Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
(02-24-2025, 06:15 PM)Uncle wrote: I just want to play the melody shreds rpg maker game  Gloomy
Have you tried donating enough so she can get an apartment with her online girlfriend?
Here's a tip

Wear a mask if ur gonna cough up a lung mr uber driver
[Image: Screenshot-20250224-123511-Chrome.jpg]

(02-24-2025, 05:57 PM)Vertigo wrote:

Nepenthe, post: 136208292, member: 1995 wrote:People who keep saying that they're not asking people to compromise on their core principles, but to simply just work together with people who might differ ideologically from them in some way, are not understanding that a lot of these seemingly minor ideological disagreements ultimately stem from a disagreement about core principles. These core principles, whether a result of actual safety and protection for the minorities that tend to make up progressive movements, or as a result of actually trying to define a movement's goals and not water down the messaging, lose focus, or get co-opted by people who align themselves with the status quo despite all their bawking about the contrary- that, no for realsies, they're totally trustworthy allies (so long as you always do what they say)- also do not have the luxury of being overridden or cast aside by more minor ideological unity.

I'm not going to blindly invite you into my coalition because we agree that universal healthcare is good but yet you're okay with genocide occurring. It doesn't mean I necessarily have to cast you away immediately though; the short-term goal should be to debunk that harmful belief by whatever means necessary. Indeed, I am a fan of education, but education in a political sense must be in pursuit of folding the masses- who are primed to be disaffected by the status quo but, inevitably, hold harmful beliefs as a result of being forced to live in and be subservient to that status quo- into the movement. But you cannot have a successful movement that is based upon the principles of anti-genocide and anti-privatized healthcare if only a minority of the people actually believe in both!

Everyone has red lines (anyone who says they don't at all is either a liar or the Devil). Progressives simply have more of them, both in the understanding that this current world is fraught with contradictions that can be solved, and also in the pursuit of a newly-imagined world which is the hard-mode road of life to go down. Anyone can comfortably nestle themselves into conservatism and capitalism. It is the order of the day and thus requires little thought and critique. Progressives are more apt to not accept that.
Oh yeah? well here's what another great thinker had to offer on the issue.

Nepenthe wrote:But I have talked to Trump voters and conservative leaning folks about various political issues regardless, and part of my ability to make some headway with these people is to not let my assumption (or even correct observation) of their abject stupidity get in the way of talking to them like a normal human being. It doesn't matter that I'm Black and non-binary, and thus I'm entertaining the conversation at a disadvantage.

I can internally pull my hair out when they say some dumb shit, but in the moment if I'm trying to get someone to see the flaws of capitalism, I need to respectfully and without judgement walk them down the road by both acknowledging their pain from capitalism as real, but then redirecting it at the right target. And most times I'm relatively successful in teaching someone about economics, or queer issues, or about Africa, or whatever it is we're talking about. If I can get someone to go "Yeah, I see your point," even if I haven't changed their entire political worldview, I've still won.

I am largely speaking in a manner regarding the act of politicking, however I don't mean any of this to only apply to a formal campaign. I am chastising this forum because most of you are refusing to follow the lessons of the civil rights leaders you supposedly champion and hold in high regard, which is that you need to fucking organize. To organize, you need to stop thinking you are so intellectually above your neighbors that they aren't even worthy to be spoken to. You need to start forging bonds and lifelines with your community so that you all can rely on each other when shit hits the fan. You need to realize where there are moments of clarity and commonality that you can pounce and capitalize on.

This doesn't mean bigots have no work to do. It's not about coddling. Every adult has a responsibility to fucking grow and learn. And some who cannot need to be kicked out. Smarter and more hardworking political leaders than I'll ever be have basically said some section of the population is always going to be your enemy due to political and economic interests. Have your lines in the sand, if only for the sake of political cohesion of the movement and to guard against co-opting. But you'll never know who is truly a Nazi and who is just some disaffected moron who can't parse propaganda as easily as you can if you don't talk. This isn't how you build coalitions. It's how you lose an election to a total trifecta.

Ultimately, the times we have come closest to actually forking new and progressive pathways in this trash country is when white people and Black folks literally realized they were on the same side and were ready to fucking burn some shit down. It happened with the Irish indentured servants and African slaves. It happened with the labor and land movements. It can happen again.

