Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)

Min wrote:Scratch a male feminist and a MRA bleeds.
I've noticed amongst the several "young men trend right" threads over the past couple of days that Era seems to be falling into the same trap like they did during the elections. Instead of choosing the lesser evil between two unfavorable choices, they'll stamp their feet and declare that they won't engage with the problem, allowing the worst option (from a leftist POV) prevail unchallenged. They refused to vote for Kamala over Palestine and now they are refusing to address how the left has lost Gen Z men almost entirely. They want to tell these young men to self-reflect, "it's not my job to educate you" (I fucking hate this one), and basically "learn to be a decent human being". The problem is they have no recourse when these men decide "actually, nah I'm going to vote against you". You see Era posters engaging in the same flawed argument when forced to choose between "lead young men by the hand in hopes of getting them to see your perspective" or fucking lose the election when the majority is tired of being browbeat by perpetually angry 30 somethings. I know nobody played Telltale games but refusing to pick an option is usually the worst choice, what I don't understand is how many times do these fuckers have to lose before they realize their smug posturing doesn't work.
(03-18-2025, 07:56 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Lady Dimitrescu wrote:While I'll never accept it I just can't be bothered engaging on this forum, or anywhere really online with these idiots. Era used to feel relatively safe but it now feels like gaf did and I have a feeling that there's going to be an exodus soon. I'm part of Trans Era discord and that's great, I wonder if there's a women's discord?

Lol. There is a ree female discord. They set it up during the exodus. They voted not to allow Kyuuji and his mob of creeps in.

[Image: aR5NGQd.jpg]
(03-18-2025, 12:27 AM)Snoopy wrote:
(03-17-2025, 11:16 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Kasai wrote:I'm an openly bisexual jew living up here in NH, and I've been banging the drums to arm ourselves for a bit now.

I recently got my own handgun and have been practicing and visiting the range.

This is the time to arm ourselves, before it's too late and they take that right from us. They've already shown they're going to push and push us as far as possible, we are going to need the means to push back at some point if it keeps going this way.

Wake up Dubs. The mentally ill clowns on your forum have adopted the rhetoric of far right militias and are encouraging each other to strap up.

wdym, Dubs' own admins did this long time ago
[Image: armup.png]
(03-18-2025, 10:26 PM)Boredfrom wrote: I’m impressed that Trump doesn’t understand the shit show that a military incursion on Mexico would create. If he was really serious about combatting drug trafficking beyond Regan policies, there is a lot of other ways to pressure and help the Mexican government.
How dare you, America has a proud history of thinking it can just pop across the border real quick to handle some issue. American
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Boredfrom
(03-18-2025, 10:00 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): advocating violence
Dice wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: just-leaving-this-here-v0-usi3yvn864pc1....5b6cd037d3]
Why do these idiots think every hypothetical or real minor conflict is automatically going to escalate into World War 3? WHAT ARE THE SIDES GOING TO BE?!?

They've done this over Israel attacking Hezbollah/Iran, tariffs stupidity with Canada, posturing about Mexico, etc. in just the last six months.

Also: why in the fuck is Y2K on this? lol

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Two recessions in 40 years is beyond normal btw. Millennials have actually lived through more than two recessions if they're around 40.

Spoiler:  (click to show)

For when he deletes the above:
[Image: GisT6Hi.png]
[Image: tPcneAh.png]
[Image: wj7gtPs.png]
(03-18-2025, 08:06 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(03-18-2025, 07:56 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Lady Dimitrescu wrote:While I'll never accept it I just can't be bothered engaging on this forum, or anywhere really online with these idiots. Era used to feel relatively safe but it now feels like gaf did and I have a feeling that there's going to be an exodus soon. I'm part of Trans Era discord and that's great, I wonder if there's a women's discord?


Why would you want to join a discord full of the big meanies who didn't check up on you after you flamed out in one of your creepy pervert threads?
I just found funny how she admits that the TransEra discord has not the same vibes as a full women discord would be. Echoes does the same with his threads, I imagine that is the reason why he doesn’t particularly care if TransERA supports his threads or not, he wants the real deal.
Trans women are women so they should be in the women's discord rather than trapped on the unsafe forum full of men. It's discrimination against women and genocidal and leaves women in danger. And worse, they can't find out about the slumber parties that are being organized.

