrote: If anyone is interested where I worked....

And yes, it's 2 miles from the Mexico border. Luckily, it's nothing but sand inbetween and no places to hide. Fun fact: if inmate breaches any fence in the prison, we are authorized to use lethal force without giving any warnings. Inmates are told, "The fence is your warning." If I worked perimeter and confirmed an inmate escape, I could run them over in my patrol truck.

That's pretty fucking wild. Not a dig at you, but did/does it occur to you that a concept like that is NOT normal or moral in any civilised society?

Edit: Holy shit. Looked it up and it's the same here. Insane.

I'm being a bit hyperbolic but in this strictest sense it's true. If I had no other means to stop them from escaping I could run them over. 

In our situation, most likely they can't get over the border fence so we would proceed in a more reasonable fashion. In my example, if I was in a patrol truck I definitely would not run somebody down as a first option and it would probably get me fired because of the optics. But at least I wouldn't be charged with murder. Smile

Also, in my prison escape attempts were very, very rare. You might get one every couple years and they usually dont make it over the little fence inside the prison.. A lot of times it's a mental health crisis and that's why we actually don't try to run them over or use lethal force.
(10 hours ago)killamajig wrote: If I were trans I couldn't imagine telling bio women that I know better than them on girls/woman issues. The balls that would take.

Thats why I  hate the autogyno's on Era. They constantly talk over bio women when it come to womens issues. The audacity to go from incel to woman and immediately talk as if they were sweet little uwu girls all along. Thats why Kunty always puts on this  "high femme" act. They have to reaffirm their delusions with stereotypes of cutesy things.

Oh you!

Well yes, they've already taken care of that part.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Alpacx, killamajig
(10 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Kasai wrote:I'm an openly bisexual jew living up here in NH, and I've been banging the drums to arm ourselves for a bit now.

I recently got my own handgun and have been practicing and visiting the range.

This is the time to arm ourselves, before it's too late and they take that right from us. They've already shown they're going to push and push us as far as possible, we are going to need the means to push back at some point if it keeps going this way.
Kasai, wrote:Not my ward, since I live in Central NH, but my county is the reddest in the state apparently: Belknap.,_New_Hampshire wrote:The racial makeup of the county was 96.6% white, 1.2% Asian, 0.5% black or African American, 0.2% American Indian, 0.2% from other races, and 1.3% from two or more races.
Belknap County has become the most Republican county in New Hampshire: the Republican Party is the majority political party in the county, holding 17 of 18 seats in the General Court as of December 2024. Since 1888, only three Democrats have won Belknap County: Woodrow Wilson in 1912 when the Republican Party was mortally divided between William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt; 1964, when Lyndon B. Johnson swept the Northeast due to Republican Barry Goldwater's conservative views regarding the Civil Rights Movement; and 2008, when Barack Obama swept every county in New England bar one. In 2020, Senator Jeanne Shaheen became the first Democrat to win Belknap County in a Senate race in over 50 years.
This dude's going to make a stand with a single handgun in rural yt country where the largest town is only ~16,000 people. lol
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, Propagandhim
Dang, my tiny rural county is more diverse in WI!

The racial makeup of the county was 92.5% White, 0.6% Black or African American, 0.5% Asian, 0.3% Native American, 1.9% from other races, and 4.3% from two or more races.
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(10 hours ago)Potato wrote:
(10 hours ago)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Title wrote:of pro-Palestinian peaceful protesters

Article wrote:of students who occupied a campus hall

It was a peaceful occupation. Like China's occupation of Tibet or Russia's occupation of The Crimea...

Quote:Increasingly finding it necessary to leave this place.

As always, where is this utopia that will welcome their freeloading asses?
Well holy fuck, this slope was slippery afterall  Not like this!
3 users liked this post: Potato, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC
Quote:This university should just not exist anymore
Quote:Fuck Columbia. I hope it gets razed to the ground when reconstruction of the US takes place...
Quote:Never thought I'd see this in my lifetime
Quote:You can't just revoke a degree that someone earned and paid for just because they protested something.
Quote:Yeah I hope the lawsuits for this fuck them over a billion times. Stupid fucks.
Well, what they agreed to seems to disagree: wrote:a. A person is in violation of these Rules when such person individually or with a group, incident to a demonstration, including a rally or picketing:

(1) (simple violation) engages in conduct that places another in danger of bodily harm;
(2) (serious violation) causes or clearly attempts to cause physical injury to another person;
(3) (simple) uses words that threaten bodily harm in a situation where there is clear and present danger of such bodily harm;
(4) (serious) uses words in a situation of clear and present danger that actually incite others to behavior that would violate Sections 443a (2) or (6);
(5) (simple) causes minor property damage or loss, or endangers property on a University facility;
(6) (serious) misappropriates, damages, or destroys books or scholarly material or any other property belonging to the University, or to another party, when that property is in or on a Uni­versity facility, and by such action causes or threatens substantial educational, administrative, or financial loss;
(7) (simple) interferes over a short period of time with entrance to, exit from, passage within, or use of, a University facility but does not substantially disrupt any University function;
(8) (serious) continues for more than a very short period of time to physically prevent, or clearly attempt to prevent, passage within, or unimpeded use of, a University facility, and thereby interferes with the normal conduct of a University function;
(9) (serious) enters or remains in a University facility without authorization at a time after the facility has been declared closed by the University; (Comment: The University shall make all reasonable attempts to publicize this declaration to the fullest extent possible.)
(10) (simple) enters a private office without authorization;
(11) (serious) holds or occupies a private office for his own purposes; (Comment: Persons may not enter a private office unless invited and then not substantially in excess of the number designated or invited by the occupant. Anyone so entering must leave on request of a recognized occupant of such office or on request of another authorized person. Passage through reception areas leading to private offices must not be obstructed for more than a short period of time. Clear and unimpeded passageway through lobbies, corridors, and stairways must be maintained at all times. For this purpose, the Delegate may advise demonstrators as to the permissible number of participants in such restricted areas and regulate the location of such participants. Persons may use rooms in which instruction, research, or study normally take place only when such rooms are assigned to them through established University procedures.)
(12) (simple) causes a noise that substantially hinders others in their normal academic activities;
(13) (simple) briefly interrupts a University function;
(14) (serious) disrupts a University function or renders its continuation impossible;
(15) (serious) illicitly uses, or attempts to use, or makes threats with a firearm, explosive, dangerous or noxious chemical, or other dangerous instrument or weapon;
(16) (simple) fails to self-identify when requested to do so by a properly identified Delegate;
(17) (serious) prevents a properly identified Delegate from the discharge of his official responsibilities under these Rules, except through a mere refusal to self-identify;
(18) (simple) fails to obey the reasonable orders of a properly identified Delegate regulating the location of demonstrators or others within the vicinity of a demonstration to assure unimpeded access to or use of a facility or to avoid physical conflict between demonstrators and others; (Comment: This regulation gives the Delegate authority to regulate assemblies. The check against abuse of such authority is provided by the test of reasonableness imposed by the University Judicial Board in such disciplinary proceedings as may result from noncompliance. Should a Delegate in the exercise of discretion fail to disperse an assembly in which some or all of the participants are violating or have violated the Rules, this should in no way be construed as excusing the violators, who remain liable for their acts under these Rules.)
(19) (simple) fails to disperse from an assembly upon order of a properly identified Delegate when such order results from repeated or continuing violations of these Rules by members of the assembly and the Delegate has by verbal directions made reasonable effort to secure compliance before ordering dispersal;
(20) (serious) fails to disperse from an assembly upon order of a properly identified Delegate when such order results from serious violations of these Rules by members of the assembly and the Delegate so states in his order to disperse.
Quote:List of Sanctions
The University may impose any one or more of the following sanctions on a respondent determined to have violated the Rules:

Private reprimand/warning.

Public reprimand/warning.

Disciplinary probation.

Restricting access to University facilities.

Community service.

Issuing a “no contact” order to the respondent or requiring that such an order remain in place (restricted to cases of bodily harm and threats of bodily harm).

Dismissal or restriction from University employment.

Removal from University housing.

Suspension (limited time or indefinite).


Revocation of degree.

In addition to any other sanction (except where the sanction is expulsion or revocation of a degree), the University may require any respondent determined to be responsible for a violation of the Rules to receive appropriate education and/or training related to the violation at issue. The University may also recommend counseling or other support services for the respondent.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Hap Shaughnessy, clockwork5
(10 hours ago)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Kasai wrote:I'm an openly bisexual jew living up here in NH, and I've been banging the drums to arm ourselves for a bit now.

I recently got my own handgun and have been practicing and visiting the range.

This is the time to arm ourselves, before it's too late and they take that right from us. They've already shown they're going to push and push us as far as possible, we are going to need the means to push back at some point if it keeps going this way.

Wake up Dubs. The mentally ill clowns on your forum have adopted the rhetoric of far right militias and are encouraging each other to strap up.
5 users liked this post: MJBarret, Potato, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, killamajig, Alpacx
(Yesterday, 08:35 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(03-14-2025, 01:05 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:I ended things with her. She was so much fun and the sex is amazing but she needs to get off drugs and alcohol she passed out after walking all day. It was tough because she is so hot and has been all over me for days but I called paramedics and had her put into treatment.