But not if you think you're too good for the work.
[Image: Screenshot-20250224-123413-Chrome.jpg]

(02-24-2025, 05:57 PM)BananaBlast wrote:
Quote:Cop User banned (1 month): Dismissive commentary around sexism and misogyny. Permanently threadbanned
HaughtyFrank was right on the money lol

[Image: GA77XB8WEAAjVhX?format=jpg&name=medium]

RIP misho Cry
[Image: Screenshot-20250224-124930-Bluesky.jpg]

You're killing me 😭
Nepenthe wrote:I'm not going to blindly invite you into my coalition because we agree that universal healthcare is good but yet you're okay with genocide occurring.
Read Kwame Ture.
Wikpedia wrote:Carmichael became an aide to Guinean president Ahmed Sékou Touré [...] Carmichael changed his name to Kwame Ture in 1978 to honor [...] Touré.
Although Touré was known for jailing and torturing his opponents (some 50,000 people are believed to have been killed under his regime) Carmichael had never publicly criticized the man he named himself after.
(02-24-2025, 06:53 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:I'm not going to blindly invite you into my coalition because we agree that universal healthcare is good but yet you're okay with genocide occurring.
Read Kwame Ture.
Wikpedia wrote:Carmichael became an aide to Guinean president Ahmed Sékou Touré [...] Carmichael changed his name to Kwame Ture in 1978 to honor [...] Touré.
Although Touré was known for jailing and torturing his opponents (some 50,000 people are believed to have been killed under his regime) Carmichael had never publicly criticized the man he named himself after.

Wasn't genocide, was the suppressing of fascist counterrevolutionaries and enemies of the people who wanted to restore colonialism.
(02-23-2025, 11:48 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(02-23-2025, 11:33 PM)nachobro wrote:
(02-23-2025, 07:06 PM)Potato wrote: Why the fuck is this fat maladjusted man child trying to act like he's in the WWE?

Another fandom to add to the public execution list I guess...

this is smash, not fgc Hmph

Hesright Smash is a party game and there is no FGC any more. No gootecks, no Fchamp, everything going politically correct, r/kappa is dead, fuck them all.
Late reply, but for your FGC shitposting needs, r/kappachino exists
2 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(02-24-2025, 12:18 AM)Uncle wrote: what is the equivalent of holding up a 3 without your pinkie finger by accident on era

making an actually funny or insightful post
5 users liked this post: Keetongu, Green Jupiter, BIONIC, D3RANG3D, HaughtyFrank
(02-24-2025, 01:46 PM)nampad wrote: There is finally a real discussion going on here and then it is about trans stuff again?
Just go back to shit posting…

the nature of this thread is commentary era would not allow - the topics covered most often here are the ones most heavily censored on era I don't
(02-24-2025, 01:58 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Look all I'm saying is if you grew up playing warhammer and making gundams, and you have watched more than two anime series in japanese audio with subs, and especially if Jill Valentine and Tifa are your true digital loves,  then chances are you probably were a woman.

egg post
(02-24-2025, 05:57 PM)BananaBlast wrote:
misho8723 wrote:Not to dismiss your opinion, but the cutscene with Alt is from the perspective of Johnny Silverhand, so of course he is going to look at her and her body when having sex.. and the game actually wants you to show just how awful Johnny acted in the past, not only to Alt but other characters also like for example his bandmate Kenny

His memories aren't truly how the past events unfolded and he makes himself way more "cool" then he actually was, but even though you have dialog options that should see Johnny in a better light, they are still mean and hurtful

The game is also about the fact that Johnny can change and be a better person thanks to you and how you interact with him.. or don't, you can still hate him till the end credits.. it's all up to you

And about Alt, what happened in that cutscene, how she was kidnapped, that is basically what happened to her in the story of the source tabletop game released in the 80s - that is all canon .. but later in the game you discover just how important and interesting Alt was and still is

The woman at the start of the game in the bathtub - Sandra Dorsett - she is important also later in the game.. and you know, V in that scene shoved another body in the bathtub like nothing when he was looking for her.. a male naked body - well, I believe that body had boxers on - but still
Game has many interesting women characters from all kinda backgrounds, sexualities, nationalities and so on

Morrigan wrote:"Not to dismiss your opinion, except here's how I'm dismissing it over and over" -- good gods, criticizing this game really is like the bat-signal for you to rush in and defend it, huh

There is no reason for a game with a character creator to force an unwanted sex scene from the first-person perspective of a straight male. NONE. Don't defend this trash. Hell, it'd be trashy even if there was no character creator. This is PS2 God of War-era level of cringe, except possibly worse.