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 week): Inflammatory comparison
MR2 wrote:Gamer slang is on some bullshit, going to see someone defending it like.

"As a member of the Master Race, that's just how we talk. It was not meant in the literal way. ."

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Concern Trolling; History of the Same
immy wrote:While trump is scum.

I have always felt like zelensky is ungrateful in general

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Inflammatory Insinuation; Antagonizing Fellow Member
Graefellsom wrote:
Mammoth Jones wrote:Climb on down from that soapbox. What does that have to do with "lol just pray bro!"?

That's how we got here and I'm gonna keep bringing it up.
The don't defend child rapists soap box? that's not a soap box. Weird standards

But you do you. Keep tone policing and speaking up for a child rapist defender. A bit weird if you ask me.
It’s disgusting, transphobic and actually a hate crime. I wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t invited Nep into their little Nazi bar either

Genesius wrote:Yeah, champ, turns out if the cast majority of the population thinks you're an asshole, you're probably an asshole.
A lot of people are saying...
(03-18-2025, 02:12 PM)NekoFever wrote:
(03-18-2025, 09:28 AM)Daffy Duck wrote:
Quote:These men need to be coddled and pandered to constantly, and when it doesn't happen they act like they're victims and men are hated. No, you are hated, for being an asshole.

Era has endless threads about how shit everything is. Everything is expensive, housing is unaffordable, employment is insecure, social contract breaking down, the world is increasingly unstable, mental health in the toilet, etc. All true. Lots of people are struggling.

Then they tell men that they have it easy and should shut up and deal with it, and then are Shocked Pikachu when men, who are struggling as much as anyone else, stop listening and go where people at least pretend to listen to their problems.
I want to come back to this because of another post I saw that's expressing basically the same thing as in the quoted one here. And it's not what they're saying about men, it's what they're saying about themselves.

The assumption that you have to "coddle" someone to win their support. That to show understanding of what upsets them and offer answers in some form is coddling them. It runs further throughout in that thread that they believe the only way to win people over is to tell them everything they believe is completely correct and never challenge any of their beliefs and so on.

And you have Nepenthe and rest all like "nah, they should shut up and be better people." As if it's not possible to reach out to them and make them better people. That's completely excluded by them from the equation. Even though from a pure math standpoint they don't have to actually win a majority to deflect the issue, just lose by less. Much of that thread and similar ones never seem to understand this, they constantly talk about how "oh so women and minorities have to sacrifice" because they can only think in zero-sum manners.

There's a long known electoral calculus to Republicans regarding breaking the Black vote from being 90/10 Democrat. Republicans don't talk about this in terms of making it 50/50 because that isn't needed, the advantage to the Democrats goes away if the Republicans can get it just to 80/20. And Republicans would start flipping major blue states at 75/25. Most of that thread ignores that men were like 60/40 and so just passes over the idea of making it more like 55/45 or 50/50, instead the entire conversation starts from the premise that men are 100/0 and that it'd be impossible to get them to 0/100. Nepenthe even has a post where she decries trying to win men because she suspects they will still vote 50.1/49.9 for Republicans. Even though this would be a massive victory for the Democrats and win them far more elections. 

It's not the only problem because they also bake in an assumption that there must be a fundamental conflict between men and women/minorities so that you can't win more of the former without completely discarding the latter. They also seem to assume there's some mythical state where they can dump men from the coalition because they can somehow win 100% of women and minorities. From a people who lecture us endlessly about solidarity. This isn't just a problem for democracy and electoral politics in general, it's a much more relevant premise to an entire worldview. They see all people as groups and all groups as exploiters of all other groups. Men just happen to be on top, which means the right side of history will put them on the bottom. Nobody being oppressed is even conceived of because they work from the assumption that men are inherently inhuman evil creatures that will exploit all others. That's why the only way to win any men, except themselves being enlightened evolved beings, is to hand them women and minorities to abuse. It's all the brutes want. (Which help explains why I'm not really a man btw.)