She might hate me but at least she'll have a chance at a life. Good chance she'll go back home and face the charges she got for beating up some cops cutting off her ankle bracelet and fleeing the state

PERFECT 3 day girlfriend gonna start looking for one every time I get a check from the county
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): Hijacking other threads to get around having threadmaking privileges revoked

Of all the bans…


Like, since when has revoked thread making privs meant you can’t post generally about whatever? Never stopped SilentPanda
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Quote:their politically informed thrillers Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) and Captain America: Civil War (2016)
3 users liked this post: MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji
(10 hours ago)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:


Hey it’s a good season motherfucker
Meanwhile actual retard thoughts -

Quote:If I was in charge of the government, I'll just dismantle the KKK and Neo Nazi group as they shouldn't be allowed to be in public. They'll all get arrested on the spot. We have all learned how the Nazi murder millions and how the KKK also murder people. So if someone labels themselves as part of the Nazi such as Neo Nazi or KKK. Doesn't this mean they support murdering people? If they are simply racists or prideful why don't they just call themselves white pride or white kings or something. But they become far worse and actually supports murder once they label themselves as Neo Nazi/KKK.
(9 hours ago)benji wrote:
Quote:Fuck Columbia. I hope it gets razed to the ground when reconstruction of the US takes place...

I feel like this guy is already quite ahead with his plans. Reconstruction of the US?

Also I can't feel much sympathy for the Columbia guys. That one green card guy shouldn't be detained but suspension or expulsion for occupying a university building? Fuck around and find out.
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Scrappy's autism is more aesthetically pleasing compared to the likes of Echos. I for one enjoy his content.  Snob
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(9 hours ago)killamajig wrote:
(10 hours ago)Potato wrote:
(10 hours ago)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:


It was a peaceful occupation. Like China's occupation of Tibet or Russia's occupation of The Crimea...

Quote:Increasingly finding it necessary to leave this place.

As always, where is this utopia that will welcome their freeloading asses?
As of now brother Noodle is still safe.  Heartbeat
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji

effingvic wrote:Nazis continue to act like nazis. Mirian adelson's gonna get make sure her 100M was well spent. Genocidal pieces of shits.

mopinks wrote:these idiots get so mad about people they make up
(8 hours ago)Snoopy wrote: Meanwhile actual retard thoughts -

Quote:If I was in charge of the government, I'll just dismantle the KKK and Neo Nazi group as they shouldn't be allowed to be in public. They'll all get arrested on the spot. We have all learned how the Nazi murder millions and how the KKK also murder people. So if someone labels themselves as part of the Nazi such as Neo Nazi or KKK. Doesn't this mean they support murdering people? If they are simply racists or prideful why don't they just call themselves white pride or white kings or something. But they become far worse and actually supports murder once they label themselves as Neo Nazi/KKK.
This guy really overestimates the size of the KKK, claims more active members than they do. Also that neo-Nazi groups literally call themselves "Neo-Nazi" as the group name. lol
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, killamajig, HaughtyFrank
Not multiple pieces of one shit, she's so bad she's multiple pieces of MULTIPLE SHITS
3 users liked this post: Potato, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, DavidCroquet
(7 hours ago)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

mopinks wrote:these idiots get so mad about people they make up

Fuck furries, fuck streamers, and fuck emos!  Hmph

cutie goths may stay.
3 users liked this post: Potato, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, JoeBoy101

ZombieBurrito85 wrote:The only thing Israel learned from the Holocaust was to be just as vile as Nazis. Absolutely took all the wrong lessons.
Attention B-Dubs, Hecht, and other Mods:

It has come to my attention that Era members are enjoying and praising blatantly transphobic content.

Please ban White Lotus for its genocidal transphobia and egg_irl content and all traitors who enjoy it.
I can't say how much I love that they can't refrain from breaking the One Rule about Israel comparisons. Can say literally anything else, an endless array of potential insults and they can't pick anything else. Dead
(7 hours ago)Alpacx wrote: Attention B-Dubs, Hecht, and other Mods:

It has come to my attention that Era members are enjoying and praising blatantly transphobic content.

Please ban White Lotus for its genocidal transphobia and egg_irl content and all traitors who enjoy it.

he's literally me  Stahp
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Alpacx
Neps gonna marry a white dude.

TableManners wrote:Despite Paulie's one-liners and Tony raging at stupid bullshit, a full season of the Sopranos is an exercise in endurance for the simple fact that every single character is a huge piece of shit.

I know that's the point but damn, maybe this was meant to be seen in snippets because it's episode after episode of scumbag yelling at scumbag over money and hoooo look who it is another fucking scumbag. The writing is good and there's tons of charisma but I dunno, after half a dozen seasons, I'm wiped.

???  How can someone be so terribly wrong?
(7 hours ago)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(7 hours ago)Alpacx wrote: Attention B-Dubs, Hecht, and other Mods:

It has come to my attention that Era members are enjoying and praising blatantly transphobic content.

Please ban White Lotus for its genocidal transphobia and egg_irl content and all traitors who enjoy it.

he's literally me  Stahp

Rockwell wanting to be an Asian girl or the other guy reacting to another Echoes post?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia
Opponents of Gamergate Brianna Wu and agree, destroy the universities:
(9 hours ago)benji wrote:
Quote:This university should just not exist anymore
Quote:Fuck Columbia. I hope it gets razed to the ground when reconstruction of the US takes place...
Quote:Never thought I'd see this in my lifetime

Spoiler:  (click to show)
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Alpacx

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