Also spare me your inane "lore" defense. Hell, Johnny is not even a better person. He's just as bad now, if not worse. Know how I know this? I just started the quest, "Chipping in" and he's basically raping V by taking over her body and getting her body trashed and fondling and fucking girls (many of which are of course being ogled by the camera). This is of course after he promised he'd only "take over" to talk to Rogue. It's honestly sickening. The game revels in his misogyny and forces the player to endure it. (I reloaded the quest the moment I had to watch my character's body being forced to finger a girl in a car -- I'm not doing this regardless of "quest rewards", what a trashy fucking game.)

As for Art, why should I give a fuck about what the tabletop game does? The game takes plenty of liberties, they didn't have to keep the sexism shit in it. "It's canon" DUDE I DON'T CARE

You constantly defend this game like it's your mother, and it's irritating to all hell. Stop.
Hey guys! Hey guys!

Guess which one of these two people got banned?

Was it the person calmly, respectfully, and reasonably explaining why this character and the situation were slightly deeper than the surface and not as horridly evil than what an unreasonably upset person says, or was it the emotionally unstable person who goes on a very angry tirade at a peaceful and non-offensive response, that hurls insults, swear words, and outright dismisses everything that the respectful person said?

Guess! GUESS!

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Quote:Cop User banned (1 month): Dismissive commentary around sexism and misogyny. Permanently threadbanned
HaughtyFrank was right on the money lol

Just yesterday: 

BDumbs wrote:Please stop derailing the thread, misrepresenting other posters, and attacking people just for having religious belief. I'm not religious in the slightest, and neither are the people who sent in reports on this thread, and yet everyone has expressed discomfort for how this thread has been developing.

Nobody is saying you can't dislike the Pope or the Vatican or even organized religion, but that doesn't give you the right to mock and attack and misrepresent other posters.

Morrigan wrote: You constantly defend this game like it's your mother, and it's irritating to all hell. Stop.

Wonderful person.
(02-24-2025, 05:23 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Kabuki Waq
Quote:Losts of the same posters are posting? Let's be clear for every one Johnny Depp or Daniel Greene there are hundreds of legit claims people got away with rape and assault. It's not as easy as just wait for the facts.

but era told me shutting the fuck up was a free action per turn with a bonus save to INT ???

Quote:Going forward, we are going to break twitter embed functionality on ResetEra. Existing twitter embeds will still function, but you will not be able to use the feature when making new posts. The hope here is that people will start moving away from Twitter as a source of information and go to other sites and platforms.

We will allow screenshots, and links, of tweets but screenshots will need to feature the name of the account and the date it was posted so that we can all avoid trolls and people misrepresenting others.

Here is the breakdown:
Twitter embeds will stop working on a technical level, so you can't embed tweets anymore.
Screenshots, and links, will be allowed in various threads, but they will need to have the name of the account and the date/time it was posted visible.
If you are caught trolling or using fake screens to misrepresent information, or fabricating a screenshots as a joke or to engage in trolling, you will be given a severe ban.


Congrats to the 1% forcing their will on the forum again
OK, it's over 100 posts, but with our darling Nepenthe in there, let's face it, it's only a matter of time before the lock.
(02-24-2025, 05:57 PM)Vertigo wrote:
Nepenthe, post: 136208292, member: 1995 wrote:People who keep saying that they're not asking people to compromise on their core principles, but to simply just work together with people who might differ ideologically from them in some way, are not understanding that a lot of these seemingly minor ideological disagreements ultimately stem from a disagreement about core principles. These core principles, whether a result of actual safety and protection for the minorities that tend to make up progressive movements, or as a result of actually trying to define a movement's goals and not water down the messaging, lose focus, or get co-opted by people who align themselves with the status quo despite all their bawking about the contrary- that, no for realsies, they're totally trustworthy allies (so long as you always do what they say)- also do not have the luxury of being overridden or cast aside by more minor ideological unity.

I'm not going to blindly invite you into my coalition because we agree that universal healthcare is good but yet you're okay with genocide occurring. It doesn't mean I necessarily have to cast you away immediately though; the short-term goal should be to debunk that harmful belief by whatever means necessary. Indeed, I am a fan of education, but education in a political sense must be in pursuit of folding the masses- who are primed to be disaffected by the status quo but, inevitably, hold harmful beliefs as a result of being forced to live in and be subservient to that status quo- into the movement. But you cannot have a successful movement that is based upon the principles of anti-genocide and anti-privatized healthcare if only a minority of the people actually believe in both!

Everyone has red lines (anyone who says they don't at all is either a liar or the Devil). Progressives simply have more of them, both in the understanding that this current world is fraught with contradictions that can be solved, and also in the pursuit of a newly-imagined world which is the hard-mode road of life to go down. Anyone can comfortably nestle themselves into conservatism and capitalism. It is the order of the day and thus requires little thought and critique. Progressives are more apt to not accept that.