They just have such huge problems about breaking away from the zero-sum all-or-nothing catastrophic thinking over there. Every thread is just filled to the brim with it. They launch massive attacks on anyone who pushes back against it. Every thread is about making perfect the enemy of good. A constant demand that everyone else be perfect in the poster's mind at all times, while never having any standards at all for the poster. And since this is actually impossible it's just an endless parade of condemnation for the imperfection of reality.

And then they can't figure out why they're perpetually miserable. Or rather, they know why they are: everyone else failing them all the time.
(03-19-2025, 03:10 AM)benji wrote:
(03-18-2025, 02:12 PM)NekoFever wrote:
(03-18-2025, 09:28 AM)Daffy Duck wrote:

Era has endless threads about how shit everything is. Everything is expensive, housing is unaffordable, employment is insecure, social contract breaking down, the world is increasingly unstable, mental health in the toilet, etc. All true. Lots of people are struggling.

Then they tell men that they have it easy and should shut up and deal with it, and then are Shocked Pikachu when men, who are struggling as much as anyone else, stop listening and go where people at least pretend to listen to their problems.
I want to come back to this because of another post I saw that's expressing basically the same thing as in the quoted one here. And it's not what they're saying about men, it's what they're saying about themselves.

The assumption that you have to "coddle" someone to win their support. That to show understanding of what upsets them and offer answers in some form is coddling them. It runs further throughout in that thread that they believe the only way to win people over is to tell them everything believe is correct and never challenge any of their beliefs and so on.

And you have Nepenthe and rest all like "nah, they should shut up and be better people." As if it's not possible to reach out to them and make them better people. That's completely excluded by them from the equation. Even though from a pure math standpoint they don't have to actually win a majority to deflect the issue, just lose by less. Much of that thread and similar ones never seem to understand this, they constantly talk about how "oh so women and minorities have to sacrifice" because they can only think in zero-sum manners.

There's a long known electoral calculus to Republicans regarding breaking the Black vote from being 90/10 Democrat. Republicans don't talk about this in terms of making it 50/50 because that isn't needed, the advantage to the Democrats goes away if the Republicans can get it just to 80/20. And Republicans would start flipping major blue states at 75/25. Most of that thread ignores that men were like 60/40 and so just passes over the idea of making it more like 55/45 or 50/50, instead the entire conversation starts from the premise that men are 100/0 and that it'd be impossible to get them to 0/100. Nepenthe even has a post where she decries trying to win men because she suspects they will still vote 50.1/49.9 for Republicans. Even though this would be a massive victory for the Democrats and win them far more elections.

It's not the only problem because they also bake in an assumption that there must be a fundamental conflict between men and women/minorities so that you can't win more of the former without completely discarding the latter. From a people who lecture us endlessly about solidarity. This isn't just a problem for democracy and electoral politics in general, it's a much more relevant premise to an entire worldview. They see all people as groups and all groups as exploiters of all other groups. Men just happen to be on top, which means the right side of history will put them on the bottom. Nobody being oppressed is even conceived of because they work from the assumption that men are inherently inhuman evil creatures that will exploit all others. That's why the only way to win any men, except themselves being enlightened evolved beings, is to hand them women and minorities to abuse. It's all the brutes want. (Which help explains why I'm not really a man btw.)

They just have such huge problems about breaking away from the zero-sum all-or-nothing catastrophic thinking over there. Every thread is just filled to the brim with it. They launch massive attacks on anyone who pushes back against it. Every thread is about making perfect the enemy of good. A constant demand that everyone else be perfect in the poster's mind at all times, while never having any standards at all for the poster. And since this is actually impossible it's just an endless parade of condemnation for the imperfection of reality.