Maybe don't superglue two wholly unrelated issues together and then refuse to make any progress on either unless both are perfectly solved simultaneously then, you fucking dipshit
(02-24-2025, 07:33 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

Quote:Going forward, we are going to break twitter embed functionality on ResetEra. Existing twitter embeds will still function, but you will not be able to use the feature when making new posts. The hope here is that people will start moving away from Twitter as a source of information and go to other sites and platforms.

We will allow screenshots, and links, of tweets but screenshots will need to feature the name of the account and the date it was posted so that we can all avoid trolls and people misrepresenting others.

Here is the breakdown:
Twitter embeds will stop working on a technical level, so you can't embed tweets anymore.
Screenshots, and links, will be allowed in various threads, but they will need to have the name of the account and the date/time it was posted visible.
If you are caught trolling or using fake screens to misrepresent information, or fabricating a screenshots as a joke or to engage in trolling, you will be given a severe ban.


Congrats to the 1% forcing their will on the forum again

4. And here's why this won't apply to Slayven...
(02-24-2025, 07:33 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

Quote:Going forward, we are going to break twitter embed functionality on ResetEra. Existing twitter embeds will still function, but you will not be able to use the feature when making new posts. The hope here is that people will start moving away from Twitter as a source of information and go to other sites and platforms.

We will allow screenshots, and links, of tweets but screenshots will need to feature the name of the account and the date it was posted so that we can all avoid trolls and people misrepresenting others.

Here is the breakdown:
Twitter embeds will stop working on a technical level, so you can't embed tweets anymore.
Screenshots, and links, will be allowed in various threads, but they will need to have the name of the account and the date/time it was posted visible.
If you are caught trolling or using fake screens to misrepresent information, or fabricating a screenshots as a joke or to engage in trolling, you will be given a severe ban.


Congrats to the 1% forcing their will on the forum again

[Image: 8sGKa3z.jpeg]
(02-24-2025, 07:33 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:We will allow screenshots, and links, of tweets but screenshots will need to feature the name of the account and the date it was posted so that we can all avoid trolls and people misrepresenting others.

            what era call doxxing?
is this?
Quote:part of my ability to make some headway with these people

Rogan I dunno man maybe like, the extremes of both sides are kind of like, closer to each other's views you know? Like a horse shoe or something
(02-24-2025, 07:33 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

Quote:Going forward, we are going to break twitter embed functionality on ResetEra. Existing twitter embeds will still function, but you will not be able to use the feature when making new posts. The hope here is that people will start moving away from Twitter as a source of information and go to other sites and platforms.

We will allow screenshots, and links, of tweets but screenshots will need to feature the name of the account and the date it was posted so that we can all avoid trolls and people misrepresenting others.

Here is the breakdown:
Twitter embeds will stop working on a technical level, so you can't embed tweets anymore.
Screenshots, and links, will be allowed in various threads, but they will need to have the name of the account and the date/time it was posted visible.
If you are caught trolling or using fake screens to misrepresent information, or fabricating a screenshots as a joke or to engage in trolling, you will be given a severe ban.


Congrats to the 1% forcing their will on the forum again

RIP excelsior
(02-24-2025, 07:38 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(02-24-2025, 05:57 PM)Vertigo wrote:
Nepenthe, post: 136208292, member: 1995 wrote:People who keep saying that they're not asking people to compromise on their core principles, but to simply just work together with people who might differ ideologically from them in some way, are not understanding that a lot of these seemingly minor ideological disagreements ultimately stem from a disagreement about core principles. These core principles, whether a result of actual safety and protection for the minorities that tend to make up progressive movements, or as a result of actually trying to define a movement's goals and not water down the messaging, lose focus, or get co-opted by people who align themselves with the status quo despite all their bawking about the contrary- that, no for realsies, they're totally trustworthy allies (so long as you always do what they say)- also do not have the luxury of being overridden or cast aside by more minor ideological unity.

I'm not going to blindly invite you into my coalition because we agree that universal healthcare is good but yet you're okay with genocide occurring. It doesn't mean I necessarily have to cast you away immediately though; the short-term goal should be to debunk that harmful belief by whatever means necessary. Indeed, I am a fan of education, but education in a political sense must be in pursuit of folding the masses- who are primed to be disaffected by the status quo but, inevitably, hold harmful beliefs as a result of being forced to live in and be subservient to that status quo- into the movement. But you cannot have a successful movement that is based upon the principles of anti-genocide and anti-privatized healthcare if only a minority of the people actually believe in both!

Everyone has red lines (anyone who says they don't at all is either a liar or the Devil). Progressives simply have more of them, both in the understanding that this current world is fraught with contradictions that can be solved, and also in the pursuit of a newly-imagined world which is the hard-mode road of life to go down. Anyone can comfortably nestle themselves into conservatism and capitalism. It is the order of the day and thus requires little thought and critique. Progressives are more apt to not accept that.

Maybe don't superglue two wholly unrelated issues together and then refuse to make any progress on either unless both are perfectly solved simultaneously then, you fucking dipshit
Also, they need to support police and prison abolition.

And ending colonialism.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Plus no AI.
(02-24-2025, 06:41 PM)Jansen wrote: [Image: Screenshot-20250224-123413-Chrome.jpg]


they DO do that

it's called making porn at all

"watch this and find fulfillment this way rather than doing something productive, consoom and coom"
(02-24-2025, 05:57 PM)Vertigo wrote:

Nepenthe, post: 136208292, member: 1995 wrote:People who keep saying that they're not asking people to compromise on their core principles, but to simply just work together with people who might differ ideologically from them in some way, are not understanding that a lot of these seemingly minor ideological disagreements ultimately stem from a disagreement about core principles. These core principles, whether a result of actual safety and protection for the minorities that tend to make up progressive movements, or as a result of actually trying to define a movement's goals and not water down the messaging, lose focus, or get co-opted by people who align themselves with the status quo despite all their bawking about the contrary- that, no for realsies, they're totally trustworthy allies (so long as you always do what they say)- also do not have the luxury of being overridden or cast aside by more minor ideological unity.

I'm not going to blindly invite you into my coalition because we agree that universal healthcare is good but yet you're okay with genocide occurring. It doesn't mean I necessarily have to cast you away immediately though; the short-term goal should be to debunk that harmful belief by whatever means necessary. Indeed, I am a fan of education, but education in a political sense must be in pursuit of folding the masses- who are primed to be disaffected by the status quo but, inevitably, hold harmful beliefs as a result of being forced to live in and be subservient to that status quo- into the movement. But you cannot have a successful movement that is based upon the principles of anti-genocide and anti-privatized healthcare if only a minority of the people actually believe in both!

Everyone has red lines (anyone who says they don't at all is either a liar or the Devil). Progressives simply have more of them, both in the understanding that this current world is fraught with contradictions that can be solved, and also in the pursuit of a newly-imagined world which is the hard-mode road of life to go down. Anyone can comfortably nestle themselves into conservatism and capitalism. It is the order of the day and thus requires little thought and critique. Progressives are more apt to not accept that.

What coalition does this jackass have? How well has purity politics worked out for 'progressives' recently?

The 'left' will continue to lose whilst they pander to dolts like Nepenthe.

On my rewatch of Peep Show, I noticed Mark's quip sounds like Benji and Co. lecturing Neppy.

Quote:There are systems for a reason in this world, economic stability, interest rates, growth. It's not all a conspiracy to keep you in little boxes, all right? It's only the miracle of Consumer Capitalism that means you're not lying in your own shit, dying at 43 with rotten teeth.

Mark Corrigan

Oh you!
[Image: J7CNyCZ.png]

what do you think fellas, should I hmm
What you can instantly see on Resetera is the typical response of "I'm not going to compromise with people who literally want me dead!"
What they don't understand, or don't want to understand, is that the number of people who actually want them dead is miniscule compared to the larger population. But they declare every single one of them Nazis and then act with indignation when they don't get popular support for their politics.

I'm also not sure they understand the concept of compromises? Like achieving some of your goal surely is better than nothing?
I went looking for Nepenthe's post where she says you should never compromise but didn't find it, only found this which is close enough:
Nepenthe, wrote:Things will not get better if we continue to presume that we do not have the power to collectively enact change for each other.

The first steps are to actually educatate ourselves regarding prior revolutionary successes and doctrine around the world, and then to organize our communities within that image through things like neighborhood pods, mutual aid orgs, and small parties. And in the midst of our organization, we cannot compromise philosophically with conservatives or even liberals because they absolutely will try to drag us back to the status quo. They're personally enriched by the cruelty and thus see no need to work towards truly moral and equitable standards.

The answers to change the vile state of our country have existed for pretty much hundreds of years. We have to simply read the work, follow the advice, and be uncompromising about it. Honestly? Get off Era primarily for this kind of work because this is not and never will be a revolutionary space. It's a liberal one.
Spoiler:  (click to show)

I'll just leave this here...
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower

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