And then they can't figure out why they're perpetually miserable. Or rather, they know why they are: everyone else failing them all the time.
Factually wrong. Post from your real account coward.
Wonder how many of these freedom fighters are gonna take a break when Xenoblade Chronicles X comes out on Thursday.
(03-19-2025, 03:10 AM)benji wrote:
(03-18-2025, 02:12 PM)NekoFever wrote: [quote="Daffy Duck" pid='119728' dateline='1742290134']

They just have such huge problems about breaking away from the zero-sum all-or-nothing catastrophic thinking over there. Every thread is just filled to the brim with it. They launch massive attacks on anyone who pushes back against it. 
Can't stop thinking in zero-sum terms? Trumps

They are what they hate.
(03-19-2025, 03:43 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: cum
[Image: tenor.gif]
(03-19-2025, 02:53 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Genesius wrote:Yeah, champ, turns out if the cast majority of the population thinks you're an asshole, you're probably an asshole.
A lot of people are saying...

I dunno why initially they edited the full Musk’s tweet when the full quote make him look worse. 


Neither Musk or ERA have outgrown high-school.
(03-19-2025, 04:02 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
(03-19-2025, 02:53 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Genesius wrote:Yeah, champ, turns out if the cast majority of the population thinks you're an asshole, you're probably an asshole.
A lot of people are saying...

I dunno why initially they edited the full Musk’s tweet when the full quote make him look worse. 


Neither Musk or ERA have outgrown high-school.

it's the woke mind parasites that do it to them.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, books
Gameboy Nostalgia is Fat4All's alt. It's the only explanation.
4 users liked this post: Keetongu, Taco Bell Tower, Potato, Gameboy Nostalgia
(03-19-2025, 04:14 AM)books wrote: Gameboy Nostalgia is Fat4All's alt. It's the only explanation.

ive been unbanned from Era for 10 mins and im already fucking with Dubs again
(03-18-2025, 11:15 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:The rest of the world should invade, I will help them end this fucking nightmare of stupidity.

Haha, they are so fucking retarded. 

A "global tariff" would just mean that Americans literally pay more for everything and no one else is negatively affected. If everything from everywhere costs more then the tariffs have no effect on any trading partner. 

Fucking retards man.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Keetongu, Taco Bell Tower
(03-18-2025, 11:54 PM)Jeff_at_the_laughfactory wrote: I've noticed amongst the several "young men trend right" threads over the past couple of days that Era seems to be falling into the same trap like they did during the elections. Instead of choosing the lesser evil between two unfavorable choices, they'll stamp their feet and declare that they won't engage with the problem, allowing the worst option (from a leftist POV) prevail unchallenged. They refused to vote for Kamala over Palestine and now they are refusing to address how the left has lost Gen Z men almost entirely. They want to tell these young men to self-reflect, "it's not my job to educate you" (I fucking hate this one), and basically "learn to be a decent human being". The problem is they have no recourse when these men decide "actually, nah I'm going to vote against you". You see Era posters engaging in the same flawed argument when forced to choose between "lead young men by the hand in hopes of getting them to see your perspective" or fucking lose the election when the majority is tired of being browbeat by perpetually angry 30 somethings. I know nobody played Telltale games but refusing to pick an option is usually the worst choice, what I don't understand is how many times do these fuckers have to lose before they realize their smug posturing doesn't work.

The entire fragile world view is built upon countless lies and half truths. Allow one position to get scrutinized, it raises doubts on every other. Basic cult shit. The ability to reason and compromise and evaluate and learn isn’t there. She-Hulk has to be good. Because if it’s not, maybe we’re also wrong about everything from Jussie to Joanne.
(03-19-2025, 02:13 AM)Boredfrom wrote: I just found funny how she admits that the TransEra discord has not the same vibes as a full women discord would be. Echoes does the same with his threads, I imagine that is the reason why he doesn’t particularly care if TransERA supports his threads or not, he wants the real deal.

If trans women won't suck trans cock then why should the real women?
3 users liked this post: Keetongu, Taco Bell Tower, Bootsthecat


Pls, no… don’t use Tv dramas as didactic tool. It doesn’t work in the way you want it to.
Seems like even Radiohead has a path to cancellation at ERA. They might cancel Godspeed You Black Emperor at some point too. 

As a side note I did buy tickets to The Beta Band's reunion tour. I am fucking stoked about that.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, ClothedMac

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